Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Suspension for dancing

Today's blog talks about a principal of a christian school who suspended his student for going to a prom, which was out of school time. I don't think the school should get involved with the personal life, school rules are for school, and school only. Also if he wanted to make a christian impact on the young boy I doubt suspending him for going to a dance will help at all, he probably got made at the principal and since the principal say's he's a christian, he might of developed a resentment to Christians all together. That's what we do, we stereotype, we take one person and say they're like every other one of them that have the same label. Now we can either look at this as wrong, as other people do not describe the personality of an individual, or we can say it's necessary to stereotype for their protection, because even though it's not true that EVERY of them is that way, the majority of them are.

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