Monday, September 28, 2009

What is love

Today's blog shows a video on the "worlds" view of love from the perspective of a christian. I do agree that a lot of people confuse love with infatuation and lust but I do think there are people who are not Christians who have experienced real love.

Most people get excited when they first meet someone they like, and they get infatuated, they almost "love" them for no reason at all, just because they want to experience love. Some people aren't patient enough to wait for a strong connection of love, and want it right away. They feel the need to be with someone, to have that strong connection that is advertised so much around them. Some people also just don't want to be alone.

One of the other main things that get's confused with love is lust. People can get extremely physically attracted to someone, to the point when they think it's more than just a physical attraction, the only time they find out it's only lust is once they get bored of that person, and want to find someone more physically attractive. People like to be pleased, they'll pay big money just to be pleased. Some people base their entire lives around being pleased. I don't consider physical attributes about a person as important as personality, and mental attributes.

People in today's world want things right away, and they want it fast, they don't want to have to wait. Most of the time whenever I see people "in love" they normally end up fighting and ending their relationship anyways. Without even exaggerating, 50% of marriages I've seen have ended in some way. I think that if someone wants to find love they're going to have to be patient, they're going to have to be committed, they're going to have to work at it, and they're going to have to be able to feel it.

I don't think I've experienced love yet, but I don't doubt that if I find someone and create a bond with them and it grows to the point where I consider them more important that myself, then I'll experience love. Right now I don't really understand love like people say, or even some other emotions people talk about, but I'm sure one day I'll understand.

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