Friday, February 13, 2009

What would I do on the weekend if I had no homework.

Today's blog topic asks me what I would do over the weekend if I had no homework at all to do. Well The first thing I would do is obviously leave school, then i would go home eat/shower and whatever else I had to do to get ready to go out. Then I would meet up with my friends, and we would go skydiving, while we were skydiving we would be riding unicycles in ballerina dresses with big clown shoes while bears were trying to eat us. Then we would go to the magical wonderful zoo land where all the animals talk and eat skittles, and sing songs, and do any chores you would like them to do, "we haven't been getting much sleep." Then I would go swimming in the ocean, and like almost die in the huge waves, but not waves so big I would drown, just big enough waves that I would have a good time. Then we would all get monster trucks or something, and go run over other cars, but only expensive cars, you know how that saying goes"when life gives you lemons....throw them at people who own expensive 2001 Honda owner" I would have a good weekend without homework, but I'm behind in my work, and I don't think i'll be having a non-homework weekend in a while.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

That sounds like a wonderful way to spend a weekend! I am enjoying your blog Stephen. You are a good writer.