Monday, January 19, 2009

Why are Mondays so much harder than any other week days?

Today’s blog topic is,”Why are Mondays so much harder than any other week days?” I believed I already talked about this is a different blog topic. I think Monday’s are harder because the week is just starting and it seems so long away until weekend, because no one looks forward to the days during the week. Also it’s because of the weekend break; we’re not used to waking up at 6:30 every day, and working all day. It’s also the having to actually go to school fact, we probably wouldn’t have the same problem at home because we don’t have to go anywhere, not saying we should stay home instead of actually going to school, because you get distracted a lot easier, and you won’t get as much done at home as you will in school. It’s the same thing for coming back to school for the first few weeks after summer break, not much work gets done at all. But we need our breaks or else we would go insane from all the pressure of working, because this year we have more than juts PACES, we’ve got assignments, sometimes books to read along with the assignments, it’s just too much work not to get breaks from.

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