Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday's Journal

Today's blog topic asks me if I could change one thing in the world, what would it be. If I were to change one thing in the world, it would probably be the fact that we turn into our surroundings too much, people are what they are because what society has lead people to believe what they want. This is even in the most simple things, if you watched a commercial for a nice-expensive car, and the man driving was a successful businessman, now our sub-conscious mind would be telling us that if we don't own an expensive car, we can't be successful. Another example would be perhaps a commercial for teens acne, saying that if you have pimples girls aren't going to like you, if you think about it, it's true. I know that these are called subliminal messages, which are messages which your conscious mind cannot detect, because you cannot concentrate that hard on a regular basis, but your sub-conscious mind picks it up, even if you just see something at the corner of your eye and don't read it, your brain still picked it up, and it slowly gets into your mind, normally when you sleep. That's would I would change about the world if I could.

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