Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Christian death metal?

At first I thought it was a serious video and a serious band, I thought it was the most ridiculous video I have ever seen lol. I get how it could be funny though, and it is funny. People are always trying to combine different types of music, it's not just christian music added to other types. Metal is being added to rock and rop, and hip-hop, country songs were combined with rock songs, it's just being creative.

No matter how much you change a song it's almost never better than the original. There are some cases however where a cover a song, made in into the band's own interpretation of it, has turned out in fact, better than the original. I do not know much about worship songs, so I don't know about in that case, but I know for a lot of other songs it has been like that.

I do think you could make a christian band that doesn't have to sound like worship songs however, they would still be a worship song in some form of course, but with a different sound. Different music, same meaning in words. I really find it kind of against what I've learned from this school about the bible, grouping people in like that, saying the music has to be a certain way, use certain instruments, be a certain pace. It just seems like conformity to me, I mean there has to be some form of conformity, but it has to have a least a little room to be yourself, you can't be the EXACT same as everyone else.

1 comment:

Michael Paul said...

Interesting point of view.

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