Thursday, January 29, 2009

Perfect day

Today’s blog topic asks me to describe the perfect day for me. Well it all depends on the date which we’re talking about, because of the things I am limited to be able to do now, with my age and everything. A perfect day now wouldn’t be a perfect day for me if I was like 20 or something. Right now a perfect day would be like, when I wake up, I’m not tired at all, have a great breakfast, maybe talk to some friends online for a bit, go to hang out with my friends for the day. Then either go home at night, and maybe watch a movie or something, then have a nice sleep, and not have sleeping problems, but there’s different things I would describe as a perfect day also, I mean if I could go skydiving or something that would make the day even better, but I don’t think I would ever to get have a PERFECT day, because every day has its problems, and you learn from them. But i’m not saying perfect days, would be a bad thing, I would actually really like if all days were perfect.

Backing up your computer

Today’s blog topic asks me why I think it’s a good idea to back up your computer at least once a week. Well if you don’t backup your computer at least once a week, then all the information on your computer is not very safe at all, because computers crash often, especially in school. You can set up your computer to back itself up at least once a week anyway with certain programs. If you can’t back up your entire computer, you should at least back up the most important files on your computer, the files that you either can’t get back, or would take you a long time to redo it. So yeah, backing up your computer is something you should do normally, if you want your computer to last the longest it can at least, but there’s never a 100% chance that you’re computer will be safe from crashing.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Problems with technology.

Today’s blog topic is about the two weaknesses of technology. Well I find the biggest two weakness is technology today, well the first being viruses. You can viruses from almost anything, a lot of the time the virus programs don’t even pick up the virus until you do a complete scan of your computer, a virus can go from something very small like a pop up every now and then, do a virus that lets them see whatever you type, giving them passwords, listening in on important private conversations, getting files, and whatever else they want. There is also I think a virus that turns on your webcam without the person with the webcam even knowing, so it’s important to deal with them right away. Viruses can also crash your system, which sometimes you don’t expect and can result in losing months, maybe years of work. Another problem with technology, is the fact that it breaks down so often, and that there are problems with it so often. We rely so much on that one piece of technology for so many things, that if it breaks down, we’re in a pretty bad situation. I think we’ll always have these problems with technology, well the breakdowns of course, but viruses...who knows maybe they’ll find a way to stop viruses getting into your system completely.

Life or Death (redo)

I have to redo Fridays blog of” If you were on a desert island and everyone you knew was drowning, if you had to save one person, who would you save and why?” Well I still find this a difficult blog topic to choose. I don’t think I would be able to choose anyone close to me to choose, because anyone close to me are all at equals, I don’t really find one person more important than another. Surprising at it may be, I would choose either my friend chris because he’s one of the smartest at his schools, and could help me think of a way to get back to civilization, or my friend trever, because he’s someone with a lot of weight, it would take him about 7 years to starve to death, and if we were hungry we could eat an arm or a leg, and it would last us a couple of weeks. I wouldn’t take anyone close to me, because I don’t think i’d be able to live with myself having thrown away everyone else, and that person might no longer be close to me because of that, so I would choose someone I know that would be useful to me on a desert island in some way. So someone I know that has all those would be, probably mike I’m guessing.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Life and death

Today’s blog topic is “What would you do if you where on a desert island, and everybody you knew was in the ocean drowning, who would be the one person you save, and why?” Well if you think about it, everyone’s drowning in the ocean, and your on a DESERT island, no water, no water, no civilization, no chance of anybody finding you. So it would be kind of hard to decide of someone should even be saved to last who knows how long on that island until they slowly die from hunger. The only problem would be what would you do after you were the only one left, I think if you really cared about people you would be willing to be the only one who dies a slow painful death. If it were someone else besides a desert island, perhaps a tropical island, or somewhere that’s not an island, and attached to a bigger piece of land with other people, then you could pick someone who means the most to you, or someone young who still has their full life ahead of them. Would you really have time to think about who to save though, you would probably go insane just from the pressure, so the person I would choose would be...oh look 200 words are up :P

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Today's blog topic is to give reasons why I think its good to have the blog topic prior to 3:15, well I think it's good to have the blog topic before 3:15 so you can write it early, if you have to do something else right before you leave, because that is the case in which I am in most of the time. It also gives you time to write about the subject, and what your going to write, the longer we have to think the better the blog is, and the longer. Also if we didn't know it before 3:15, we would be in a hurry to write our blog, and it would not turn out very good, kind of like what I'm doing now, because I was trying to hand in my English, so I only have 4 minutes to do my blog. Most of the time though im grateful the blog topic is up there most of the day.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Second Quarter coming to an end.

Today’s blog topic is “It is coming closer to the end of the Second Quarter, Take a moment on why it was, or was it was not, a good quarter food you.” We’ll this quarter was an okay quarter for me, I could have done better, but at least I did more work than I did last quarter, so I guess it’s a progress, hopefully in the third quarter I will do more work than I did this quarter, and so forth. This quarter passed by a lot faster than the last quarter I find, even though it was a bit longer with the Christmas vacation and everything, besides school the time during the second quarter, went really well for me, and I’m glad what happened, I’m not so proud of not catching up in my work yet though, but I still have a bit to catch up on, I think I was 6-7 PACES behind in all. Being 6-7 PACES behind in all is not that bad I find though, it was worse at this time last year. Hopefully in the third quarter I won’t find the amount of work that I have to do as big, and find a way to manage it all, while getting caught up.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Why are Mondays so much harder than any other week days?

Today’s blog topic is,”Why are Mondays so much harder than any other week days?” I believed I already talked about this is a different blog topic. I think Monday’s are harder because the week is just starting and it seems so long away until weekend, because no one looks forward to the days during the week. Also it’s because of the weekend break; we’re not used to waking up at 6:30 every day, and working all day. It’s also the having to actually go to school fact, we probably wouldn’t have the same problem at home because we don’t have to go anywhere, not saying we should stay home instead of actually going to school, because you get distracted a lot easier, and you won’t get as much done at home as you will in school. It’s the same thing for coming back to school for the first few weeks after summer break, not much work gets done at all. But we need our breaks or else we would go insane from all the pressure of working, because this year we have more than juts PACES, we’ve got assignments, sometimes books to read along with the assignments, it’s just too much work not to get breaks from.

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Cree Nation of Mistissini

Today’s journal is about three things that I think about the Cree Nation of Mistissini. First thing I think about mistissini is they have a wide variety of surroundings and weather conditions. In the summer it gets very warm, during the spring and fall they have an abundant rain fall, and during the winter it is cold and dry, with a lot of snow. Their also surrounded by forest and lakes, with a variety of trees and plants. This would be a good place to live if you like to experience the things nature has to offer. I think how it’s interesting that they’re been there since the early 1800’s, and it used to be just a summer encampment, because of the establishment of the Hudson Bay company fur trading post. They were also different traders in the vicinity. I also found out that they got an agreement with the governor or Quebec, which increased the relationship between the government of Quebec, and the Crees of Quebec. After they signed the agreement they were able to do whatever they wanted with the land, and they developed it into their respected community, and over the years they’re become what it is today, I think there’s a lot of things that people don’t know that happened like small things like this, even in Quebec where we live.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Describe what victory feels like to you

Today’s blog topic is an odd topic, it is ”Describe what victory feels like to you.” Well I think victory is basically winning a against a struggle, or at least winning in your mind, because victory means you have won whatever struggle against another. Whether you were by yourself or with other people, victory stills feels the same, like finally lying down after a long day of working, a relief because it means an ending to whatever struggles or competitions were happening, but with every victory there is a loss. Without having a loss, it is impossible to have victory, because it is the fact that the other side lost, that you won, two people or sides cannot win. Victory makes loss what it is, and loss makes victory what it is, in a way they complement each other. Something cannot simply “be” because that’s “what it is” it must have an opposite or it does not exist, it cannot even be a thought, if you try to think of winning without something losing it’s impossible, you might not think about it directly but that’s how you know what it is, because it is not something else. This relates to almost every aspect in life.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

What new thing did you learn today?

Today’s blog topic is, “What new thing did you learn today?” Well I don’t really know what new things I learned today, because I haven’t really noticed anything I learned, because it’s nothing big, I guess I learned some things in my PACES, I learned that it’s going to be snowing today, because it’s snowing right now as I write this. I learned that Kendall’s computer is pretty much broken, like to the point of no return. I also got the Swiss Family Robinson book today, because I need it for the English Pace I’m working on. I learned that I have guitar lessons today, because I forgot, until I remembered today. I also learned that when I took my history test again, for history class, I got the same result as I did last time. Some of the questions on the test were wrong, and got me kind of confused. I also learned in history class what our assignment was for this week.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Today’s blog topic is about whatever we want to write about, so I’m going to write whatever pops into my mind. I’ve always noticed how the first week back at school always seems so much longer than the other weeks, but once the week is over it didn’t seem so long, there’s different things that are like that, it might seem like its taking forever or your doing your best at it, but once your done you think, that wasn’t that long, or you think you probably could have done a little bit better if you really tried, even though you were trying your hardest. I wonder what makes us think like that. I also noticed that a lot of people want what they do not/can not have. During the winter we want it to be warmer, during the summer we want it to be cooler, whenever kids get to drink soda “if they don’t drink it a lot” they get excited about it, when I’m sure there’s a lot of other drinks that they would choose over soda if they had it normally, I think it’s because it’s something they can’t normally have. Poor people want to be rich, rich people get tired of being rich. I think that knowing these kinds of things are interesting, and how the mind words.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What do you like about snow storms, and do you have a responsibilty for shoveling?

Today’s blog topic is, ”What do you like about snow storms, and do you have a responsibility for shoveling.” Well the only thing I really like about snow storms is it’s normally a snow day, and gets a break from school, but what student in high school doesn’t like the fact of a snow day. Besides that I don’t like snow storms at all. I don’t like walking in the blistering cold, with snow flying in your face and all that fun stuff. The buses are normally always late, or full by the time they get to your bus stop, and waiting at the bus stop can get quite annoying. You also can just go out in your normally jacket and shoes either, you actually have to get a hat and gloves, and boots if there’s a lot on the ground, well that’s abnormal wear for my winters :P. As far as shovelling goes I don’t really have anything to shovel since I live on the upstairs part of a duplex, and the only form of land that snow can fall on is our balconies, but we don’t’ really shovel those because they don’t get that bad.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What is your favorite part of the Christmas season?

Today’s journal topic is “What is your favourite part of the Christmas Season?” My favourite part of the Christmas season would be probably the fact that there’s no school during that time and you can do basically whatever you want. I don’t really like the fact that it is normally really snowy and cold. Almost everything is easier to do in the summer. I’m guessing that most kid’s favourite part about the season would be presents, kids as in 3-12. I don’t really care for presents that much anymore, since the only thing I really look forward to during Christmas is the vacation part, but I’m not saying presents wouldn’t be nice, but I don’t think I would really mind if I didn’t have any. I also used to like the snow a lot more when I was younger, now I find it just gets in the way, I actually like the cold though, not like freezing cold, but in between.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Do you find it hard getting back into the school routine? Why or why not?

Today’s blog topic is “Do you find it hard to get back into the school routine? Why or why not? I personally think the amount of effort it takes to get back into the school routine all depends on how much time you spent on vacation, if it was only for 3 days it wouldn’t be very hard to get back to your daily school routine, but when we have summer vacation, it’s often quite difficult to get back into school, and concentrate on our work, we normally get bored and distracted easily, most of the work is basically getting over that first hill of forcing yourself to work, then it gets easier. If you do some work over the vacation it makes it a bit easier when you get back, but it’s already hard enough to work on vacation as it is. One of the main reasons it’s hard to work, is because you’re not used to waking up so early, which makes you tired and lazy throughout the day, which makes it a lot easier to do nothing. I don’t think people ever stop actually working though, might not be in high school but they keep working, until your retired, but not all people retire as they feel they do not want to retire.