Thursday, September 24, 2009


Today's blog shows a video of kids being given a marshmallow and they are tempted to eat it, but they are told if they wait for a certain period of time, they will be rewarded another marshmallow. This has a few christian principles behind it, the main one I see is the idea of temptation, and how you'll be rewarded if you resist it, instead of giving into it. Some of the kid's waited, some tried to compromise and "play" around with the marshmallows, one of the actually just ate the marshmallow right away.

Those who waited got their second marshmallow, just as the bible say's that those who follow God's commands, be patient for the fulfillment of his promises, and stay faithful. They looked satisfied with their marshmallows. Those who nibbled at them, are like the Christians who tried to make deals with God, instead of jut following what he said, and most of the kid's actually did that. Then there are those that are not patient for the fulfillment of promises, and just "eat the marshmallow" right away instead of waiting for a second one.

Personally I wouldn't of ate the marshmallow at all, there not in my list of liked foods. If I was being tested on patience, it would actually depend on what I was holding on the line, and what I would be given for waiting. I would have to compare them and analyze the situation, some things juts aren't worth waiting for to me, while others I would wait a long time for. If I was going to eat the marshmallow or wait 10 minutes for another one, I would eat it right away, 10 minutes of waiting for another marshmallow is too much time for me, I could be out of there in 30seconds and have had one marshmallow. Instead of waiting for 10 minutes, but then again it depends on how "marshmallow" is interpreted into you on a personal level.

1 comment:

Michael Paul said...

Interesting insights. You are accurate about the purpose of the exercise. You are starting to be careless in your spelling and grammar.

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