Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What do you like about snow storms, and do you have a responsibilty for shoveling?

Today’s blog topic is, ”What do you like about snow storms, and do you have a responsibility for shoveling.” Well the only thing I really like about snow storms is it’s normally a snow day, and gets a break from school, but what student in high school doesn’t like the fact of a snow day. Besides that I don’t like snow storms at all. I don’t like walking in the blistering cold, with snow flying in your face and all that fun stuff. The buses are normally always late, or full by the time they get to your bus stop, and waiting at the bus stop can get quite annoying. You also can just go out in your normally jacket and shoes either, you actually have to get a hat and gloves, and boots if there’s a lot on the ground, well that’s abnormal wear for my winters :P. As far as shovelling goes I don’t really have anything to shovel since I live on the upstairs part of a duplex, and the only form of land that snow can fall on is our balconies, but we don’t’ really shovel those because they don’t get that bad.

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