Thursday, January 29, 2009

Perfect day

Today’s blog topic asks me to describe the perfect day for me. Well it all depends on the date which we’re talking about, because of the things I am limited to be able to do now, with my age and everything. A perfect day now wouldn’t be a perfect day for me if I was like 20 or something. Right now a perfect day would be like, when I wake up, I’m not tired at all, have a great breakfast, maybe talk to some friends online for a bit, go to hang out with my friends for the day. Then either go home at night, and maybe watch a movie or something, then have a nice sleep, and not have sleeping problems, but there’s different things I would describe as a perfect day also, I mean if I could go skydiving or something that would make the day even better, but I don’t think I would ever to get have a PERFECT day, because every day has its problems, and you learn from them. But i’m not saying perfect days, would be a bad thing, I would actually really like if all days were perfect.

1 comment:

Michael Paul said...

I would be graet if you could just answer the question instead of filling your blog with things that do not answer the question. I did not ask about 2o years from now and I didn't ask whether you thought perfect days were possible.