Thursday, April 9, 2009

missed thursday's blog

Today’s blog topic asks what the relationship is between the five little piggy’s from the children’s story. I don’t really think this children’s story tale should be taken very seriously to start with..But it could mean the opposites of people. The little piggy that went to the market, could be the hard working one, who was willing to do the work, and the little piggy that stayed home could represent the more lazy one that couldn’t do much but sit around. The little piggy that had roast beef could represent greed, seeing as he had the roast beef and the other little piggy had none. It could also show that the little piggy got roast beef, because that was the piggy that went to the store, and the little piggy that got none, was the one that was too lazy to do the work and just stayed home. As for the last piggy...well piggy’s make “wee wee wee wee” noises I suppose.

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