Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What motivates me

Today's blog topic asks what motivates me. I don't really have many motivations, mabye if I want to do something, or get somewhere. I just basically life life as it is for now. Motivations can be in different forms, they can be something someone has said or done, or it can just be a thought in your mind, a motivation can come out of nowhere, and you'll be able to accomplish great things trying to get to wherever you want to get. I might have a motivation some day, maybe when I’m in college to try to study for whatever career I want to be in, that could be my motivation. Right now nothing motivates me really, just to life live as it is, and whatever may be in it. Something that could kind of be a motivation, is I play guitar in hopes of one day having some form of career in that, so it motivates me to practice more.

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