Thursday, February 26, 2009

Last time I went skating...

Today's blog topic asks about the last time I went skating. The last time I went skating was the 2nd time I'd ever gone skating, so tomorrow will be my 3rd time. I did good for my first and second times. I do admit I fell once or twice though, mostly because I was fooling around. The skates I had last time were really painful, I don't know why though, but my feet were aching the whole time, normally when I put on skates and start skating, I just get used to the pressure it puts around your feet. The ice last time I went took 20 minutes for the zamboni to pass over it, because the ice was getting all scratched up, and a zamboni makes the ice wet and smooth, with barely any scratches from previous skating. Last time I went there I got pizza at one of the stores that are around the indoor skating rink. Hopefully last time goes as well, if better than last time.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Best part about me

Today’s blog topic wants me to write about what I think about the best quality of me is. I find there are different good things about me. I normally think in a different way than most people I have talked to. If I were to give advice it would be different from what you would normally get from someone. I’m also very musical, which can be entertaining for people. I make people laugh a lot. I normally the “life of the party.” I’m very loyal to my friends, if I do something against them that wasn’t on purpose then I always apologize. I’m a good listener to people also, I don’t talk much, but I listen a lot. So all of this contributes to best part of me is, that I’m just being me, myself.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What motivates me

Today's blog topic asks what motivates me. I don't really have many motivations, mabye if I want to do something, or get somewhere. I just basically life life as it is for now. Motivations can be in different forms, they can be something someone has said or done, or it can just be a thought in your mind, a motivation can come out of nowhere, and you'll be able to accomplish great things trying to get to wherever you want to get. I might have a motivation some day, maybe when I’m in college to try to study for whatever career I want to be in, that could be my motivation. Right now nothing motivates me really, just to life live as it is, and whatever may be in it. Something that could kind of be a motivation, is I play guitar in hopes of one day having some form of career in that, so it motivates me to practice more.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The biggest challenge I have to face in my life

Today's journal requires me to talk about what my biggest challenge in life is. My biggest challenge in life is probably finding out who I am, as a person. I think there's a lot of people who would say the same thing. People go through life trying to find out who they are, and they turn to certain things for help.You might be someone one day, but then another day decide you want to be someone else, people are constantly changing who they are, until they find something their satisfied with. That is probably my biggest challenge seeing as I have not found out entirely who I am yet, but in time I will. You can't go through your life pretending to be someone your not. if you separate who you are, from what you create, both of those aspects begin to die, and you began to have self problems, and forget about who you are. People have different ideas on life, and for now that is mine.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Dr. Who in ACE school

Today's blog topic wants me to blog about what if Dr. Who was in an ACE school. I don't actually watch Dr. Who, so I'll use what I know about him, and make up the rest about him. Dr. Who sleeps on top of pyramids in africa, because 9 billion years ago there were pyramids in Africa in Dr. Who's world. Dr. Who one day was at school, his ACE school, and he used the phone because he wanted to call his mother to tell her good morning. When he called her, the operator said press 11 to leave a message, he didn't know what the 11 button was since it ended at 9, and trying to press 11 would make you press 1 automatically first. So he randomly press a lot of numbers. Doing that made him time warp, and he was in the living room of steve erwin's great great grandpa, he got very amd at the phone company. When he gets bored at school, he just time warps to the end of the day, which makes it a lot faster, he rewinds tiem in the morning if he's not on time, that's why he's never late, he does his tests, see what the answers were, then REWINDS TIME AND CHEATS HIS WAY OUT :O. HE also eats the pizza about 5 times by rewinding time, while only paying for one. Doctor Who get's away with a lot in an ACE school because he can time travel...whenever he calls someone, which would get in the way if you wanted to call a friend up to see how things were going.

Friday's devotions

I think it's juts easier to respect when your afraid, because it's all you think about. When you respect out of love and kindness, everything seems fine, so you forget about it and continue on to doing whatever you want. Which leads to disrespecting God.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A day in the life of a loonie $

Today's blog requires me to say what it would be like to be a dollar for a day, like a loonie in change. Well for one thing I would travel a lot, from wallets, to floors, to counters, to cash registers, I could even be sent across the entire world. People would be happy to find me on the floor somewhere. I would be able to be traded for something small, such as chips or gum, some chocolate, mabye a drink. My best friends would be quarter, dime, and nickle. I wouldn't be friends with toonie because he thinks he's just better than everyone just because he is worth 2 dollars. We never talk to the bills, because they're at a higher level, and wouldn't have time to talk to petty change like me. I could be lost very easily, but also found very easily, I doubt I would ever stop doing something, because money revolves around the entire world, when you spend something they don't throw your money away, it goes in a circle. I could also be lent to a friend to buy something, I would be used for mainly just buying things.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Journal for Wednesday

Today’s blog topic requires me to continue a phrase into a story. It was a fairly ordinary day, at least as far as fairly ordinary days go...I woke up in a hurry as my alarm went off, barely making it to the alarm because I was so tired. Like everyday I checked my emails and what not, ate breakfast. I also worked on my homework to try to get done what I didn’t complete last night. I went to school, and saw someone I knew on the bus. I got to school just on time, so I was lucky. For the rest of the morning I did normal school things, PACES, studied for my test tomorrow, wrote notes to study tonight. I didn’t get time to make myself lunch this morning so I didn’t eat lunch, and I was quite hungry. Almost everyone in secondary had a detention because of false goals. After detention we went into the sanctuary because we do every Wednesday, because the seniors have a meeting in our usual school room. After writing more notes for my test, I wrote my journal, and got ready to go to gym...

Wednesday's devotions

Well I agree that we have a bond with family that's always going to be there, but I don't think the fact that you move on from your friends changing anything, if you stayed with your friends your entire life, you would never get anywhere, because you want different things later on in life. That doesn't make the bond with friends any less though, and even if it does end, you still have good memories, and memories is one of the most important things you can keep, because you never loose those, unless of course you get a condition of some form of memory loss. You make new friends through life also, the more close friends you have, the more easily you connect with people. It also gives you a sense of confidence, which can help you out a lot in different situations

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

How does it feel to be caught doing something wrong

Today's blog topic asks the question, " How does it feel to be caught doing something wrong" Well if I got caught on purpose if I had plans that required getting caught, then I would obviously feel accomplished. If I did not meant to be caught while doing this, then it would be a sense of failure, and probably something like you wish you could rewind time and know exactly when you would get caught so you could prevent it. You also learn from getting caught though, so you can some knowledge. You learn how the people around you work, when you can be caught and when you can't. How often they forget about certain things, and whatever else. I'm just giving examples of different feelings you could have when getting caught, it's not always a remorse, and you regret doing it. Normally you only regret doing it, if you would have regret it whether you got caught or not, the only part you regret is the getting caught part. It also depends how big the act on which you were caught was. If it was something small and simple, it would probably just be a small annoyance to be caught, if you got caught at doing something big, then you would feel like I explained above.

Tuesday's devotions

In today's devotions it says how the Pharisees were laying traps for Jesus, and while Jesus turned the traps around on them, they did not reply, and hid in the shadows with more trap. I've always found this very annoying. If I were Jesus I would have been to aggravated by the fact that they were ignoring the truth I was saying, denying it, and hiding in the shadows. I think we do compromise who we are a lot, but for almost everything we do.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Things I cannot change in my life.

Today's blog topic is about things I cannot change in my life. One of the things I cannot change in my life is probably the music I enjoy listening to, I can try to listen to different music, and eventually like that other music, but I'll still enjoy my metal. You really have to go into metal to see what it is, it's stereotyped pretty easily, but it's not what it seems all the time. Another thing I probably cannot change is the way I think about things, I'll learn new things, but I will always want to think in a way that explains what most people don't see, I don't know much now, but I'm hoping to learn these things. Another thing could be the fact that I'll enjoy playing guitar, guitar is one of the main things in my life, and music in general basically, and I don't think I would ever get tired of playing it.

Monday's Devtions

I find it makes complete sense how Jesus was saying that a doctor is for the sick, not the healthy. I think he explained it very well, Jesus was obviously a well spoken man.
It was probably just surprising to everyone that the Son of God would be hanging around with the prostitutes, tax collectors, and thieves. They probably got a better understanding of why he came in the first place after that, to help the unsaved.

Friday, February 13, 2009

What would I do on the weekend if I had no homework.

Today's blog topic asks me what I would do over the weekend if I had no homework at all to do. Well The first thing I would do is obviously leave school, then i would go home eat/shower and whatever else I had to do to get ready to go out. Then I would meet up with my friends, and we would go skydiving, while we were skydiving we would be riding unicycles in ballerina dresses with big clown shoes while bears were trying to eat us. Then we would go to the magical wonderful zoo land where all the animals talk and eat skittles, and sing songs, and do any chores you would like them to do, "we haven't been getting much sleep." Then I would go swimming in the ocean, and like almost die in the huge waves, but not waves so big I would drown, just big enough waves that I would have a good time. Then we would all get monster trucks or something, and go run over other cars, but only expensive cars, you know how that saying goes"when life gives you lemons....throw them at people who own expensive 2001 Honda owner" I would have a good weekend without homework, but I'm behind in my work, and I don't think i'll be having a non-homework weekend in a while.

Friday's devotion

I think that today's devotion requires some thinking, because people recorded that there was a Jesus 2000 years ago, but they didn't say anything about if he really did miracles or not? I think to prove that Jesus did do miracles, you have to connect the dots in a way, I wish I knew which dots to connect proving that Jesus was the son of God, but I am not an expert on the Bible. I agree how people are being foolish saying their Christian's when they don't believe christian principles, if I were them I would just be whatever religion I was acting like, rather than pretending to be something I'm not. Not saying other religions are the answer though.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday's Journal

Today's blog topic asks me if I could change one thing in the world, what would it be. If I were to change one thing in the world, it would probably be the fact that we turn into our surroundings too much, people are what they are because what society has lead people to believe what they want. This is even in the most simple things, if you watched a commercial for a nice-expensive car, and the man driving was a successful businessman, now our sub-conscious mind would be telling us that if we don't own an expensive car, we can't be successful. Another example would be perhaps a commercial for teens acne, saying that if you have pimples girls aren't going to like you, if you think about it, it's true. I know that these are called subliminal messages, which are messages which your conscious mind cannot detect, because you cannot concentrate that hard on a regular basis, but your sub-conscious mind picks it up, even if you just see something at the corner of your eye and don't read it, your brain still picked it up, and it slowly gets into your mind, normally when you sleep. That's would I would change about the world if I could.

Wednesday Journal

Wednesday's journal was on the quote, the fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. What I think this is saying is that, God's way is the only right way, and we must do what he says in order to be what he wants us to be, and that stubborn people do not want to change there ways for God, and try to make up their own rules for life, thinking it's okay with God that you made up your own rules. If we want to be what God intended us to be, we must allow him to bend us and mold us, bringing up another quote, "no pain, no gain" If God accepted our sin into his kingdom, it would become corrupted, juts like a small contagious disease in your body which can spread to other people, causing them to suffer the same as you, could be just a small cold, or it could be something more serious. That's why we must "fear" the Lord in order for us to be able to enter his kingdom for us.

Thursday's Devotions

Today's devotions were on Judas and his betrayal of Jesus. I think we do betray Jesus a lot these days in the simplest things, because we don't fully consider it betrayal even though it is, betrayal in the minds of today's people would be; denying the fact that you are a christian, performing an act to satan or any other false gods, and things like mocking Jesus directly. We realize later on that we betrayed him, but at the moment it just seems so insignificant, that we don't think about it. I think Judas killing himself because not realizing God's forgiveness, was a very unthoughtful thing to do and it seemed like he didn't think it through, but people also didn't get what Jesus was trying to do today with the sacrifice, as much as we understand.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday's Journal

Today's journal requires me to reflect upon the quote, "Always remember others may hate you but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself. Well I find what this is trying to say is, that if someone likes to insult you, or pick on you, or juts plain hate you. If you don't care about it, and juts ignore it, it will make them become mad because they wanted you to get aggrovated from it, and there efforts were in vain. If you get mad back at them, it creates a small war in between two parties, and this is exactly what the person who started it was looking for. So if you don't want to get into a fight with someone, when they do something to you, just ignore, you have better things to do than arguing back and forth pointlessly anyways.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday's Journal

Today's journal requires us to reflect upon the quote " I have enough money to last me the rest of my life, unless I buy something." To me this quote is saying different things. One thing it could be saying is that a little bit of money can last you your entire lifetime, since it does not get more or less, but if you buy something, you loose that money. It could also be saying that money might seem like something you should rely upon, and will support you your entire life, but you buy things with money, it has no other purpose, so getting money would mean you would lose it, otherwise there's no point in having any money at all if your not willing to spend it on something. It could also be saying that a little money might seem like a lot if you save it for a long time, you could say," I have enough money to last me the rest of my life!" without mentioning the fact that you only have a certain amount that you can buy one item, which is called making something seem like more than it actually is.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Groundhog day

Today's blog topic is about how Monday was groundhog day, and what does this mean, and if I believe in it. Well personally I don't believe that if a groundhog comes out of his house, and is scared of his shadow, it means anything at all, he might juts be scared of something else. I heard that it has to do with the weather conditions as the groundhog comes out. Like if it's sunny, then the shadow is seen, and the groundhog "foretells" six more weeks of bad weather. If it's a spring day, and there are clouds blocking the suns rays, then there is no visible shadow. The groundhog acts accordingly, and goes back inside if the weather is bad, and stays up if it is spring time. This annual tradition of the United States and Canada, came into being during the late 1800's. To answer the final question of the blog, no I don't believe in groundhog day, because there might just be a random sunny day, but I don't think it foretells another 6 weeks of weather.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Journal Wednesday

I have to redo yesterday's blog topic which asked me what I would do if two of my friends had birthday parties at the same time, and I could only choose one to go to. Well I would go to whichever party I felt like going to, if one of them was going to the movies or something fun like that, and one of them was doing something pretty boring, I would obviously go to the movies, because it seems more fun, and it would be a waste of time to go to a boring party, and I would be throwing my day away. I normally would think about what friend it was, and what they meant to me, but I don't really think like all the time, I really would just choose the party I feel would be better to go to, it seems selfish, and it is, but that's just what I would do. I would mabye think about going to half of one party, and going to the other half of the other party, but not if the other party was really boring, then I would juts stay for the whole "funner" party, and it also depends to which party my other friends were going to, I wouldn't want to go to either of them, by myself.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Making decisions

Today's blog topic is about, if two of your friends were having birthday parties on the same day at the same time, and they both invited me to go. We'll first off if two of my friends we're both having birthdays, they would not make them on the first day for sure, because all my friends know each other, and wouldn't any of their birthday parties. So I would inform them that another one of our friends was having a birthday party, and i'm sure they would talk it out and one of them would eventually decide to move there birthday party to another day. If they didn't wanna move there birthday party to another day, they would probably combine there birthday parties, since that's what a lot of people do anyway, when two people have a birthday on the same day. So yeah, my answer to today's blog topic is what would I do if they both were having birthday parties on the same time, would be talk to them about it, and if they still wouldn't change there birthday party times, then I would probably flip a coin, or go to whatever party would seem like one I would rather go to. THEN I would make my decision.

How I feel about parent teacher meetings

Today's blog topic is about how I feel about parent teacher meetings. I'm not so worried about parent teacher meetings, because my parents already know that i'm doing badly in school, not that I'm not trying to do better in school, hopefully this quarter i'll be able to start working more, and catch up in the work I have to do. Most people are probably afraid of their parents going to parent teacher meetings, because there parents don't know how badly or how good there doing in school, but I don't think someone would be worried if they were doing good in school. Though most people don't like there parents going to parent teacher meetings, it's good that they go so they can be informed, and help there kids to do there homework and such.


I don't really have much to say about the devotions this morning,except that I think we all take God for granted, and don't think about what we're doing, and just end up regretting it later, but I don't think we can ever fix this, until the day we're with Jesus in heaven, because right now we're only human, and don't think about future consequences as much as we should, but God forgives us and offers us forgiveness, which is why we're able to enter Heaven, even as we are.


I don't really have much to say about the devotions this morning,except that I think we all take God for granted, and don't think about what we're doing, and just end up regretting it later, but I don't think we can ever fix this, until the day we're with Jesus in heaven, because right now we're only human, and don't think about future consequences as much as we should, but God forgives us and offers us forgiveness, which is why we're able to enter Heaven, even as we are.