Tuesday, March 31, 2009

summer jobs

Today's blog topic is summer jobs. A lot of teens in high school try to get summer school, as most of them have the whole summer off of school, which could give them plenty of time to get a little bit of money, but as we all know, lots of money doesn't come free. Summer job's often have to actually be applied for before summer, because if you ask a little while after summer starts, everyone else would have already taken summer jobs, and they employer won't need any more people. Probably the most common place where people take summer jobs, is fast food restaurants like McDonalds, Burgerking, Subway, or anything like that. These restaurants need a lot of people because like McDonalds, Tims, and other restaurants it's open 24/7. Summer jobs normally only get minimum wage. Since you won't be working for too long, and seeing as you just started.

Monday, March 30, 2009

A breath of fresh air

Today's blog topic asks to write about "a breath of fresh air" and what to talk about those words. Well in the sense the school is referring to is the relief of stress or depression or any "heavy" emotion, by maybe the words of someone, or an inspiration through people, nature, or many other things. People can be relieved pretty easily, and others are more difficult. Sometimes a breath of fresh air is juts what we need for inspiration to continue, because we can all agree life gets hard, and a breath of fresh air every now and then helps us to keep going. If we do not get this "fresh of breath air" we wouldn't have any release from the stress of life, and we drown in ourselves and our problems. we can give breaths of fresh air to other, as other people can give them to us.

Friday, March 27, 2009

pros and cons of KD

Today's blog asks what are some good things about KD, and what are some bad things. I guess one thing about kd that's good is that almost anyone can make it. Another good thing is that it doesn't take very long to make. It's also not very expensive. Another thing is it all comes in one package, so you don't need many ingredients to cook, just what comes in the package. I also like the taste of kd I guess, I have it for lunch at school every now and then. One bad thing about it, though it's not that big of a deal, is that you need to use milk and margarine/butter, but like I said that's not much of a bother. Another bad thing about KD is there isn't much in one package, if I were going to have a normal meal I would need at least half of the package to myself, if not more. It's also not very fulling unless in large quantities. KD can also be very messy, seeing that the noodles can fall off of your utensil easily, and onto the floor or table.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Will wii or won't wii?

Today's blog topic asks a weird question"will wii or won't we?" I'm not exactly sure what I think about that, I think they're asking a yes or no question, and just putting the "wii" we started using the wii in school. So I have to make up a question relating to if we will or won't do something. One question can be will we every have a peaceful society without violence? I doubt it, to many people get easily corrupted, sometimes by themselves. Another will we or won't we question can be. Will we ever find a currency system that doesn't require money? I suppose we could, I don't know much about the money system, all I basically know is that most food comes from farms, and companies take that food, and other foods, and mix it into there own product. That's all I know about how food works. How about will we ever visit any other planets? Or travel outside our galaxy, or will we be stuck in the places we got to so far? There aren't many will we or won't we questions I can think of, but I think that's what today's journal was about to me.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Motivation and achievement

Today's blog asks me to write about how motivation relates to achievement. I think motivation plays a big part in achievement, one cannot do something properly unless motivated in his/her mind. The best kind of motivation, is the kind you can give yourself, it's hard to motivate yourself most of the time, but when you do, that kind of motivation gives you a permanent, or at least lasts for a god time, change. Well that's what i've thought of it so far. There are different kind of motivation. There's motivation where you suddenly realise what you have to do, or need to do, or basically just want to do. There can be motivation where you learn from other people, mabye you see something happen, or hear about something, and you relate it to yourself. Other people could motivate you with the right words. I find if someone else were to motivate me they would have to know exactly what to say without me telling them, or else I wouldn't really consider it anything more than them repeating what I said but in slightly different words.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Dangers of email accounts

Today’s blog topic asks what are the danger of email accounts. There are several dangers of having an email account. You can get spammed from people or a website and end up having a million of the same message over and over and you would have to go through your entire inbox to delete them. You can also get viruses easily from emails, and it could come through a friend accidently. If your friend gets a virus because he did not know what he was clicking was a virus, then he has the virus and it automatically sends it to people on your account. So the person you got the virus from probably isn’t the original source of this, seeing as it could have gone through a hundred different people before it actually got to you. These viruses can hack your passwords to several websites, and possibly worse things such as a bank account number, or your conversations can be watched by them, or many other different things.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Effects of bullying

Today's blog topic asks me to write about bullying and how it affects the individual and society. Bullying can effect the individual not only at that specific time, but also there mind in the future. They could develop a hatred for other people, or a trust issue, or lacking in self-confidence. Bullying on society puts us in a more barbaric state than we already are. I've always wondered why nobody thinks it's weird when an adult commits some kind of act of violence, it doesn't really seem they wanna have a reason why. It's only when a kid does it that people wonder why they did it. When one of the most violent things kids are involved in are sports, which the U.S. and Canada are very concentrated on. Does it show people that physical strength is more important than intelligence or knowledge? It could be something as simple as the first race in kindergarden when the parent is yelling"get the white flag get the white flag!" then, "i got the blue flag" oh well thats ok, or the sports parents at football games are yelling"kill them kill them!"

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What i'm planning to do now that it's spring

Today’s blog topic requires me to write about what I am looking forward to doing with the arrival of spring. Spring is one of my favourite seasons because people are glad that the snow and the cold is finally going, and it’s the arrival of a warm fun time. During the spring I normally do all the things I couldn’t do during winter. Going swimming once it gets warm enough, going outside. I’m also glad that we won’t have to wear jackets anymore because of the cold, normally jackets i find juts get in the way if you’re doing something. I’m looking forward to going outside and actually being able to be content with the weather instead of it being too hot or cold, spring and autumn are good weather seasons because they’re just in between the two extremes of temperature. Spring is one of my favourite seasons I would say.

Monday, March 16, 2009

What to do in a crisis

Today’s blog topic requires me to write about what to do in a crisis. Well I would think the first thing to do would be stay calm, because you cannot do anything better when you are in a panic. The second thing to do is know the situation, and think of every assessment in the situation. Then you would have to plan out what you were going to do, if it was a crisis of danger to yourself, then you would have to think of the best safest way to get you out of that situation, if it was a crisis for someone else, such as a friend, or juts someone you happened to know of in any kind of danger, then you would have to think of their situation first, and find a way to help them. The most common mistake people make during a crisis is acting to quickly and not thinking about what they do.
I think sometimes we don't see at first which is the bad decision, and which is the good decision, and it also depends on from who's point of you your judging what is "bad" and what it "good".

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Commercial for toothpaste

Today’s blog topic asks out to write a commercial for toothpaste. Well I would start off my commercial with a narrator saying, “Don’t you find it’s weird that it seems like people with bad breath ALWAYS want to tell you secrets? Can’t they tell by the “kung fu” stance that you’re in that their breath is bad, and you juts end up saying, ”Hurry up with the secret and then we’ll go to the store and get you 9 packs of breath mints.” Then he would say,”Well you don’t have to worry about those awkward situations anymore, with our new spray able tooth paste, got a friend with bad breath? Just spray them in the mouth when they don’t expect it and you get results RIGHT away” “It’s for the whole family! So buy our new spray able toothpaste, in stores today.” While this is going on there will be re-runs from fresh prince of bel air to keep the audience entertained.r

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

IF our knees were bent the other way

Today’s blog topic asks how we would sit if our knees were bent the other way. I don’t think we would be able to sit if our knees were bent the other day at all. Unless there was a different kind of chair. It would have to be a kind of backwards chair, because fi we tried to sit in normal chairs with our knees the other way, our knees would be poiting upwards all the time, and that would most definetly get uncomfortable after a short while. The only way we could sit on a normal chair without our knees bending upwards is if we sat facing the back of the chair, which wouldn’t work cuz the rest of our body would not bend the other way. So I don’t think it would ever be good if somehow our knees started bending the other way, and we would have to replace all normal chairs with the new chairs meant for backwards bent knees.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My favorite bedtime story

Today’s blog asks me to write about our favourite bedtime story, if you don’t have a favourite one, then we can make up our own, and I’m going to make up my own. If I made a bedtime story it would be able how gnomes rule the world, and are the basic answer to life, yes garden gnomes. Boris the spider *who is actually a gnome* lives in gnomelandia, and he loves to dance around, and gnomes are at war with santa’s elves, because they’re both trying to be short and, little..and small..The gnomes havethe same theme song as the smurfs if you wanna listen to it, they have good relationships with the smurfs. The gnomes have every day adventures, and are very bad at driving. While they drive, little wheel chairs fly through the air, and the bodies of crippled orphans explode on impact, the gnomes cannot see well while they drive, so Boris the spider “leader of the gnomes” is trying to invent a machine so they can properly drive, to the toy store which they go to every Wednesday.

Monday, March 9, 2009

First Day Back; A New Beginning

Today’s blog topic asks me to write about first day back, a new beginning. Well I don’t consider the first day back from one week break much of a big deal, the only day I consider to be a real “first day back” is after summer, and ..maybe Christmas would be an exception...maybe...oh well I don’t know, I’m not a doctor. Normally the first day back is kind of like a clean slate, but we’re so far behind I don’t think we can make anymore clean slates, and most of us will probably be going to summer school. A new beginning normally gives you a feeling you’re going to do better this time, but you don’t really normally do better anyways, the only time I seem to have improved was at random moments. Hopefully after summer, it will be a new beginning, and I’ll actually be able to stay on top of my work.