Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Will wii or won't wii?

Today's blog topic asks a weird question"will wii or won't we?" I'm not exactly sure what I think about that, I think they're asking a yes or no question, and just putting the "wii" we started using the wii in school. So I have to make up a question relating to if we will or won't do something. One question can be will we every have a peaceful society without violence? I doubt it, to many people get easily corrupted, sometimes by themselves. Another will we or won't we question can be. Will we ever find a currency system that doesn't require money? I suppose we could, I don't know much about the money system, all I basically know is that most food comes from farms, and companies take that food, and other foods, and mix it into there own product. That's all I know about how food works. How about will we ever visit any other planets? Or travel outside our galaxy, or will we be stuck in the places we got to so far? There aren't many will we or won't we questions I can think of, but I think that's what today's journal was about to me.

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