Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Problems with technology.

Today’s blog topic is about the two weaknesses of technology. Well I find the biggest two weakness is technology today, well the first being viruses. You can viruses from almost anything, a lot of the time the virus programs don’t even pick up the virus until you do a complete scan of your computer, a virus can go from something very small like a pop up every now and then, do a virus that lets them see whatever you type, giving them passwords, listening in on important private conversations, getting files, and whatever else they want. There is also I think a virus that turns on your webcam without the person with the webcam even knowing, so it’s important to deal with them right away. Viruses can also crash your system, which sometimes you don’t expect and can result in losing months, maybe years of work. Another problem with technology, is the fact that it breaks down so often, and that there are problems with it so often. We rely so much on that one piece of technology for so many things, that if it breaks down, we’re in a pretty bad situation. I think we’ll always have these problems with technology, well the breakdowns of course, but viruses...who knows maybe they’ll find a way to stop viruses getting into your system completely.

1 comment:

Michael Paul said...

It is funny you should mention viruses. Companies are much better at preventing them than they use to be. I have not had a virus in years whereas years ago I would get a virus once a month.