Tuesday, March 31, 2009

summer jobs

Today's blog topic is summer jobs. A lot of teens in high school try to get summer school, as most of them have the whole summer off of school, which could give them plenty of time to get a little bit of money, but as we all know, lots of money doesn't come free. Summer job's often have to actually be applied for before summer, because if you ask a little while after summer starts, everyone else would have already taken summer jobs, and they employer won't need any more people. Probably the most common place where people take summer jobs, is fast food restaurants like McDonalds, Burgerking, Subway, or anything like that. These restaurants need a lot of people because like McDonalds, Tims, and other restaurants it's open 24/7. Summer jobs normally only get minimum wage. Since you won't be working for too long, and seeing as you just started.

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