Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Forever and ever song

Today's blog shows an interesting video about a song called "forever and ever". Here is what I think about it.

At first it was pretty unclear what the message behind this video was, it seemed a bit random, like it didn't have any relation to the lyrics at all, and was purely meant for entertainment. That is possible however, some music videos are only meant to be entertaining to the eye while you listen to the audio, this could possibly be the case. Perhaps they just made a funny video of the band joking around and decided to put this song to it, but to me that's unlikely.

Seeing as it's a Christian band, if I had to interpret this, I would say the band is saying that their worship music is not greatly appreciated by the world. When they play their music about "God's love" the world will fight back because they do not agree, and try to get rid of them. Despite the world's efforts to put a stop to their music however, the band keeps playing their music because it's what they believe.

I'm not sure what exactly happens when that atom-shaped object appears. Do they get super powers from this object? Anyways, my interpretation for that would be, since they kept on playing their music for God despite the world's efforts to stop them, they were rewarded from strength with something they could not describe. These powers each amplified the strengths of each person, who had their own "calling from God." That's what the different instruments could represent, God's separate callings for his people, we do not all play the same instrument.

Overall it could have been a good video to think about, but I still do not think they made a very good choice for the song, the song has to relate to the video in some way, and in this case it did not really. They should of made a song about continuing to sing their worship music despite the world's opinion on it.

Monday, September 28, 2009

What is love

Today's blog shows a video on the "worlds" view of love from the perspective of a christian. I do agree that a lot of people confuse love with infatuation and lust but I do think there are people who are not Christians who have experienced real love.

Most people get excited when they first meet someone they like, and they get infatuated, they almost "love" them for no reason at all, just because they want to experience love. Some people aren't patient enough to wait for a strong connection of love, and want it right away. They feel the need to be with someone, to have that strong connection that is advertised so much around them. Some people also just don't want to be alone.

One of the other main things that get's confused with love is lust. People can get extremely physically attracted to someone, to the point when they think it's more than just a physical attraction, the only time they find out it's only lust is once they get bored of that person, and want to find someone more physically attractive. People like to be pleased, they'll pay big money just to be pleased. Some people base their entire lives around being pleased. I don't consider physical attributes about a person as important as personality, and mental attributes.

People in today's world want things right away, and they want it fast, they don't want to have to wait. Most of the time whenever I see people "in love" they normally end up fighting and ending their relationship anyways. Without even exaggerating, 50% of marriages I've seen have ended in some way. I think that if someone wants to find love they're going to have to be patient, they're going to have to be committed, they're going to have to work at it, and they're going to have to be able to feel it.

I don't think I've experienced love yet, but I don't doubt that if I find someone and create a bond with them and it grows to the point where I consider them more important that myself, then I'll experience love. Right now I don't really understand love like people say, or even some other emotions people talk about, but I'm sure one day I'll understand.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Today's blog shows a video of kids being given a marshmallow and they are tempted to eat it, but they are told if they wait for a certain period of time, they will be rewarded another marshmallow. This has a few christian principles behind it, the main one I see is the idea of temptation, and how you'll be rewarded if you resist it, instead of giving into it. Some of the kid's waited, some tried to compromise and "play" around with the marshmallows, one of the actually just ate the marshmallow right away.

Those who waited got their second marshmallow, just as the bible say's that those who follow God's commands, be patient for the fulfillment of his promises, and stay faithful. They looked satisfied with their marshmallows. Those who nibbled at them, are like the Christians who tried to make deals with God, instead of jut following what he said, and most of the kid's actually did that. Then there are those that are not patient for the fulfillment of promises, and just "eat the marshmallow" right away instead of waiting for a second one.

Personally I wouldn't of ate the marshmallow at all, there not in my list of liked foods. If I was being tested on patience, it would actually depend on what I was holding on the line, and what I would be given for waiting. I would have to compare them and analyze the situation, some things juts aren't worth waiting for to me, while others I would wait a long time for. If I was going to eat the marshmallow or wait 10 minutes for another one, I would eat it right away, 10 minutes of waiting for another marshmallow is too much time for me, I could be out of there in 30seconds and have had one marshmallow. Instead of waiting for 10 minutes, but then again it depends on how "marshmallow" is interpreted into you on a personal level.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Love video

Today's blog is a video on love from a Christians perspective. I agree with him for the most part of the video. I believe love is priceless, and that it's getting to the point where you would lay down your life for someone. When he starts saying laying down your life for your enemies however, it's a different idea of love from what I'm thinking. He's looking at it from more of a you showing love to everyone, when I'm thinking of aiming love at certain people.

I find if you love someone, or someone loves you it means more because they don't just love everyone, it makes you unique out of everyone else, makes you feel wanted. I would definitely not love an enemy of love, much less lay down my life for them. If I love someone it's because they deserve it, and its not just a thing I would say about anyone, it's extremely rare for me. Though I don't revolve my life around love, I do consider it to be important.

Like I said before he was looking at it from more of a point of view like, "This is what BEING love is". Since God is love, then people who believe in him should act the same, which is why I understand where he's coming from. I'm sure every christian want's to be his best for God, being Christlike. Being Christlike involves loving everyone, even if they despise you.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Blessed be your name video

Today's blog show's a video similar to yesterday, people showing how they conquered things in their lives, and still have a love for their God after everything that's happened. Personally I don't think it's a useful way to use your feelings to love someone when you lost your job and can't find work anymore, I mean I can understand why he still loves his God, because his God loved him in a perfect way so it's natural for him to love his God back, not in the same amount, but loves him as much as he possibly can.

I think it's a lot easier to love you're God when things are going good, because it's like going into a warm bath, it's easy to accept. While saying you still love you're God when you're life is doing done the drain is a much tougher task, compared to my other example this would be like going into a cold bath. I guess if you love God enough you'll forgive him no matter what happens in your life, as he forgives you for everything you do. Like I said it seems kind of like a waste of time to me, I'm not really into wasting time I always try to be doing something effective.

If I did believe in God though and my objectives and goals for this life were past the world, then I would probably love God just as much as any of those people in the video, because it would be my main priority. I've yet to see some real evidence that there is a God so, I don't want to waste my time working on something that I don't even know is real or not. To a christian it would be like, doing things of the world that only have "world rewards" is nothing to them, it doesn't go with their main purpose, so they're not going to waste time on it.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sept 21, 2009 blog

Today's blog shows a video of people showing their past mistakes and tragedies, and how they trusted in God to fulfill the promises in the bible, and put their hearts and minds at rest and whatever else he promised. Most of them had really big tragic incidents, suicide of a son, death of child, etc. Some of them weren't as big of a deal, but still important to the individual I guess.

It's good to be able to let get of things sometimes. Some people drown in their own sorrow because they can't let go of the past. So I would say this was successful in making people happier in generally themselves. It was successful because the people had been able to forgive whatever had happened in the past, and that was God's purpose I'm sure. I'm glad these people found themselves a way to cope with things of the past.

The most dramatic moment for me was probably the suicide of son moment. General death doesn't effect me as much as suicide does. Suicide is something that if happened to someone close to me, I would probably be in a very dark place in my life for a long time. Just the thought of them being so depressed to take their own life, makes you feel kind of like there was nothing you could have done to help them. I'm sure it was hard for that mother to go up there and admit that, but I'm sure she feels better about it now.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Social media

Today's blog shows a video on someones opinion on social media, and how it's more than a fad. If it were possibly I would agree 115%. I think it's much more than just a fad, it's the way we communicate now, paper companies are slowly going out of business. If it were just a fad, people would have been getting over it, instead of it growing, like it most definitely is.

Social networking is juts the simplest thing to do these days, I mean it takes you like what around 15 minutes to find out everything that's on the news, possibly even less. No more waiting to get the newspapers, information is just a click away, how can people resist that? I think some of the things we value most is time, and knowledge. Internet provides pros for both of these variables, you spend less time learning more information, it's a plus plus situation. If someone were to deny social networking and kept to traditional ways, they're probably just the kind of people to dislike change.

Whether those few people go with it or not, the world is still moving with the internet now. People interact more online than they do in real life now, with face book for example, window's live messenger is also another one. It's all advancing so fast, thinking back to when I had an "apple" computer that only had green icons on it, and I don't even think it had a mouse, one of the first computers. When dial up came out and everyone was amazed by internet. These day's if the Internets going anything under 6mbs we get frustrated at it. Social networking is getting faster, and more mobile. Pretty soon maybe we'll be talking to people 24/7.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Today's blog shows a video of a band playing a song called "Hero". This is one of those songs, like many others, that it's up to you to decide to what this song's meaning behind it is. It can be differently in so many different ways. It really all depends on what the person values.

For me this video up to the point where they said"A hero living inside of me" I thought it was talking about our societies heroes, the policemen, firemen, doctors, the men and women in the war. People that spend their lives helping others in tremendous ways.I mean everyone helps out others in some form during their jobs, but there are a particular group of people which are literally there to serve and protect.

When they said the line" A hero living inside of me", I personally thought maybe they were talking about when you do something you thought you would of never been able to do, whether it have been because of adrenaline, or a loved one was in danger, I don't know it could be for a number of reasons. I know enough about Christianity that the people in this video, since they are a christian band, we're referring to Jesus being they're hero. A hero isn't afraid to die, they said something like that, that also increased my guess that they were referring to Jesus as their "hero".

This video communicates "a" message effectively, but I don't know if it's "the" message they wanted to send out, but I can't read the band members minds.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Blog September 16, 2009

Today's blog shows a video of how a pastor says how the things are given to us in the world to show we don't need them. I agree to a point but, like I previously discussed in a class, the more money you have, the more "necessities" you have in today's society. I can understand that what he's saying is don't rely on material items for your entire life. It kind of sounds like a smoker saying, I smoke to prove that I don't need it, because I only smoke sometimes.

Whether he uses that money that is provided to him by "God" for his own selfish purposes or for the better of other people, he still needs it to do those things. Churches need money, maybe not in heaven or wherever, but on the earth, in this country, today...money IS what makes the world go round, well it's one of the main factors in it. It's only so important BECAUSE people want it, if no one considered money important like he says in this video, it would through society off, the farmers wouldn't make food for others, public transportation systems would stop, everyone would stop working because why do we work, for money that is. Money is overused a lot of the time, but I find that it's a genius creation to make other people to things for others. It's just paper, without how important people considered it, it would be worth next to nothing

So when I see someone saying things like money, houses, cars, etc you don't need, it's true you don't need..but it's kind of like juts wanting to be a rebel for society, but this guy obviously has other reasons in mind. If he didn't have any money, he wouldn't of made that video, if christian charities don't have money, they can't help others. If you think about it no matter how selfish you are, as long as you participate in working, gaining money, and spending it, you're cooperating with the whole system, and ultimately helping others. If you're incapable of gaining a career because you didn't study enough in school, or maybe money is the problem, or who knows, then you get a less-paying job, we can't all get the high paying jobs, but even the people who are maybe company executives, or lawyers, still need people to make their food, build there houses, etc. Well at least that how it works in today's world, it could work otherwise, but to me there's no point in imagining how it works any other way, because that doesn't train me for the future.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Blog sept 15, 2009

I don't really believe in a "God" at all so naturally I don't believe that "God" is healing anybody. I'm not really sure how to get into more detail into that, it's just how it is. I'm glad that this little girl survived however, despite my beliefs.

I believe that this girl is lucky to still be alive, I'm just not sure about all the other christian families with babies that have leukemia and they're children don't get cured. I don't know the statistics on that, but I'm pretty certain that not every christian family with a child with leukemia was cured. It's said every bad thing is for the better in the end, but some things just don't make sense, like I don't understand how 6 million Jews being killed, through into stoves and camps, is going to work out for good. Even if it did, that's a really big price. I think it's just a way on how you look at it; it's like shooting tennis balls out of a tennis ball gun at a wall with one small hole, a bit bigger than the size of one of the balls, at random. Not all the balls get through, but it's possible they could.

I don't think any of us can say for sure what they would be doing if they were going to die from a fatal disease, unless you already have one. Knowing how much time you have left, when your going to die, would throw off your life completely. You might be trying to fit in as much as you can between that time. Spending it with loved ones as much as possible, looking into your life insurance. I think we can make a basic plan, but I doubt we'll do exactly that when we know that we'll be dying soon.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Three new things

Today's blog asks about three new things I learned this week. One thing I learned is that getting started, is probably the hardest part of the year in school, your trying to get organized, getting a routine started, and your not used to working so much. For students and teachers this goes for, students because they are used to not working all summer, and teachers work hard to get all the things organized for the students, but it's not the same during the summer.

Another thing I learned is that if you don't have your textbook for an online math class that uses that text book EVERY DAY, you're going to fall behind, and it's going to be very difficult to follow along with what shes saying, falling further and further behind. Same thing goes for our graphic calculators, this weekends homework is practicing our skills with the graphic calculator, and Tuesday is a review, we're only getting the textbooks Monday, which gives us one day to "study" everything properly.

Also I guess another thing is that you should probably check with the company if you're ordering something from the same city and it hasn't arrived in a week, but at least we're actually getting them on Monday. I learned that trying to acquire proper, readable scanned pages online and have them printed properly, is a very hard task, and takes up a lot of time. It also increases the amount of time you spend on a subject by at least 50%. The first while in school is always the hardest I find.

Heaven is the face

Today I listened to a song that a man wrote, whose daughter got killed in a car accident by his son in his own driveway. It's a very sad thing to lose someone close to you, when someone old dies of age it hurts but, not as much as when a child who hasn't even fully experienced life yet dies at such a young age. So many things she would have missed in her life. Especially for the father and mother of that child.

It's good the father at least had confidence that his daughter was with God, if he didn't have that who knows where his life would have went. Some people can be pretty devastated at the death of their own child at such a young age. I think he's lucky to be a christian in this situation. Having a confidence that when someone dies, they are still alive somewhere, can be a really comforting thought. Some people juts can't handle the fact that someone close to them is gone.

A lot of people deal with death in a lot of different ways. Some people go into depression, sometimes even suicide. Some people juts can't emotionally handle it and their brain just...shuts down. Most of the time it's in very negative ways people deal with it, you're not really concerned about being an optimist in this type of situation. For him it was writing a song, which is a good way of dealing with it, sometimes song is the most creative way to express your inner thoughts.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Christian death metal?

At first I thought it was a serious video and a serious band, I thought it was the most ridiculous video I have ever seen lol. I get how it could be funny though, and it is funny. People are always trying to combine different types of music, it's not just christian music added to other types. Metal is being added to rock and rop, and hip-hop, country songs were combined with rock songs, it's just being creative.

No matter how much you change a song it's almost never better than the original. There are some cases however where a cover a song, made in into the band's own interpretation of it, has turned out in fact, better than the original. I do not know much about worship songs, so I don't know about in that case, but I know for a lot of other songs it has been like that.

I do think you could make a christian band that doesn't have to sound like worship songs however, they would still be a worship song in some form of course, but with a different sound. Different music, same meaning in words. I really find it kind of against what I've learned from this school about the bible, grouping people in like that, saying the music has to be a certain way, use certain instruments, be a certain pace. It just seems like conformity to me, I mean there has to be some form of conformity, but it has to have a least a little room to be yourself, you can't be the EXACT same as everyone else.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"God's creation"

In a christian perspective; I find it was effective on conveying the message, most messages are best conveyed by talking about yourself. The best kind of ways to teach people are with stories, in the bible it says Jesus was a story teller. If you try to tell people directions in where to go directly, they might juts block out whatever you're trying to say to them. That's why its best if you just let relate themselves to your specific situation in which you are telling.
The message of this video, is that God created all people in a perfect image, so you could not be "garbage" per se. It gives encouragement to knowing that you're never not worth anything, and you're always important, even if it's in a different way from everybody else.
It also was showing that even though God placed faults in your life, those faults are only there to help you grow. He allowed us to make the choice in order for us to be able to be fixed, and truly learn our lessons. We would need to be in the imagine of God's son, Jesus; who is also himself, in order to enter his kingdom and join him for an eternity.

Friday, September 4, 2009


I know of several reasons why we laugh, some people laugh to cope with the hardships in there life. For example, a comedian who is overweight, may go on stage and joke about it. Some comedians have started it as a career to deal with their physical disabilities. Most of the time laughter happens because we find something ironic, or we may have made a big deal out of something a long time ago, and when we think back at it we see it from a different point of view which gives you a different opinion.
Sometimes it's important to laugh, and others it is not. It is important to laugh to socialize, if you do not laugh, you might give off the impression that you're like the Grinch or something, and you're serious all the time. Laughing is a great medicine, whenever you're bored, depressed, stressed, or anything laughing can help it greatly, and this has been psychologically proven. Making people laugh will make them feel more secure around you. Laughing makes friends, and is one of the main things people do when they have fun.
With enough respect to pastor Paul's opinion, I personally don't believe in "God". If there was though, I would imagine he would of made laughter because of the paragraph I just wrote, for all those reasons at least. You wouldn't want to go through life in a serious manner all the time, he would want us to enjoy life. I think that in heaven there would be a lot of laughing, since laughing makes people happy, and I'm sure he wants people to be happy, since he loves us and all.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ceiling Fan

Today's blog was on a comedy video that was about an older brother end up hurting his brother, with also his little brothers fault, and his father punishing them. It was really funny how what happened, I laughed quiet a bit. I find it interesting how this is based on a bible verse though, I was not thinking of that at all when I was watching the video, I was distracted by what he was saying.

One thing I can remember that I did that was mean to my little brother was when I was playing with him, I accidentally dropped him and he broke his shoulder I think it was. I was surprised because it had happened really fast, and I didn't realize that his shoulder was actually broken until he had gone to the hospital and come back. I was carrying him around on my shoulder, and I put him down for a bit, then I was going to pick him back up, but I lifted him up to far and he squiggled around or something and he went right past me and fell on the floor.

I felt bad at the time because I did it by accident, I was hoping there was no permanent damage to his arm, and that it would heal quickly. I don't play with him that much anymore, like in that way at least. Well now he can think of the first bone he broke was then, which isn't the best, but it could be a pretty funny story I guess. We've all done things to people we regret however, so I've moved on from that.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Sept 2, 2009

Today's blog is on the video of a man who wrote the song, "It is well, with my soul." He had all his investments burned in the great Chicago fire. I would have been devastated if I had invested all my money in a life long savings and to have it all burned away in a fire, it would practically be my life gone down the drain.
It was also a tragedy how he lost his 5 children, I do not know how it would of felt to experience that since I do not have children. I do not blame him and his wife for mourning for their children's death. I also find it honorablle how they continued on with their work depite what they had been through.
They must have had a lot of faith in what htey believed that, I'm glad that in the world today when tragedies happen, we can each find something for us to continue going. I really hope my life doesn't turn out this bad, but I do not expect it to be perfect

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

World without cellphones

Well first off we have to consider that the worlds technology has gone mobile, we no longer have to wait to get home to check something online, we don't even need a laptop anymore, everything we need for connection is becoming available in hand held objects, cellphones. Now Personally I think that especially the businesses would be in a mess for a little bit, considering all the cellphone use they do, talking to clients, or the manager messaging orders to his employees. It would be like a train stopping in the middle of its travel, but it would start up again, we still have social networking so it wouldn't be the worst. I think teens would be pissed, and probably their own social lives would be not in order considering they can't talk to their friends 24/7. I personally don't use a cellphone so it wouldn't really be a problem for me, but if I did have one, I would most definitely be using it a lot. I would probably be a little lost for a while. But the world is very good at getting back up from disasters and coming back stronger, so I'm sure we would find some other way to make mobile connections, I'm sure in the future they're won't be cellphones at all, technology is getting smaller and smaller.