Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ceiling Fan

Today's blog was on a comedy video that was about an older brother end up hurting his brother, with also his little brothers fault, and his father punishing them. It was really funny how what happened, I laughed quiet a bit. I find it interesting how this is based on a bible verse though, I was not thinking of that at all when I was watching the video, I was distracted by what he was saying.

One thing I can remember that I did that was mean to my little brother was when I was playing with him, I accidentally dropped him and he broke his shoulder I think it was. I was surprised because it had happened really fast, and I didn't realize that his shoulder was actually broken until he had gone to the hospital and come back. I was carrying him around on my shoulder, and I put him down for a bit, then I was going to pick him back up, but I lifted him up to far and he squiggled around or something and he went right past me and fell on the floor.

I felt bad at the time because I did it by accident, I was hoping there was no permanent damage to his arm, and that it would heal quickly. I don't play with him that much anymore, like in that way at least. Well now he can think of the first bone he broke was then, which isn't the best, but it could be a pretty funny story I guess. We've all done things to people we regret however, so I've moved on from that.

1 comment:

Michael Paul said...

It will be funny when he's thirty.