Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What new thing did you learn today?

Today’s blog topic is, “What new thing did you learn today?” Well I don’t really know what new things I learned today, because I haven’t really noticed anything I learned, because it’s nothing big, I guess I learned some things in my PACES, I learned that it’s going to be snowing today, because it’s snowing right now as I write this. I learned that Kendall’s computer is pretty much broken, like to the point of no return. I also got the Swiss Family Robinson book today, because I need it for the English Pace I’m working on. I learned that I have guitar lessons today, because I forgot, until I remembered today. I also learned that when I took my history test again, for history class, I got the same result as I did last time. Some of the questions on the test were wrong, and got me kind of confused. I also learned in history class what our assignment was for this week.

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