Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Importance of Finishing Strong

Whether it is in a race or in life it is important to finish strong. We see how examples like terry fox, a man who ran cross country with a prosthetic leg to raise money for cancer research. Another example is Jacob from the Bible, and his story of when he betrayed his brother, but after many years returned to his brother to apologize for what he had done. A final example is how you have certain relationships with people that start off terrible, but over time things get better and it ends well. All these examples point to that fact that finishing strong can be a difficult part of our lives.

One part of finishing strong is doing it on your own. An important thing you need to finish strong on your own is determination. Without determination you will simply lose the strength to continue on, and abandon your goals. You will notice the type of people that seem like they can go all the way at first, but when they arrive at the difficult part of the situation, they seem to lose all their strength and give up; these people lack determination. Another important thing you need to have is the proper physical capabilities. No matter how much determination or dedication someone has, if they cannot physically perform the task, they will not be able to do it. Being physically prepared to encounter hard situations is incredibly important; our physical bodies are what let us interact with the world, to put our ideas and ambitions into actions, which ultimately aid us in finishing strong. A final important thing you need is the proper mental capabilities. Mental capabilities affect many events in life. An example is if you were going for your driver’s test to get your license, if you are not prepared mentally for the exam, you will fail and not receive your license. Another example is if you were taking a class on cooking, but had forgotten your recipes, in this case you would also fail. Without being mentally prepared for challenges, you will lack the knowledge needed in order to complete the presented tasks.

A second part of finishing strong is with the help of another. One of the tasks of getting help from another to finish strong is the sacrifice of your pride. For example, if a man was running a race but could not go any further on his own, and his friend offered to help him finish, that young man would have to sacrifice some of his pride in order to finish strong. Pride is often hard to let go of since it is so deeply rooted in our conscious minds, but it can be a burden when attempting to finish strong. Another one of the tasks is actually having someone who’s willing to help you complete the task. This is more of a preparation task, if you refuse to have interpersonal relationships with people, there will be no one there to help you finish when you need it most. Whether the situations is a lack in physical capabilities or mental capabilities, even with the help of another, as long as you gave it your all it is still considered to be finishing strong. The final and maybe most important task is gratitude. When getting help from someone after being incapable of finishing on your own, gratitude is extremely crucial. For instance, if you are studying for a test but cannot seem to remember one question and no matter what you do you keep forgetting. Then comes along your friend and teaches you a method on how to study efficiently and you ace the test. Without gratitude towards the one that helped you it shouldn’t be considered finishing strong at all, because it would be a selfish act and to most people would not be considered honorable.

The final part of finishing strong is helping someone else finish strong. One of the things to recognize is when to help. This can sometimes be difficult because it’s not always clear if the right thing to do is to help, especially when you don’t know the entire situation. Normally if you have some form of the relationship with that friend, you’ll know when they have reached their limits and need help. Another one of the things to recognize is when not to help. Knowing when not to help is equally as important as knowing when to help. For example, if your friend was attempting to run a race and hurt their leg but could still limp, if you helped him in that situation you might crush his hope and make him feel weak. Another example is if you had a sibling who had an important test coming up, if they spent most of their lives letting others do the work for them, then helping them complete the task will only feed their laziness, and lack of determination.

Finishing strong is an important factor of life no matter which of these methods that were discussed. Many will agree that it is not who you were before you died, but what you accomplished before you died. It does not have anything to do with getting lucky; it has to do with determination, dedication, and completing your goal by giving your best effort in every way. There will always be those who finish strong and those who give up along the way, but no matter which path a person chooses, the rest of the world will always feel the effect of both groups.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Witnessing to rober

Here's a video of an old woman in her 90's, protecting herself from a robber threatening her life. She didn't use any physical force or any kind of "hypnosis" to stop this criminal, but juts her words. She just talked about what she believed in, her Christianity. I wonder what was going through the mind of the criminal when these words came out from her mouth.

What we have here is a robber who is emotionally unstable; he probably needed the money for an urgent situation, basing that assumption that even though he no longer demanded money from her by the end of their conversation, he took it anyway. I think if he wanted to spend his money on whiskey or whatever else that is unnecessary, he would not have accepted her money and the end of their deep conversation. He also had a religious past, probably from his parents and he gave up on the church either for small periods of time and he was suffering from an addiction, or he had given up on the church permanently for his own reasons.

He was a hurting man on the inside, that's why when she starting talking to him about Christianity, of which the main theme is "love", he was deeply interested in what she was saying and forgot about his main objective when he entered the car. He got distracted and was surprised by the word's of this old lady who didn't seem scared at all, she had such confidence that "Jesus" was in that car with her. Painful memories probably rushed back to his head when she said that, and how she said it with such faith.

I still think this criminal should be punished though for threatening this old lady however, if she was not calm like she was, she could have suffered a heart attack or a stroke. Elderly people are extremely sensitive when it comes to high blood temperatures rising quickly due to nervousness, or fear. If he would have frightened her too badly he would have not only been a thief, but a murderer. He should be thankful that this lady has such confidence in her religion that she did not fear death, and was merciful enough to evangelize to him.

Most crimes are committed by people who think they have "no choice" but to do it. They have such an addiction that they cannot control their urges and will find money in the most desperate of situations. He was probably acting impulsively and was thinking "This is the only time I will do this" based on his character from being so easily convinced by an old lady. What a fragile and emotionally hurt mind this man had.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Blackmail-David Letterman

Blackmail-is it really an effective way to get what you want? Is it worth the price of the pain in can cause to others, and the trouble you can get yourself into? People use other peoples fear to their advantage. Some people are so afraid of other people knowing there "darkest" secrets that they're willing to do anything to keep those secrets from being shared.

There are different views of blackmailing, what’s going on inside the mind of the person black mailing, and what's going on inside the mind of the person being blackmailed. Most of us have been blackmailed at least once in our life, and most of us have at least thought about blackmailing someone, maybe you were in a place of anger and were just acting impulsively. When we see a case of blackmail, we always try to see what has the blackmailer done wrong so that he can be punished, and how greatly is the blackmail victim being affected?

Normally if you've ever thought of blackmailing someone, you were probably being impulsive and were maybe scared, nervous, maybe you were in a deep place of need and couldn't think of any other way to get what you need. You know yourself that you have dark secrets which you don't want anyone else to know, and you use this to point it in the direction of other people's dark secrets, because you know how much it can scare them. Whether you think you're doing something wrong or not, you know it's not natural to manipulate someone in that way, in order to get something from them.

Being the victim of blackmail can be frightening. You have two choices during these situations, you can either meet the blackmailers demands which usually cost you something you don't want to give away, or you can deny their demands and "face the music" when they decide to tell everyone what they threatened you with. Of course there are the cases when the court gets involved and the blackmail victim is saved and there's nothing to worry about. Those situations we rarely experience in real life however, most of the time we're blackmailed with small things that are too small to make a court case about it thus leaving it between the two people to work out.

In the end it comes up to how much you value the secrecy of those "dark things" you don't want anyone to know, are you willing to let people find out in order to stand your ground? Will you be pushed around because of the fear of being found out for what you really are? We all make different decisions, but it' normal to feel afraid about it no matter what decision you choose.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Forever and ever song

Today's blog shows an interesting video about a song called "forever and ever". Here is what I think about it.

At first it was pretty unclear what the message behind this video was, it seemed a bit random, like it didn't have any relation to the lyrics at all, and was purely meant for entertainment. That is possible however, some music videos are only meant to be entertaining to the eye while you listen to the audio, this could possibly be the case. Perhaps they just made a funny video of the band joking around and decided to put this song to it, but to me that's unlikely.

Seeing as it's a Christian band, if I had to interpret this, I would say the band is saying that their worship music is not greatly appreciated by the world. When they play their music about "God's love" the world will fight back because they do not agree, and try to get rid of them. Despite the world's efforts to put a stop to their music however, the band keeps playing their music because it's what they believe.

I'm not sure what exactly happens when that atom-shaped object appears. Do they get super powers from this object? Anyways, my interpretation for that would be, since they kept on playing their music for God despite the world's efforts to stop them, they were rewarded from strength with something they could not describe. These powers each amplified the strengths of each person, who had their own "calling from God." That's what the different instruments could represent, God's separate callings for his people, we do not all play the same instrument.

Overall it could have been a good video to think about, but I still do not think they made a very good choice for the song, the song has to relate to the video in some way, and in this case it did not really. They should of made a song about continuing to sing their worship music despite the world's opinion on it.

Monday, September 28, 2009

What is love

Today's blog shows a video on the "worlds" view of love from the perspective of a christian. I do agree that a lot of people confuse love with infatuation and lust but I do think there are people who are not Christians who have experienced real love.

Most people get excited when they first meet someone they like, and they get infatuated, they almost "love" them for no reason at all, just because they want to experience love. Some people aren't patient enough to wait for a strong connection of love, and want it right away. They feel the need to be with someone, to have that strong connection that is advertised so much around them. Some people also just don't want to be alone.

One of the other main things that get's confused with love is lust. People can get extremely physically attracted to someone, to the point when they think it's more than just a physical attraction, the only time they find out it's only lust is once they get bored of that person, and want to find someone more physically attractive. People like to be pleased, they'll pay big money just to be pleased. Some people base their entire lives around being pleased. I don't consider physical attributes about a person as important as personality, and mental attributes.

People in today's world want things right away, and they want it fast, they don't want to have to wait. Most of the time whenever I see people "in love" they normally end up fighting and ending their relationship anyways. Without even exaggerating, 50% of marriages I've seen have ended in some way. I think that if someone wants to find love they're going to have to be patient, they're going to have to be committed, they're going to have to work at it, and they're going to have to be able to feel it.

I don't think I've experienced love yet, but I don't doubt that if I find someone and create a bond with them and it grows to the point where I consider them more important that myself, then I'll experience love. Right now I don't really understand love like people say, or even some other emotions people talk about, but I'm sure one day I'll understand.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Today's blog shows a video of kids being given a marshmallow and they are tempted to eat it, but they are told if they wait for a certain period of time, they will be rewarded another marshmallow. This has a few christian principles behind it, the main one I see is the idea of temptation, and how you'll be rewarded if you resist it, instead of giving into it. Some of the kid's waited, some tried to compromise and "play" around with the marshmallows, one of the actually just ate the marshmallow right away.

Those who waited got their second marshmallow, just as the bible say's that those who follow God's commands, be patient for the fulfillment of his promises, and stay faithful. They looked satisfied with their marshmallows. Those who nibbled at them, are like the Christians who tried to make deals with God, instead of jut following what he said, and most of the kid's actually did that. Then there are those that are not patient for the fulfillment of promises, and just "eat the marshmallow" right away instead of waiting for a second one.

Personally I wouldn't of ate the marshmallow at all, there not in my list of liked foods. If I was being tested on patience, it would actually depend on what I was holding on the line, and what I would be given for waiting. I would have to compare them and analyze the situation, some things juts aren't worth waiting for to me, while others I would wait a long time for. If I was going to eat the marshmallow or wait 10 minutes for another one, I would eat it right away, 10 minutes of waiting for another marshmallow is too much time for me, I could be out of there in 30seconds and have had one marshmallow. Instead of waiting for 10 minutes, but then again it depends on how "marshmallow" is interpreted into you on a personal level.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Love video

Today's blog is a video on love from a Christians perspective. I agree with him for the most part of the video. I believe love is priceless, and that it's getting to the point where you would lay down your life for someone. When he starts saying laying down your life for your enemies however, it's a different idea of love from what I'm thinking. He's looking at it from more of a you showing love to everyone, when I'm thinking of aiming love at certain people.

I find if you love someone, or someone loves you it means more because they don't just love everyone, it makes you unique out of everyone else, makes you feel wanted. I would definitely not love an enemy of love, much less lay down my life for them. If I love someone it's because they deserve it, and its not just a thing I would say about anyone, it's extremely rare for me. Though I don't revolve my life around love, I do consider it to be important.

Like I said before he was looking at it from more of a point of view like, "This is what BEING love is". Since God is love, then people who believe in him should act the same, which is why I understand where he's coming from. I'm sure every christian want's to be his best for God, being Christlike. Being Christlike involves loving everyone, even if they despise you.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Blessed be your name video

Today's blog show's a video similar to yesterday, people showing how they conquered things in their lives, and still have a love for their God after everything that's happened. Personally I don't think it's a useful way to use your feelings to love someone when you lost your job and can't find work anymore, I mean I can understand why he still loves his God, because his God loved him in a perfect way so it's natural for him to love his God back, not in the same amount, but loves him as much as he possibly can.

I think it's a lot easier to love you're God when things are going good, because it's like going into a warm bath, it's easy to accept. While saying you still love you're God when you're life is doing done the drain is a much tougher task, compared to my other example this would be like going into a cold bath. I guess if you love God enough you'll forgive him no matter what happens in your life, as he forgives you for everything you do. Like I said it seems kind of like a waste of time to me, I'm not really into wasting time I always try to be doing something effective.

If I did believe in God though and my objectives and goals for this life were past the world, then I would probably love God just as much as any of those people in the video, because it would be my main priority. I've yet to see some real evidence that there is a God so, I don't want to waste my time working on something that I don't even know is real or not. To a christian it would be like, doing things of the world that only have "world rewards" is nothing to them, it doesn't go with their main purpose, so they're not going to waste time on it.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sept 21, 2009 blog

Today's blog shows a video of people showing their past mistakes and tragedies, and how they trusted in God to fulfill the promises in the bible, and put their hearts and minds at rest and whatever else he promised. Most of them had really big tragic incidents, suicide of a son, death of child, etc. Some of them weren't as big of a deal, but still important to the individual I guess.

It's good to be able to let get of things sometimes. Some people drown in their own sorrow because they can't let go of the past. So I would say this was successful in making people happier in generally themselves. It was successful because the people had been able to forgive whatever had happened in the past, and that was God's purpose I'm sure. I'm glad these people found themselves a way to cope with things of the past.

The most dramatic moment for me was probably the suicide of son moment. General death doesn't effect me as much as suicide does. Suicide is something that if happened to someone close to me, I would probably be in a very dark place in my life for a long time. Just the thought of them being so depressed to take their own life, makes you feel kind of like there was nothing you could have done to help them. I'm sure it was hard for that mother to go up there and admit that, but I'm sure she feels better about it now.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Social media

Today's blog shows a video on someones opinion on social media, and how it's more than a fad. If it were possibly I would agree 115%. I think it's much more than just a fad, it's the way we communicate now, paper companies are slowly going out of business. If it were just a fad, people would have been getting over it, instead of it growing, like it most definitely is.

Social networking is juts the simplest thing to do these days, I mean it takes you like what around 15 minutes to find out everything that's on the news, possibly even less. No more waiting to get the newspapers, information is just a click away, how can people resist that? I think some of the things we value most is time, and knowledge. Internet provides pros for both of these variables, you spend less time learning more information, it's a plus plus situation. If someone were to deny social networking and kept to traditional ways, they're probably just the kind of people to dislike change.

Whether those few people go with it or not, the world is still moving with the internet now. People interact more online than they do in real life now, with face book for example, window's live messenger is also another one. It's all advancing so fast, thinking back to when I had an "apple" computer that only had green icons on it, and I don't even think it had a mouse, one of the first computers. When dial up came out and everyone was amazed by internet. These day's if the Internets going anything under 6mbs we get frustrated at it. Social networking is getting faster, and more mobile. Pretty soon maybe we'll be talking to people 24/7.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Today's blog shows a video of a band playing a song called "Hero". This is one of those songs, like many others, that it's up to you to decide to what this song's meaning behind it is. It can be differently in so many different ways. It really all depends on what the person values.

For me this video up to the point where they said"A hero living inside of me" I thought it was talking about our societies heroes, the policemen, firemen, doctors, the men and women in the war. People that spend their lives helping others in tremendous ways.I mean everyone helps out others in some form during their jobs, but there are a particular group of people which are literally there to serve and protect.

When they said the line" A hero living inside of me", I personally thought maybe they were talking about when you do something you thought you would of never been able to do, whether it have been because of adrenaline, or a loved one was in danger, I don't know it could be for a number of reasons. I know enough about Christianity that the people in this video, since they are a christian band, we're referring to Jesus being they're hero. A hero isn't afraid to die, they said something like that, that also increased my guess that they were referring to Jesus as their "hero".

This video communicates "a" message effectively, but I don't know if it's "the" message they wanted to send out, but I can't read the band members minds.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Blog September 16, 2009

Today's blog shows a video of how a pastor says how the things are given to us in the world to show we don't need them. I agree to a point but, like I previously discussed in a class, the more money you have, the more "necessities" you have in today's society. I can understand that what he's saying is don't rely on material items for your entire life. It kind of sounds like a smoker saying, I smoke to prove that I don't need it, because I only smoke sometimes.

Whether he uses that money that is provided to him by "God" for his own selfish purposes or for the better of other people, he still needs it to do those things. Churches need money, maybe not in heaven or wherever, but on the earth, in this country, today...money IS what makes the world go round, well it's one of the main factors in it. It's only so important BECAUSE people want it, if no one considered money important like he says in this video, it would through society off, the farmers wouldn't make food for others, public transportation systems would stop, everyone would stop working because why do we work, for money that is. Money is overused a lot of the time, but I find that it's a genius creation to make other people to things for others. It's just paper, without how important people considered it, it would be worth next to nothing

So when I see someone saying things like money, houses, cars, etc you don't need, it's true you don't need..but it's kind of like juts wanting to be a rebel for society, but this guy obviously has other reasons in mind. If he didn't have any money, he wouldn't of made that video, if christian charities don't have money, they can't help others. If you think about it no matter how selfish you are, as long as you participate in working, gaining money, and spending it, you're cooperating with the whole system, and ultimately helping others. If you're incapable of gaining a career because you didn't study enough in school, or maybe money is the problem, or who knows, then you get a less-paying job, we can't all get the high paying jobs, but even the people who are maybe company executives, or lawyers, still need people to make their food, build there houses, etc. Well at least that how it works in today's world, it could work otherwise, but to me there's no point in imagining how it works any other way, because that doesn't train me for the future.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Blog sept 15, 2009

I don't really believe in a "God" at all so naturally I don't believe that "God" is healing anybody. I'm not really sure how to get into more detail into that, it's just how it is. I'm glad that this little girl survived however, despite my beliefs.

I believe that this girl is lucky to still be alive, I'm just not sure about all the other christian families with babies that have leukemia and they're children don't get cured. I don't know the statistics on that, but I'm pretty certain that not every christian family with a child with leukemia was cured. It's said every bad thing is for the better in the end, but some things just don't make sense, like I don't understand how 6 million Jews being killed, through into stoves and camps, is going to work out for good. Even if it did, that's a really big price. I think it's just a way on how you look at it; it's like shooting tennis balls out of a tennis ball gun at a wall with one small hole, a bit bigger than the size of one of the balls, at random. Not all the balls get through, but it's possible they could.

I don't think any of us can say for sure what they would be doing if they were going to die from a fatal disease, unless you already have one. Knowing how much time you have left, when your going to die, would throw off your life completely. You might be trying to fit in as much as you can between that time. Spending it with loved ones as much as possible, looking into your life insurance. I think we can make a basic plan, but I doubt we'll do exactly that when we know that we'll be dying soon.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Three new things

Today's blog asks about three new things I learned this week. One thing I learned is that getting started, is probably the hardest part of the year in school, your trying to get organized, getting a routine started, and your not used to working so much. For students and teachers this goes for, students because they are used to not working all summer, and teachers work hard to get all the things organized for the students, but it's not the same during the summer.

Another thing I learned is that if you don't have your textbook for an online math class that uses that text book EVERY DAY, you're going to fall behind, and it's going to be very difficult to follow along with what shes saying, falling further and further behind. Same thing goes for our graphic calculators, this weekends homework is practicing our skills with the graphic calculator, and Tuesday is a review, we're only getting the textbooks Monday, which gives us one day to "study" everything properly.

Also I guess another thing is that you should probably check with the company if you're ordering something from the same city and it hasn't arrived in a week, but at least we're actually getting them on Monday. I learned that trying to acquire proper, readable scanned pages online and have them printed properly, is a very hard task, and takes up a lot of time. It also increases the amount of time you spend on a subject by at least 50%. The first while in school is always the hardest I find.

Heaven is the face

Today I listened to a song that a man wrote, whose daughter got killed in a car accident by his son in his own driveway. It's a very sad thing to lose someone close to you, when someone old dies of age it hurts but, not as much as when a child who hasn't even fully experienced life yet dies at such a young age. So many things she would have missed in her life. Especially for the father and mother of that child.

It's good the father at least had confidence that his daughter was with God, if he didn't have that who knows where his life would have went. Some people can be pretty devastated at the death of their own child at such a young age. I think he's lucky to be a christian in this situation. Having a confidence that when someone dies, they are still alive somewhere, can be a really comforting thought. Some people juts can't handle the fact that someone close to them is gone.

A lot of people deal with death in a lot of different ways. Some people go into depression, sometimes even suicide. Some people juts can't emotionally handle it and their brain just...shuts down. Most of the time it's in very negative ways people deal with it, you're not really concerned about being an optimist in this type of situation. For him it was writing a song, which is a good way of dealing with it, sometimes song is the most creative way to express your inner thoughts.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Christian death metal?

At first I thought it was a serious video and a serious band, I thought it was the most ridiculous video I have ever seen lol. I get how it could be funny though, and it is funny. People are always trying to combine different types of music, it's not just christian music added to other types. Metal is being added to rock and rop, and hip-hop, country songs were combined with rock songs, it's just being creative.

No matter how much you change a song it's almost never better than the original. There are some cases however where a cover a song, made in into the band's own interpretation of it, has turned out in fact, better than the original. I do not know much about worship songs, so I don't know about in that case, but I know for a lot of other songs it has been like that.

I do think you could make a christian band that doesn't have to sound like worship songs however, they would still be a worship song in some form of course, but with a different sound. Different music, same meaning in words. I really find it kind of against what I've learned from this school about the bible, grouping people in like that, saying the music has to be a certain way, use certain instruments, be a certain pace. It just seems like conformity to me, I mean there has to be some form of conformity, but it has to have a least a little room to be yourself, you can't be the EXACT same as everyone else.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"God's creation"

In a christian perspective; I find it was effective on conveying the message, most messages are best conveyed by talking about yourself. The best kind of ways to teach people are with stories, in the bible it says Jesus was a story teller. If you try to tell people directions in where to go directly, they might juts block out whatever you're trying to say to them. That's why its best if you just let relate themselves to your specific situation in which you are telling.
The message of this video, is that God created all people in a perfect image, so you could not be "garbage" per se. It gives encouragement to knowing that you're never not worth anything, and you're always important, even if it's in a different way from everybody else.
It also was showing that even though God placed faults in your life, those faults are only there to help you grow. He allowed us to make the choice in order for us to be able to be fixed, and truly learn our lessons. We would need to be in the imagine of God's son, Jesus; who is also himself, in order to enter his kingdom and join him for an eternity.

Friday, September 4, 2009


I know of several reasons why we laugh, some people laugh to cope with the hardships in there life. For example, a comedian who is overweight, may go on stage and joke about it. Some comedians have started it as a career to deal with their physical disabilities. Most of the time laughter happens because we find something ironic, or we may have made a big deal out of something a long time ago, and when we think back at it we see it from a different point of view which gives you a different opinion.
Sometimes it's important to laugh, and others it is not. It is important to laugh to socialize, if you do not laugh, you might give off the impression that you're like the Grinch or something, and you're serious all the time. Laughing is a great medicine, whenever you're bored, depressed, stressed, or anything laughing can help it greatly, and this has been psychologically proven. Making people laugh will make them feel more secure around you. Laughing makes friends, and is one of the main things people do when they have fun.
With enough respect to pastor Paul's opinion, I personally don't believe in "God". If there was though, I would imagine he would of made laughter because of the paragraph I just wrote, for all those reasons at least. You wouldn't want to go through life in a serious manner all the time, he would want us to enjoy life. I think that in heaven there would be a lot of laughing, since laughing makes people happy, and I'm sure he wants people to be happy, since he loves us and all.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ceiling Fan

Today's blog was on a comedy video that was about an older brother end up hurting his brother, with also his little brothers fault, and his father punishing them. It was really funny how what happened, I laughed quiet a bit. I find it interesting how this is based on a bible verse though, I was not thinking of that at all when I was watching the video, I was distracted by what he was saying.

One thing I can remember that I did that was mean to my little brother was when I was playing with him, I accidentally dropped him and he broke his shoulder I think it was. I was surprised because it had happened really fast, and I didn't realize that his shoulder was actually broken until he had gone to the hospital and come back. I was carrying him around on my shoulder, and I put him down for a bit, then I was going to pick him back up, but I lifted him up to far and he squiggled around or something and he went right past me and fell on the floor.

I felt bad at the time because I did it by accident, I was hoping there was no permanent damage to his arm, and that it would heal quickly. I don't play with him that much anymore, like in that way at least. Well now he can think of the first bone he broke was then, which isn't the best, but it could be a pretty funny story I guess. We've all done things to people we regret however, so I've moved on from that.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sept 2, 2009

Today's blog is on the video of a man who wrote the song, "It is well, with my soul." He had all his investments burned in the great Chicago fire. I would have been devastated if I had invested all my money in a life long savings and to have it all burned away in a fire, it would practically be my life gone down the drain.
It was also a tragedy how he lost his 5 children, I do not know how it would of felt to experience that since I do not have children. I do not blame him and his wife for mourning for their children's death. I also find it honorablle how they continued on with their work depite what they had been through.
They must have had a lot of faith in what htey believed that, I'm glad that in the world today when tragedies happen, we can each find something for us to continue going. I really hope my life doesn't turn out this bad, but I do not expect it to be perfect

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

World without cellphones

Well first off we have to consider that the worlds technology has gone mobile, we no longer have to wait to get home to check something online, we don't even need a laptop anymore, everything we need for connection is becoming available in hand held objects, cellphones. Now Personally I think that especially the businesses would be in a mess for a little bit, considering all the cellphone use they do, talking to clients, or the manager messaging orders to his employees. It would be like a train stopping in the middle of its travel, but it would start up again, we still have social networking so it wouldn't be the worst. I think teens would be pissed, and probably their own social lives would be not in order considering they can't talk to their friends 24/7. I personally don't use a cellphone so it wouldn't really be a problem for me, but if I did have one, I would most definitely be using it a lot. I would probably be a little lost for a while. But the world is very good at getting back up from disasters and coming back stronger, so I'm sure we would find some other way to make mobile connections, I'm sure in the future they're won't be cellphones at all, technology is getting smaller and smaller.

Monday, August 31, 2009


Today's blog requires us to write about some kind of adventure-type activity we took part in over the summer. The only really big thing I did this summer that I can think of at the moment was going to my cousins house in Ontario. It wasn't a very long drive to get there, maybe 2 hours, but it still felt long. I hadn't been there in a while, so I had mostly forgotten what there house was like.
Most of the weekend I spent there, I was normally juts on my cousins computer, there isn't much to do there when it's mostly adults, or we played rock band or something. One thing we did do that I enjoyed though was go-karting. I had never gone go-karting before and it was an exciting first experience, I got 7th place. It was a lot different than I thought it would be, it was freaky turning those sharp corners when there was 7 go karts about to turn in front and behind you. I think in total there were about 30 drivers. Going at the top speed in the go-kart is a lot faster than you would think juts from seeing it, but it's a really good adrenaline rush. I almost crashed twice, but didn't have any real accidents.
One of the cons though is that it was quite expensive, it was 17$ for 10 minutes, which in my opinion is definitely not enough, but I really wanted to go go-karting. It was my first real race in some kind of vehicle, and it was the highlight of my weekend. I hope next time I go I can experience it again, or even somewhere else.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Man who stopped line of tanks

Today's video showed a video of a man laying down his life in order to do stop the tanks, he probably believed they're shouldn't be war. He stood in front of those tanks in Tienanmen square, his identity is still unknown. I'm not sure what I would die for, there isn't much that I would die for. I guess if I had a family I would die for them, but I don't at the moment so I'm not sure if there is anything I would die for. I mean I think I would like my chance to experience life before it's over and it's like I didn't even exist. We say we would die for things, but if we were faced with that choice and had to make a decision in seconds, would we really lay down our lives? Is it really normally to have to spend hours upon hours deciding to lay down your life for something you already said you would die for? If you say you would die for something, and you had to die for them, then why would you not be able to do it in a matter of seconds, with barely any thought?

Monday, June 8, 2009

Laughing With

I think the video performance was really good and interesting, and she had a very lovely voice. I don't really get what the point of the lyrics are though, your not laughing at unicorns in the hospital or in a war, but if nothing big is going on then they do. My interpretation could be that there is a time for everything, sometimes its okay to have fun, but others it's time to get serious, there's time for work and there's time for play. I get her point though, that we shouldn't laugh at god at all, but we don't really seem to care as much when we're juts fooling around at a party, as opposed to being in a position of great struggle.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Sesame Street

Today's blog shows a video from the early 70's, a sesame street music video. Sesame street if I can recall was never really a big thing for me, even as a child, I don't think I used to like people dressed in costumes, I preferred cartoons. I think the secret to their success is they probably juts caught on with the people, maybe it's the fact they incorporated un-real characters into real life, like a 6 foot pigeon. I always feel weird watching something I watched in the past, or even visiting a place I've been in the past, it just feels so much more different, because you have a memory of what it's like in your head, but your mind is a lot different from how it was as a child, so seeing this sesame street makes it look a lot more old than it did back then, because of the way technology is advancing.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Today's blog shows a video about a guy talking about how gossip can be hurtful. I personally think this guy's video are really boring, Sunday school stuff that we all learned as kids. He doesn't even have his own perspective on it, he just says what everyone else says, "we have to watch what comes out of our mouths" like we didn't know that already. We've already got plenty of information saying how things like gossip is bad, another guy on his video account on the internet posting videos without showing his face juts doesn't make much of an impact on me, I don't know about others. If we justified his opinion, and made came up with a fact about it, or even a metaphor it would have been better in my opinion.

Monday, June 1, 2009

It's not over

Today's blog talks about how things are not over even when they're over. I didn't really get much of an impact on my life from this video. Obviously if you think something's over, and you were wrong and it continues on, then you were wrong and it's not over. What's the big deal about being wrong about an assumption? I think that the football game would have gone on differently if they thought that he would score a touchdown in the remaining 4 seconds though, they were most likely off guard. Maybe if that family didn't separate for a bit, they wouldn't of gotten the break they needed, and the changes they needed to make with their lives. I think sometimes it's necessary to go through hard times, in order for you to get to the good times.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

two finger pianist

Today's blog shows a video about a Korean pianist who stands around 1 meter tall, and only has 2 fingers. I was really shocked when I saw her hands and legs, and how she's still able to play piano like that. I think by her disability, and her desire to play, they complimented her to push further, unlike us who have nothing wrong with our learning abilities, and get bored because it's too easy, for her it was a challenge and that probably kept her going, so she could prove against the odds that were put against her. It was probably hard growing up for her, it's hard enough that a kid with glasses and a hat that looks kind of gay, is pushed around. It was probably really hard for her to start off, I wonder why she chose one of the instruments that require one of the fastest finger movements, maybe it challenged her who knows? I think we should look at this and consider how lucky we are, and maybe stop being so lazy in learning new things.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Song title

Today's blog shows a video of a girl singing a song which she has not named yet, and asks us to think of a title for the song. I think the song should be called naturally, everyone else will probably say the same thing, normally the song title is mentioned in the chorus, especially if it's sounded out by itself. She probably came up with the chorus while thinking for lyrics, on the spot sort of, she might have just been joking around and came up with this idea for the lyrics. Some of the best lyrics in songs, just come naturally as you write them, they just flow out of your mind, and into the form of words on paper. Sometimes people try hard to write poetry, or lyrics, or music. You should just have fun while doing it and speak your mind, for others to hear and interpret it in a way that can relate to themselves.

Friday, May 22, 2009

new kitchen appliances

I think my personal favorite out of the 9 of them, is probably the first one they showed, the "sook". A lot of the time I find myself hungry but with nothing to eat, there's normally ingredients to cook things with around, but I don't know how to cook many things, or what I can make with what foods. If I had the sook and if I was hungry and in this situation, I could just program the ingredients which I liked into the machine,and it would come up with a whole bunch of recipes and it would fix my problem. I also like the laundry basket which is also a washer, I have no idea how it would wash though, it looks like a very small basket, definitely smaller than most washing machines.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cat yodelling

Today's blog talks about "cat yodeling" where you slightly shake a cat as it meow's to created a yodel affect. I've already done this to cat's before, it's pretty funny. Cat yodeling could...change the world. Wars would end, hunger would be fixed in all countries, and more hats would be made. We could have a profession of cat yodeling, and competitions, and make loads of money off of it, and bring entertainment to the entire world. Cat yodeling should not only be kept in North America, it's joy and amazement should be brought to countries all over the world. Maybe if we cat yodeled for long enough, it would lead to finding the cure of cancer, cat yodeling can do many things not even possibly imaginably by the human mind, it's juts so much to comprehend if you tried, you're brain would probably explode from pure awesomeness.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Blog for wednesday

I think that if you just watch this video about this situation, you’ll agree with the Farnans, but instead of just watching the video from this website, I thought maybe I should read a little more about this first, and state my opinion. If a Christian teacher had said that evolution is an unproven atheistic mindset people would be up in arms. We should not discriminate between inappropriate absolutist comments on belief/non-belief in a public school class room regardless if they are made by an atheist teacher or a religious one. Just because you don’t like the opinion of the teacher, I really don’t think you should sue a teacher because you don’t like they’re opinions. Also Dr. Corbett’s classes have very high pass rate, with 80% of the American population stating themselves as, “Christian” I think he wasn’t the only one of them in his class, if he didn’t like what he was hearing, or felt like his teacher was disallowing him to learn, he could have just switched teachers or changed to a different course.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Suspension for dancing

Today's blog talks about a principal of a christian school who suspended his student for going to a prom, which was out of school time. I don't think the school should get involved with the personal life, school rules are for school, and school only. Also if he wanted to make a christian impact on the young boy I doubt suspending him for going to a dance will help at all, he probably got made at the principal and since the principal say's he's a christian, he might of developed a resentment to Christians all together. That's what we do, we stereotype, we take one person and say they're like every other one of them that have the same label. Now we can either look at this as wrong, as other people do not describe the personality of an individual, or we can say it's necessary to stereotype for their protection, because even though it's not true that EVERY of them is that way, the majority of them are.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Famous twitter followers

I wouldn't change my opinions on twitter if someone famous I admired was following, to me that's pretty pathetic that would have to pretend to be someone else to impress someone, it's juts saying that you're not good enough yourself. If you wanted to make an impression on someone, make your opinion strongly based on what you think, that's what would impress me at least, not worrying about what someone else thinks, even if they're could be consequences for your statements. If you can't impress someone then who cares really, all that matters is your being yourself, we have enough people juts following a crowd anyway, we don't need any more.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

We generally look at the negative things leaders do, but not only leaders, but basically the world. The media chooses to show the negative parts of the world in order to keep people afraid. When they show Arabians, they normally will show some kind of crazy Arab screaming ”ALA”, when they’re are in fact A LOT of normal Arab’s who act just like the rest of the world. If people were only hearing about how good the world was doing, “oh john today got a promotion in his job, a small dog saved a cat from danger, and the Jefferson’s are now back on TV” people would get bored extremely fast and stop watching the news, but if people are afraid they’ll keep consuming to make sure they’re “safe” when the chaos of paranoia itself is probably causing more damage to the public than the actual threat. Some people express appreciation, but the majority of people prefer to put the blame on someone else, it's easier that way. I don't think there's anything we can do to change this, because we would have to change people's minds.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Today's blog talks about art. My perspective of art is anything that is a personal expression of the artist, that leaves an impression on the world around you. If nobody knows about the personal expression, than it's simply just a personal expression, it becomes art once it is recognized by people. I believe art helps you to express yourself, when you can't find the words to. It's generally easier to paint a painting, or write a song, or even write poetry in your spare time to really show what's going on in that head of yours, than to try to explain it to people in words. Sometimes people like to show they're true selves through art, seeing as you can't judge yourself, and it's up to the people who see the art to interpret it in they're own way. I like that with art it's not just one thing, it can relate to anyone because it's left up to interpretation of the mind.

Friday, May 8, 2009


Today's blog asks me to talk about a picture in which a boy was playing a video game demo at a store, and his friend was letting him sit on his back. If his friend offered to do this, then he has a very good friend, that is willing to have a little self sacrifice for his friend. I think that the kid could of been standing though, but if he convinced his friend to let him sit on him, then he deserves to be able to. If I were his friend I wouldn't do that anytime, anywhere, for any reason. Maybe they took turns who knows? A lot of the wrong impression can be giving from only a part of something, you could take a speech that someone gives, and cut out all the good things he says, and only leave the bad things, or maybe this picture was just take at a bad time. So I don't think we should be too quick to judge it.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Today's blog shows a video of kids saying how they need they're mothers. I agree that children do need their parents. I have a pretty good feeling that they were told what to say though. I don't think a 9 year old is that concerned about how they will be as a teenager. I still think we need our parents though, they're one of the people shape us, like pastor Paul said, for every action there's a reaction, and it's how kids are shaped by parents. Not entirely parents actions are what shape their kids though, but they do play a big role in what they're children grow up as.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wednesday blog

Today's blog shows a video of a teenage girl, who doesn't want God to give up on her. Looks like she was reaching out for something, and came upon Christianity. Even though she doesn't look christian, or be the typical stereotype, she does seem like a christian on the inside. This video didn't really have much of an effect on me, I see this situation so many times, we judge people and then later on say how we shouldn't judge them, because we need to show god's love, it just seems like the rules are constantly changing, but I can understand how that would work. If this girl has found her happiness with God, then good for her, but I find it's kind of like the media today, but in a way to opposite. The media wants to show all the bad things to keep people interested, and in Christianity it all seems like field's of butterflies until you really get into it. Everything has it's ups and downs in life though, everyone has they're own choice of what keeps them going.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Today's blog shows a video on gambling. I don't think gambling is wrong as long as you have the ability to control yourself, I don't see gambling as wasting money, more than buying a chocolate bar, or a soda that you don't really need. I also noticed how the other man was being a hypocrite and gambling at bingo when his wife, he was probably so concerned on gambling with his friends, that he didn't notice he was doing the same with his wife. Maybe he was lying to him though, and just didn't want to go gambling with his friends because he didn't trust them, and he later admitted it.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday blog

Today's blog shows a video of miss California and how she stood up for her beliefs on national TV. I think that no matter what her opinion is, it is her opinion and she is entitled to believe in whatever she wants to. People say how Christians are judgmental and people should be able to think whatever they want, but as soon as this girl who is christian shares her own opinion, she's considered a horrible person for it. I don't think as many people as you would think hated her for it though, a good majority of the crowd was cheering after she made her statement, I'm pretty sure the perez hilton guy was gay to start with, so he was probably the main one offended by it. I don't think that her opinion should have changed any of the results, but I don't think that that was officially something that affected her not getting first was it?

Friday, May 1, 2009

Thing I expected least in my life

I don't really have anything so far that I didn't expect, so far my life has just been average. I guess I didn't really expect to be into music that much. When I was younger I was actually more into video games and whatever, maybe that's normal who knows. I always wanted to play an instrument though, from piano, to drums, now guitar. I might eventually learn another one, I would like to get a lot better at guitar first though, I'm trying to concentrate on mainly that for now. I guess I didn't expect how I was gonna be. We should have a lot of things we don't expect though, if we saw everything coming in life, and they were no more surprises, that would be pointless, and life would be really boring. SO hopefully my life get's more interesting as I get older.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Reunion in 10-15 years

Today's blog topic asks what I think it would be like if the school had reunion in 10-15 years. Well I think some people would be completely different, while some people would be the same. Some of the people in the school don't really seem like the kind of people to change much, while others you can tell they will be different in 10-15 years. Reunions are also awkward if their unplanned, even if we arranged to meet up, it would still be pretty awkward with all the time, and differences in personalities. Maybe some people would get along, that did not get along in the past, who knows. We probably will end up meeting at one point, maybe everyone might not see each other, but possibly a few people will meet up. Some people will move on to other places, and will be too far to go to any reunions, some might stay around the Montreal area, who knows.


Today's devotions talks about problems, and how we don't deal with problems that aren't ours. I don't really get the point of the video though, why should I make it my problem? A problem has to belong to someone, unless its a group of people, that's why it's a problem, because it effects someone. I don't really like cleaning up other peoples messes, they have to learn on their own instead of doing whatever they want.People fix their problems for them, they just keep continuing what their doing.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine flu

Well there hasn't been any deaths in the U.S. from the swine flu yet, so I don't think it's that much of a very big deal. It is something to be aware of, but there are a lot of other dangers in society besides the swine flu, so they could possibly be using it to publish media. If you ever notice on the news they only talk about the travesties, when it's a very small percentage of the world. They don't want to talk about the good things that are happening because well, then people would not listen to the news. If you keep people scared, then they'll keep watching the news everyday to be aware. As long as you watch the news knowing this, then it's completely fine to watch the news. You shouldn't let the news get to you too much though, you might end up getting paranoid when there's no need.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Working on a deadline

Today's blog asks my opinion on working on a deadline that is the next day, which forces us to work on it right away. Well it depends how you look at it, I did get my assignment in on time, but I didn't really have time for anything else. I did get my assignment in on time though, so I would say it depends on the assignment, if it's a fairly short assignment, then I guess it could be due the next day. If it's an assignment like this weeks lab report, I think we should be given a little more than just 1 day. This weeks lab was pretty much completely confusing, and seeing how at least 85% of the class was confused about what he was talking about in the first place, I still don't completely understand what he was talking about during the class, I understand a bit of it though, so I'm not completely lost.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Today's blog asks me to comment on a video which shows how people in Christianity think they always have to be in a holy state of some sort, instead of just being themselves. I agree that things would be a lot easier if people had a personal relationship with god, and would feel a lot closer. I think people juts think they have to act holy, because they probably think who they are is not good enough, and need to become a holy-like figure. Maybe people think this because in the bible it's hard to find the personalities of the people, as most of them just seem like holy, serving the lord at all time, figures. Who knows what the people that wrote the bible were like though, they could have been juts like average people today, but you just can't tell through literature, and if you can tell, you would have to really try to find it.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Freedom of speech

Today's blog topic talks about freedom of speech, I'm guessing it's relating to the twitter. Freedom of speech can be good or bad, and it also depends on the concept on what your saying, If it's bad for the individual then no I don't think it is, because you should be able to say what you want, especially when people ask you to. If people are worried about someone saying things that might make the other listeners think, and possibly change something, then yes it could be bad, one person can affect many people easily. Not everyone gets they're mind changed by other peoples opinions though, and I believe this is how it should be, the world is made up of many different individuals with individual opinions. Some peoples thought and ideas might not be for the best of the majority, but that's just how it is. I think freedom of speech is just letting out what you wanna say on the inside, so it's just deciding to let it out instead of keeping it in, doesn't make much of a difference to me.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Red balloon

Today’s blog asks me to comment on a video about people fighting over what color a balloon was. I think that the truth was that it was red yes, no matter what the other people said, if they wished to choose it as something else then that was there choice, but the majority of people would say it’s red, which makes it what it is. I think the video was trying to talk about how people turn Christianity into their own version which works best for them. I think it has a good point, if we want to be a Christian we should stick to the rules of it, or otherwise don’t pretend to be Christian at all because then you’re just lying to yourself. What would have happened though, if one of those other people painted the balloon blue, or green, would it still be red?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Winter arrives
Most birds fly to the south
Others cannot

Broken bird’s wing
Winter comes, birds shall flee
Poor little thing

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Today's blog topic asks about "risk". Risk is something we take everyday in everyday normal situations. Risk involves doing something with a chance of having misfortune, or loosing something. Sometimes when we have no choice, we have to take risks. The best thing you can do is just choose the side with the biggest percentage, going by your gut instinct on decisions could lead to you being right, but you would only be lucky, if you think about it, it's just more obvious to choose the higher percentage of two decisions. There is always a risk no matter how safe you make it though, you can make a situation with a 99.9% chance of success, but there is always that .1% chance of failure, because nothing is perfect, everything has fault. Sometimes risk is easy to take, because your so convinced you won't encounter your own misfortune, that you almost completely forget about the risk at all. Sometimes your worried about the risk so much, that it's all you think about. Whichever of these happens to you, doesn't effect the result. Unless it requires some kind of participation, then having a calmer state of mine would put you in a better situation.


Tired of swimming
The fish longs for more than this
Desires his wings

Mouse craves more than cheese
Snake now caught in the mouse trap
Snake becomes the prey

Sheep in wolves clothing
Will you dare to feel the wool?
Dare to see beneath?

Should we fear beasts?
When man is more corrupt
More than un-pure

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The place of poetry in our lives

Today's journal wants me to write about the place of poetry in our lives. I think most people normally have a small thought of poetry every now and then, it might not get written down on paper, but we normally put some form of poetry into our heads. Lyrics in songs are poetry changed around to fit with the rest of the instruments. Painting is only poetry in the form of visual art, poetry, music, drawing, painting, are all arts. Not all people like to be artistic though, some prefer the logical, step-by-step routine. Some things you need an artistic mind to complete, and others you need a logical mind. I learned that if your more of an artistic imaginative person, you use the right side of your brain, as for logical, step-by-step, is the left side of your brain. So we all have a right side and a left side to our brain right? So we all have our own forms of poetry, even though it's not also expressed.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Haiku Journal

Toda’s blog requires me to make a journal about the haiku that was given. To understand this kind of poetry you would have to be in an artistic state of mind in order to interpret it in your own way. The Haiku was “what scent has the rose, when chains are heavy on your neck, what weight has the thorn” I could probably interpret this in several ways. One could be, the beauty of life, being the scent of the rose, is it corrupted or changed in any way from the weight of problems, or stress? About the what weight is the thorn, I see that as there are two parts to a rose, the good part which would be the petals, and the bad parts would be the thorns, and how much do the thorns effect your perspective of the rose in its whole. These types of haiku could be interpreted in many ways, it’s up to the reader to do it for themselves, it’s the kind of poem to really make you think, it’s the complication of it that makes you concentrate on it and how it could relate to you.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Journal Game

Today's blog wants me to talk about a game they put on the groove. The game is a bunch of blanl squares in a grid, and when you click one of the squares it lights up and makes a sound, and also sounds out a vibration in the form of a white solar wave. The more squares you light up the more to a song it adds. I wasn't sure what it was at first because I wasn't using the sound of the computer, but I used it after. I have no idea how it relates to trigonometry though.


Today’s blog topic asks if I think responsibility is a choice or not. I think responsibility is always a choice, one cannot just be automatically responsible, you would have to make the choice to put aside what you want, and make what’s best for everyone as your main priority. I think it would be pretty stupid if someone was just automatically responsible, everyone has moments where they do what they want to, and it’s those moments that make you realise what’s responsible and what isn’t responsible. Responsibility sometimes come through hard change, or maybe you’re grown into it from childhood. Even if you were trained all your life to be responsible though, you’ll always have a desire to be irresponsible inside, this isn’t anything very complicated, just the desire to have what we don’t already have. So my basic answer is yes, responsibility is always a choice.

missed thursday's blog

Today’s blog topic asks what the relationship is between the five little piggy’s from the children’s story. I don’t really think this children’s story tale should be taken very seriously to start with..But it could mean the opposites of people. The little piggy that went to the market, could be the hard working one, who was willing to do the work, and the little piggy that stayed home could represent the more lazy one that couldn’t do much but sit around. The little piggy that had roast beef could represent greed, seeing as he had the roast beef and the other little piggy had none. It could also show that the little piggy got roast beef, because that was the piggy that went to the store, and the little piggy that got none, was the one that was too lazy to do the work and just stayed home. As for the last piggy...well piggy’s make “wee wee wee wee” noises I suppose.

missed friday's journal

Today’s blog topic asks for us to comment on the video that was sent to us during school. In the video the girl decides to let jesus make the decisions for her in her life, but find’s out that giving up her life is a lot harder than just saying it. A lot of the time we make decisions to do things, and then immediately after we forget about it, and continue doing whatever we were doing. This is because we have to be fully motivated in our mind before we make a permanent decision, we cannot choose to do something without fully wanting to do it in our minds, or else what we really want will take over.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

If languages got confused today

Today's blog topic asks what I think would happen if God confused people's languages today, as he did long ago. I think the world would probably not expect it and be confused. The world would probably be in chaos for a while, but just as we did back then, people would be able to create new languages, and learn each other’s languages through practice. English is a good example as this, seeing as it is a combination of several different languages.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The frog and the prince

Today’s blog topic talks about what I think about the real difference between the prince and the frog is a matter of the heart. I think it can be expressed in a couple ways. The first could be, a person may be a “prince” or a “frog” all depending on the individuals point of view, you can be a prince to yourself while a frog to others, or you could be known as a prince to others and a frog to yourself, also the same could be said for you and other people having a same opinion on whether you could be recognized as a frog or a prince. Frog’s are often looked at as princes in some people’s eyes, and the same for the opposite. It’s funny how even children’s stories look at the world’s stereotyping, frog’s and princes, the goats and the sheep, liberal or conservative, or many others. I think that even though the “prince” is often looked at as the hero in these stories, the prince would not be who he is, without having the frog to look down on, to show what the prince is not, which ultimately defines what he is, by what he is not.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Should money make the world go round?

Today's blog topic asks me to think about the phrase"Money makes the world go round" Well I think today, because of cars, and people buying food grown and made by other people, and basically any services that don't require you any work, but the work of others, for money, that we do need money to make the world go round, or at least today's world. People today wouldn't know how to survive on their own without the help of others, most people cannot hunt for food, or be bothered to walk instead of drive. It wouldn't have to be money, but something to trade for other people's work. Since money is one of the most valued things in the world today, maybe the most valued. Currency has been around for a very long time, so the longer we were able to buy other peoples work instead of doing it for ourselves, the further away we got from being independent without currency.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

summer jobs

Today's blog topic is summer jobs. A lot of teens in high school try to get summer school, as most of them have the whole summer off of school, which could give them plenty of time to get a little bit of money, but as we all know, lots of money doesn't come free. Summer job's often have to actually be applied for before summer, because if you ask a little while after summer starts, everyone else would have already taken summer jobs, and they employer won't need any more people. Probably the most common place where people take summer jobs, is fast food restaurants like McDonalds, Burgerking, Subway, or anything like that. These restaurants need a lot of people because like McDonalds, Tims, and other restaurants it's open 24/7. Summer jobs normally only get minimum wage. Since you won't be working for too long, and seeing as you just started.

Monday, March 30, 2009

A breath of fresh air

Today's blog topic asks to write about "a breath of fresh air" and what to talk about those words. Well in the sense the school is referring to is the relief of stress or depression or any "heavy" emotion, by maybe the words of someone, or an inspiration through people, nature, or many other things. People can be relieved pretty easily, and others are more difficult. Sometimes a breath of fresh air is juts what we need for inspiration to continue, because we can all agree life gets hard, and a breath of fresh air every now and then helps us to keep going. If we do not get this "fresh of breath air" we wouldn't have any release from the stress of life, and we drown in ourselves and our problems. we can give breaths of fresh air to other, as other people can give them to us.

Friday, March 27, 2009

pros and cons of KD

Today's blog asks what are some good things about KD, and what are some bad things. I guess one thing about kd that's good is that almost anyone can make it. Another good thing is that it doesn't take very long to make. It's also not very expensive. Another thing is it all comes in one package, so you don't need many ingredients to cook, just what comes in the package. I also like the taste of kd I guess, I have it for lunch at school every now and then. One bad thing about it, though it's not that big of a deal, is that you need to use milk and margarine/butter, but like I said that's not much of a bother. Another bad thing about KD is there isn't much in one package, if I were going to have a normal meal I would need at least half of the package to myself, if not more. It's also not very fulling unless in large quantities. KD can also be very messy, seeing that the noodles can fall off of your utensil easily, and onto the floor or table.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Will wii or won't wii?

Today's blog topic asks a weird question"will wii or won't we?" I'm not exactly sure what I think about that, I think they're asking a yes or no question, and just putting the "wii" we started using the wii in school. So I have to make up a question relating to if we will or won't do something. One question can be will we every have a peaceful society without violence? I doubt it, to many people get easily corrupted, sometimes by themselves. Another will we or won't we question can be. Will we ever find a currency system that doesn't require money? I suppose we could, I don't know much about the money system, all I basically know is that most food comes from farms, and companies take that food, and other foods, and mix it into there own product. That's all I know about how food works. How about will we ever visit any other planets? Or travel outside our galaxy, or will we be stuck in the places we got to so far? There aren't many will we or won't we questions I can think of, but I think that's what today's journal was about to me.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Motivation and achievement

Today's blog asks me to write about how motivation relates to achievement. I think motivation plays a big part in achievement, one cannot do something properly unless motivated in his/her mind. The best kind of motivation, is the kind you can give yourself, it's hard to motivate yourself most of the time, but when you do, that kind of motivation gives you a permanent, or at least lasts for a god time, change. Well that's what i've thought of it so far. There are different kind of motivation. There's motivation where you suddenly realise what you have to do, or need to do, or basically just want to do. There can be motivation where you learn from other people, mabye you see something happen, or hear about something, and you relate it to yourself. Other people could motivate you with the right words. I find if someone else were to motivate me they would have to know exactly what to say without me telling them, or else I wouldn't really consider it anything more than them repeating what I said but in slightly different words.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Dangers of email accounts

Today’s blog topic asks what are the danger of email accounts. There are several dangers of having an email account. You can get spammed from people or a website and end up having a million of the same message over and over and you would have to go through your entire inbox to delete them. You can also get viruses easily from emails, and it could come through a friend accidently. If your friend gets a virus because he did not know what he was clicking was a virus, then he has the virus and it automatically sends it to people on your account. So the person you got the virus from probably isn’t the original source of this, seeing as it could have gone through a hundred different people before it actually got to you. These viruses can hack your passwords to several websites, and possibly worse things such as a bank account number, or your conversations can be watched by them, or many other different things.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Effects of bullying

Today's blog topic asks me to write about bullying and how it affects the individual and society. Bullying can effect the individual not only at that specific time, but also there mind in the future. They could develop a hatred for other people, or a trust issue, or lacking in self-confidence. Bullying on society puts us in a more barbaric state than we already are. I've always wondered why nobody thinks it's weird when an adult commits some kind of act of violence, it doesn't really seem they wanna have a reason why. It's only when a kid does it that people wonder why they did it. When one of the most violent things kids are involved in are sports, which the U.S. and Canada are very concentrated on. Does it show people that physical strength is more important than intelligence or knowledge? It could be something as simple as the first race in kindergarden when the parent is yelling"get the white flag get the white flag!" then, "i got the blue flag" oh well thats ok, or the sports parents at football games are yelling"kill them kill them!"

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What i'm planning to do now that it's spring

Today’s blog topic requires me to write about what I am looking forward to doing with the arrival of spring. Spring is one of my favourite seasons because people are glad that the snow and the cold is finally going, and it’s the arrival of a warm fun time. During the spring I normally do all the things I couldn’t do during winter. Going swimming once it gets warm enough, going outside. I’m also glad that we won’t have to wear jackets anymore because of the cold, normally jackets i find juts get in the way if you’re doing something. I’m looking forward to going outside and actually being able to be content with the weather instead of it being too hot or cold, spring and autumn are good weather seasons because they’re just in between the two extremes of temperature. Spring is one of my favourite seasons I would say.

Monday, March 16, 2009

What to do in a crisis

Today’s blog topic requires me to write about what to do in a crisis. Well I would think the first thing to do would be stay calm, because you cannot do anything better when you are in a panic. The second thing to do is know the situation, and think of every assessment in the situation. Then you would have to plan out what you were going to do, if it was a crisis of danger to yourself, then you would have to think of the best safest way to get you out of that situation, if it was a crisis for someone else, such as a friend, or juts someone you happened to know of in any kind of danger, then you would have to think of their situation first, and find a way to help them. The most common mistake people make during a crisis is acting to quickly and not thinking about what they do.
I think sometimes we don't see at first which is the bad decision, and which is the good decision, and it also depends on from who's point of you your judging what is "bad" and what it "good".

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Commercial for toothpaste

Today’s blog topic asks out to write a commercial for toothpaste. Well I would start off my commercial with a narrator saying, “Don’t you find it’s weird that it seems like people with bad breath ALWAYS want to tell you secrets? Can’t they tell by the “kung fu” stance that you’re in that their breath is bad, and you juts end up saying, ”Hurry up with the secret and then we’ll go to the store and get you 9 packs of breath mints.” Then he would say,”Well you don’t have to worry about those awkward situations anymore, with our new spray able tooth paste, got a friend with bad breath? Just spray them in the mouth when they don’t expect it and you get results RIGHT away” “It’s for the whole family! So buy our new spray able toothpaste, in stores today.” While this is going on there will be re-runs from fresh prince of bel air to keep the audience entertained.r

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

IF our knees were bent the other way

Today’s blog topic asks how we would sit if our knees were bent the other way. I don’t think we would be able to sit if our knees were bent the other day at all. Unless there was a different kind of chair. It would have to be a kind of backwards chair, because fi we tried to sit in normal chairs with our knees the other way, our knees would be poiting upwards all the time, and that would most definetly get uncomfortable after a short while. The only way we could sit on a normal chair without our knees bending upwards is if we sat facing the back of the chair, which wouldn’t work cuz the rest of our body would not bend the other way. So I don’t think it would ever be good if somehow our knees started bending the other way, and we would have to replace all normal chairs with the new chairs meant for backwards bent knees.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My favorite bedtime story

Today’s blog asks me to write about our favourite bedtime story, if you don’t have a favourite one, then we can make up our own, and I’m going to make up my own. If I made a bedtime story it would be able how gnomes rule the world, and are the basic answer to life, yes garden gnomes. Boris the spider *who is actually a gnome* lives in gnomelandia, and he loves to dance around, and gnomes are at war with santa’s elves, because they’re both trying to be short and, little..and small..The gnomes havethe same theme song as the smurfs if you wanna listen to it, they have good relationships with the smurfs. The gnomes have every day adventures, and are very bad at driving. While they drive, little wheel chairs fly through the air, and the bodies of crippled orphans explode on impact, the gnomes cannot see well while they drive, so Boris the spider “leader of the gnomes” is trying to invent a machine so they can properly drive, to the toy store which they go to every Wednesday.

Monday, March 9, 2009

First Day Back; A New Beginning

Today’s blog topic asks me to write about first day back, a new beginning. Well I don’t consider the first day back from one week break much of a big deal, the only day I consider to be a real “first day back” is after summer, and ..maybe Christmas would be an exception...maybe...oh well I don’t know, I’m not a doctor. Normally the first day back is kind of like a clean slate, but we’re so far behind I don’t think we can make anymore clean slates, and most of us will probably be going to summer school. A new beginning normally gives you a feeling you’re going to do better this time, but you don’t really normally do better anyways, the only time I seem to have improved was at random moments. Hopefully after summer, it will be a new beginning, and I’ll actually be able to stay on top of my work.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Last time I went skating...

Today's blog topic asks about the last time I went skating. The last time I went skating was the 2nd time I'd ever gone skating, so tomorrow will be my 3rd time. I did good for my first and second times. I do admit I fell once or twice though, mostly because I was fooling around. The skates I had last time were really painful, I don't know why though, but my feet were aching the whole time, normally when I put on skates and start skating, I just get used to the pressure it puts around your feet. The ice last time I went took 20 minutes for the zamboni to pass over it, because the ice was getting all scratched up, and a zamboni makes the ice wet and smooth, with barely any scratches from previous skating. Last time I went there I got pizza at one of the stores that are around the indoor skating rink. Hopefully last time goes as well, if better than last time.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Best part about me

Today’s blog topic wants me to write about what I think about the best quality of me is. I find there are different good things about me. I normally think in a different way than most people I have talked to. If I were to give advice it would be different from what you would normally get from someone. I’m also very musical, which can be entertaining for people. I make people laugh a lot. I normally the “life of the party.” I’m very loyal to my friends, if I do something against them that wasn’t on purpose then I always apologize. I’m a good listener to people also, I don’t talk much, but I listen a lot. So all of this contributes to best part of me is, that I’m just being me, myself.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What motivates me

Today's blog topic asks what motivates me. I don't really have many motivations, mabye if I want to do something, or get somewhere. I just basically life life as it is for now. Motivations can be in different forms, they can be something someone has said or done, or it can just be a thought in your mind, a motivation can come out of nowhere, and you'll be able to accomplish great things trying to get to wherever you want to get. I might have a motivation some day, maybe when I’m in college to try to study for whatever career I want to be in, that could be my motivation. Right now nothing motivates me really, just to life live as it is, and whatever may be in it. Something that could kind of be a motivation, is I play guitar in hopes of one day having some form of career in that, so it motivates me to practice more.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The biggest challenge I have to face in my life

Today's journal requires me to talk about what my biggest challenge in life is. My biggest challenge in life is probably finding out who I am, as a person. I think there's a lot of people who would say the same thing. People go through life trying to find out who they are, and they turn to certain things for help.You might be someone one day, but then another day decide you want to be someone else, people are constantly changing who they are, until they find something their satisfied with. That is probably my biggest challenge seeing as I have not found out entirely who I am yet, but in time I will. You can't go through your life pretending to be someone your not. if you separate who you are, from what you create, both of those aspects begin to die, and you began to have self problems, and forget about who you are. People have different ideas on life, and for now that is mine.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Dr. Who in ACE school

Today's blog topic wants me to blog about what if Dr. Who was in an ACE school. I don't actually watch Dr. Who, so I'll use what I know about him, and make up the rest about him. Dr. Who sleeps on top of pyramids in africa, because 9 billion years ago there were pyramids in Africa in Dr. Who's world. Dr. Who one day was at school, his ACE school, and he used the phone because he wanted to call his mother to tell her good morning. When he called her, the operator said press 11 to leave a message, he didn't know what the 11 button was since it ended at 9, and trying to press 11 would make you press 1 automatically first. So he randomly press a lot of numbers. Doing that made him time warp, and he was in the living room of steve erwin's great great grandpa, he got very amd at the phone company. When he gets bored at school, he just time warps to the end of the day, which makes it a lot faster, he rewinds tiem in the morning if he's not on time, that's why he's never late, he does his tests, see what the answers were, then REWINDS TIME AND CHEATS HIS WAY OUT :O. HE also eats the pizza about 5 times by rewinding time, while only paying for one. Doctor Who get's away with a lot in an ACE school because he can time travel...whenever he calls someone, which would get in the way if you wanted to call a friend up to see how things were going.

Friday's devotions

I think it's juts easier to respect when your afraid, because it's all you think about. When you respect out of love and kindness, everything seems fine, so you forget about it and continue on to doing whatever you want. Which leads to disrespecting God.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A day in the life of a loonie $

Today's blog requires me to say what it would be like to be a dollar for a day, like a loonie in change. Well for one thing I would travel a lot, from wallets, to floors, to counters, to cash registers, I could even be sent across the entire world. People would be happy to find me on the floor somewhere. I would be able to be traded for something small, such as chips or gum, some chocolate, mabye a drink. My best friends would be quarter, dime, and nickle. I wouldn't be friends with toonie because he thinks he's just better than everyone just because he is worth 2 dollars. We never talk to the bills, because they're at a higher level, and wouldn't have time to talk to petty change like me. I could be lost very easily, but also found very easily, I doubt I would ever stop doing something, because money revolves around the entire world, when you spend something they don't throw your money away, it goes in a circle. I could also be lent to a friend to buy something, I would be used for mainly just buying things.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Journal for Wednesday

Today’s blog topic requires me to continue a phrase into a story. It was a fairly ordinary day, at least as far as fairly ordinary days go...I woke up in a hurry as my alarm went off, barely making it to the alarm because I was so tired. Like everyday I checked my emails and what not, ate breakfast. I also worked on my homework to try to get done what I didn’t complete last night. I went to school, and saw someone I knew on the bus. I got to school just on time, so I was lucky. For the rest of the morning I did normal school things, PACES, studied for my test tomorrow, wrote notes to study tonight. I didn’t get time to make myself lunch this morning so I didn’t eat lunch, and I was quite hungry. Almost everyone in secondary had a detention because of false goals. After detention we went into the sanctuary because we do every Wednesday, because the seniors have a meeting in our usual school room. After writing more notes for my test, I wrote my journal, and got ready to go to gym...

Wednesday's devotions

Well I agree that we have a bond with family that's always going to be there, but I don't think the fact that you move on from your friends changing anything, if you stayed with your friends your entire life, you would never get anywhere, because you want different things later on in life. That doesn't make the bond with friends any less though, and even if it does end, you still have good memories, and memories is one of the most important things you can keep, because you never loose those, unless of course you get a condition of some form of memory loss. You make new friends through life also, the more close friends you have, the more easily you connect with people. It also gives you a sense of confidence, which can help you out a lot in different situations

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

How does it feel to be caught doing something wrong

Today's blog topic asks the question, " How does it feel to be caught doing something wrong" Well if I got caught on purpose if I had plans that required getting caught, then I would obviously feel accomplished. If I did not meant to be caught while doing this, then it would be a sense of failure, and probably something like you wish you could rewind time and know exactly when you would get caught so you could prevent it. You also learn from getting caught though, so you can some knowledge. You learn how the people around you work, when you can be caught and when you can't. How often they forget about certain things, and whatever else. I'm just giving examples of different feelings you could have when getting caught, it's not always a remorse, and you regret doing it. Normally you only regret doing it, if you would have regret it whether you got caught or not, the only part you regret is the getting caught part. It also depends how big the act on which you were caught was. If it was something small and simple, it would probably just be a small annoyance to be caught, if you got caught at doing something big, then you would feel like I explained above.

Tuesday's devotions

In today's devotions it says how the Pharisees were laying traps for Jesus, and while Jesus turned the traps around on them, they did not reply, and hid in the shadows with more trap. I've always found this very annoying. If I were Jesus I would have been to aggravated by the fact that they were ignoring the truth I was saying, denying it, and hiding in the shadows. I think we do compromise who we are a lot, but for almost everything we do.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Things I cannot change in my life.

Today's blog topic is about things I cannot change in my life. One of the things I cannot change in my life is probably the music I enjoy listening to, I can try to listen to different music, and eventually like that other music, but I'll still enjoy my metal. You really have to go into metal to see what it is, it's stereotyped pretty easily, but it's not what it seems all the time. Another thing I probably cannot change is the way I think about things, I'll learn new things, but I will always want to think in a way that explains what most people don't see, I don't know much now, but I'm hoping to learn these things. Another thing could be the fact that I'll enjoy playing guitar, guitar is one of the main things in my life, and music in general basically, and I don't think I would ever get tired of playing it.

Monday's Devtions

I find it makes complete sense how Jesus was saying that a doctor is for the sick, not the healthy. I think he explained it very well, Jesus was obviously a well spoken man.
It was probably just surprising to everyone that the Son of God would be hanging around with the prostitutes, tax collectors, and thieves. They probably got a better understanding of why he came in the first place after that, to help the unsaved.

Friday, February 13, 2009

What would I do on the weekend if I had no homework.

Today's blog topic asks me what I would do over the weekend if I had no homework at all to do. Well The first thing I would do is obviously leave school, then i would go home eat/shower and whatever else I had to do to get ready to go out. Then I would meet up with my friends, and we would go skydiving, while we were skydiving we would be riding unicycles in ballerina dresses with big clown shoes while bears were trying to eat us. Then we would go to the magical wonderful zoo land where all the animals talk and eat skittles, and sing songs, and do any chores you would like them to do, "we haven't been getting much sleep." Then I would go swimming in the ocean, and like almost die in the huge waves, but not waves so big I would drown, just big enough waves that I would have a good time. Then we would all get monster trucks or something, and go run over other cars, but only expensive cars, you know how that saying goes"when life gives you lemons....throw them at people who own expensive cars....by: 2001 Honda owner" I would have a good weekend without homework, but I'm behind in my work, and I don't think i'll be having a non-homework weekend in a while.

Friday's devotion

I think that today's devotion requires some thinking, because people recorded that there was a Jesus 2000 years ago, but they didn't say anything about if he really did miracles or not? I think to prove that Jesus did do miracles, you have to connect the dots in a way, I wish I knew which dots to connect proving that Jesus was the son of God, but I am not an expert on the Bible. I agree how people are being foolish saying their Christian's when they don't believe christian principles, if I were them I would just be whatever religion I was acting like, rather than pretending to be something I'm not. Not saying other religions are the answer though.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday's Journal

Today's blog topic asks me if I could change one thing in the world, what would it be. If I were to change one thing in the world, it would probably be the fact that we turn into our surroundings too much, people are what they are because what society has lead people to believe what they want. This is even in the most simple things, if you watched a commercial for a nice-expensive car, and the man driving was a successful businessman, now our sub-conscious mind would be telling us that if we don't own an expensive car, we can't be successful. Another example would be perhaps a commercial for teens acne, saying that if you have pimples girls aren't going to like you, if you think about it, it's true. I know that these are called subliminal messages, which are messages which your conscious mind cannot detect, because you cannot concentrate that hard on a regular basis, but your sub-conscious mind picks it up, even if you just see something at the corner of your eye and don't read it, your brain still picked it up, and it slowly gets into your mind, normally when you sleep. That's would I would change about the world if I could.

Wednesday Journal

Wednesday's journal was on the quote, the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. What I think this is saying is that, God's way is the only right way, and we must do what he says in order to be what he wants us to be, and that stubborn people do not want to change there ways for God, and try to make up their own rules for life, thinking it's okay with God that you made up your own rules. If we want to be what God intended us to be, we must allow him to bend us and mold us, bringing up another quote, "no pain, no gain" If God accepted our sin into his kingdom, it would become corrupted, juts like a small contagious disease in your body which can spread to other people, causing them to suffer the same as you, could be just a small cold, or it could be something more serious. That's why we must "fear" the Lord in order for us to be able to enter his kingdom for us.

Thursday's Devotions

Today's devotions were on Judas and his betrayal of Jesus. I think we do betray Jesus a lot these days in the simplest things, because we don't fully consider it betrayal even though it is, betrayal in the minds of today's people would be; denying the fact that you are a christian, performing an act to satan or any other false gods, and things like mocking Jesus directly. We realize later on that we betrayed him, but at the moment it just seems so insignificant, that we don't think about it. I think Judas killing himself because not realizing God's forgiveness, was a very unthoughtful thing to do and it seemed like he didn't think it through, but people also didn't get what Jesus was trying to do today with the sacrifice, as much as we understand.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday's Journal

Today's journal requires me to reflect upon the quote, "Always remember others may hate you but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself. Well I find what this is trying to say is, that if someone likes to insult you, or pick on you, or juts plain hate you. If you don't care about it, and juts ignore it, it will make them become mad because they wanted you to get aggrovated from it, and there efforts were in vain. If you get mad back at them, it creates a small war in between two parties, and this is exactly what the person who started it was looking for. So if you don't want to get into a fight with someone, when they do something to you, just ignore, you have better things to do than arguing back and forth pointlessly anyways.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday's Journal

Today's journal requires us to reflect upon the quote " I have enough money to last me the rest of my life, unless I buy something." To me this quote is saying different things. One thing it could be saying is that a little bit of money can last you your entire lifetime, since it does not get more or less, but if you buy something, you loose that money. It could also be saying that money might seem like something you should rely upon, and will support you your entire life, but you buy things with money, it has no other purpose, so getting money would mean you would lose it, otherwise there's no point in having any money at all if your not willing to spend it on something. It could also be saying that a little money might seem like a lot if you save it for a long time, you could say," I have enough money to last me the rest of my life!" without mentioning the fact that you only have a certain amount that you can buy one item, which is called making something seem like more than it actually is.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Groundhog day

Today's blog topic is about how Monday was groundhog day, and what does this mean, and if I believe in it. Well personally I don't believe that if a groundhog comes out of his house, and is scared of his shadow, it means anything at all, he might juts be scared of something else. I heard that it has to do with the weather conditions as the groundhog comes out. Like if it's sunny, then the shadow is seen, and the groundhog "foretells" six more weeks of bad weather. If it's a spring day, and there are clouds blocking the suns rays, then there is no visible shadow. The groundhog acts accordingly, and goes back inside if the weather is bad, and stays up if it is spring time. This annual tradition of the United States and Canada, came into being during the late 1800's. To answer the final question of the blog, no I don't believe in groundhog day, because there might just be a random sunny day, but I don't think it foretells another 6 weeks of weather.