Monday, March 9, 2009

First Day Back; A New Beginning

Today’s blog topic asks me to write about first day back, a new beginning. Well I don’t consider the first day back from one week break much of a big deal, the only day I consider to be a real “first day back” is after summer, and ..maybe Christmas would be an exception...maybe...oh well I don’t know, I’m not a doctor. Normally the first day back is kind of like a clean slate, but we’re so far behind I don’t think we can make anymore clean slates, and most of us will probably be going to summer school. A new beginning normally gives you a feeling you’re going to do better this time, but you don’t really normally do better anyways, the only time I seem to have improved was at random moments. Hopefully after summer, it will be a new beginning, and I’ll actually be able to stay on top of my work.

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