Thursday, May 28, 2009

two finger pianist

Today's blog shows a video about a Korean pianist who stands around 1 meter tall, and only has 2 fingers. I was really shocked when I saw her hands and legs, and how she's still able to play piano like that. I think by her disability, and her desire to play, they complimented her to push further, unlike us who have nothing wrong with our learning abilities, and get bored because it's too easy, for her it was a challenge and that probably kept her going, so she could prove against the odds that were put against her. It was probably hard growing up for her, it's hard enough that a kid with glasses and a hat that looks kind of gay, is pushed around. It was probably really hard for her to start off, I wonder why she chose one of the instruments that require one of the fastest finger movements, maybe it challenged her who knows? I think we should look at this and consider how lucky we are, and maybe stop being so lazy in learning new things.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Song title

Today's blog shows a video of a girl singing a song which she has not named yet, and asks us to think of a title for the song. I think the song should be called naturally, everyone else will probably say the same thing, normally the song title is mentioned in the chorus, especially if it's sounded out by itself. She probably came up with the chorus while thinking for lyrics, on the spot sort of, she might have just been joking around and came up with this idea for the lyrics. Some of the best lyrics in songs, just come naturally as you write them, they just flow out of your mind, and into the form of words on paper. Sometimes people try hard to write poetry, or lyrics, or music. You should just have fun while doing it and speak your mind, for others to hear and interpret it in a way that can relate to themselves.

Friday, May 22, 2009

new kitchen appliances

I think my personal favorite out of the 9 of them, is probably the first one they showed, the "sook". A lot of the time I find myself hungry but with nothing to eat, there's normally ingredients to cook things with around, but I don't know how to cook many things, or what I can make with what foods. If I had the sook and if I was hungry and in this situation, I could just program the ingredients which I liked into the machine,and it would come up with a whole bunch of recipes and it would fix my problem. I also like the laundry basket which is also a washer, I have no idea how it would wash though, it looks like a very small basket, definitely smaller than most washing machines.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cat yodelling

Today's blog talks about "cat yodeling" where you slightly shake a cat as it meow's to created a yodel affect. I've already done this to cat's before, it's pretty funny. Cat yodeling could...change the world. Wars would end, hunger would be fixed in all countries, and more hats would be made. We could have a profession of cat yodeling, and competitions, and make loads of money off of it, and bring entertainment to the entire world. Cat yodeling should not only be kept in North America, it's joy and amazement should be brought to countries all over the world. Maybe if we cat yodeled for long enough, it would lead to finding the cure of cancer, cat yodeling can do many things not even possibly imaginably by the human mind, it's juts so much to comprehend if you tried, you're brain would probably explode from pure awesomeness.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Blog for wednesday

I think that if you just watch this video about this situation, you’ll agree with the Farnans, but instead of just watching the video from this website, I thought maybe I should read a little more about this first, and state my opinion. If a Christian teacher had said that evolution is an unproven atheistic mindset people would be up in arms. We should not discriminate between inappropriate absolutist comments on belief/non-belief in a public school class room regardless if they are made by an atheist teacher or a religious one. Just because you don’t like the opinion of the teacher, I really don’t think you should sue a teacher because you don’t like they’re opinions. Also Dr. Corbett’s classes have very high pass rate, with 80% of the American population stating themselves as, “Christian” I think he wasn’t the only one of them in his class, if he didn’t like what he was hearing, or felt like his teacher was disallowing him to learn, he could have just switched teachers or changed to a different course.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Suspension for dancing

Today's blog talks about a principal of a christian school who suspended his student for going to a prom, which was out of school time. I don't think the school should get involved with the personal life, school rules are for school, and school only. Also if he wanted to make a christian impact on the young boy I doubt suspending him for going to a dance will help at all, he probably got made at the principal and since the principal say's he's a christian, he might of developed a resentment to Christians all together. That's what we do, we stereotype, we take one person and say they're like every other one of them that have the same label. Now we can either look at this as wrong, as other people do not describe the personality of an individual, or we can say it's necessary to stereotype for their protection, because even though it's not true that EVERY of them is that way, the majority of them are.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Famous twitter followers

I wouldn't change my opinions on twitter if someone famous I admired was following, to me that's pretty pathetic that would have to pretend to be someone else to impress someone, it's juts saying that you're not good enough yourself. If you wanted to make an impression on someone, make your opinion strongly based on what you think, that's what would impress me at least, not worrying about what someone else thinks, even if they're could be consequences for your statements. If you can't impress someone then who cares really, all that matters is your being yourself, we have enough people juts following a crowd anyway, we don't need any more.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

We generally look at the negative things leaders do, but not only leaders, but basically the world. The media chooses to show the negative parts of the world in order to keep people afraid. When they show Arabians, they normally will show some kind of crazy Arab screaming ”ALA”, when they’re are in fact A LOT of normal Arab’s who act just like the rest of the world. If people were only hearing about how good the world was doing, “oh john today got a promotion in his job, a small dog saved a cat from danger, and the Jefferson’s are now back on TV” people would get bored extremely fast and stop watching the news, but if people are afraid they’ll keep consuming to make sure they’re “safe” when the chaos of paranoia itself is probably causing more damage to the public than the actual threat. Some people express appreciation, but the majority of people prefer to put the blame on someone else, it's easier that way. I don't think there's anything we can do to change this, because we would have to change people's minds.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Today's blog talks about art. My perspective of art is anything that is a personal expression of the artist, that leaves an impression on the world around you. If nobody knows about the personal expression, than it's simply just a personal expression, it becomes art once it is recognized by people. I believe art helps you to express yourself, when you can't find the words to. It's generally easier to paint a painting, or write a song, or even write poetry in your spare time to really show what's going on in that head of yours, than to try to explain it to people in words. Sometimes people like to show they're true selves through art, seeing as you can't judge yourself, and it's up to the people who see the art to interpret it in they're own way. I like that with art it's not just one thing, it can relate to anyone because it's left up to interpretation of the mind.

Friday, May 8, 2009


Today's blog asks me to talk about a picture in which a boy was playing a video game demo at a store, and his friend was letting him sit on his back. If his friend offered to do this, then he has a very good friend, that is willing to have a little self sacrifice for his friend. I think that the kid could of been standing though, but if he convinced his friend to let him sit on him, then he deserves to be able to. If I were his friend I wouldn't do that anytime, anywhere, for any reason. Maybe they took turns who knows? A lot of the wrong impression can be giving from only a part of something, you could take a speech that someone gives, and cut out all the good things he says, and only leave the bad things, or maybe this picture was just take at a bad time. So I don't think we should be too quick to judge it.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Today's blog shows a video of kids saying how they need they're mothers. I agree that children do need their parents. I have a pretty good feeling that they were told what to say though. I don't think a 9 year old is that concerned about how they will be as a teenager. I still think we need our parents though, they're one of the people shape us, like pastor Paul said, for every action there's a reaction, and it's how kids are shaped by parents. Not entirely parents actions are what shape their kids though, but they do play a big role in what they're children grow up as.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wednesday blog

Today's blog shows a video of a teenage girl, who doesn't want God to give up on her. Looks like she was reaching out for something, and came upon Christianity. Even though she doesn't look christian, or be the typical stereotype, she does seem like a christian on the inside. This video didn't really have much of an effect on me, I see this situation so many times, we judge people and then later on say how we shouldn't judge them, because we need to show god's love, it just seems like the rules are constantly changing, but I can understand how that would work. If this girl has found her happiness with God, then good for her, but I find it's kind of like the media today, but in a way to opposite. The media wants to show all the bad things to keep people interested, and in Christianity it all seems like field's of butterflies until you really get into it. Everything has it's ups and downs in life though, everyone has they're own choice of what keeps them going.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Today's blog shows a video on gambling. I don't think gambling is wrong as long as you have the ability to control yourself, I don't see gambling as wasting money, more than buying a chocolate bar, or a soda that you don't really need. I also noticed how the other man was being a hypocrite and gambling at bingo when his wife, he was probably so concerned on gambling with his friends, that he didn't notice he was doing the same with his wife. Maybe he was lying to him though, and just didn't want to go gambling with his friends because he didn't trust them, and he later admitted it.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Monday blog

Today's blog shows a video of miss California and how she stood up for her beliefs on national TV. I think that no matter what her opinion is, it is her opinion and she is entitled to believe in whatever she wants to. People say how Christians are judgmental and people should be able to think whatever they want, but as soon as this girl who is christian shares her own opinion, she's considered a horrible person for it. I don't think as many people as you would think hated her for it though, a good majority of the crowd was cheering after she made her statement, I'm pretty sure the perez hilton guy was gay to start with, so he was probably the main one offended by it. I don't think that her opinion should have changed any of the results, but I don't think that that was officially something that affected her not getting first was it?

Friday, May 1, 2009

Thing I expected least in my life

I don't really have anything so far that I didn't expect, so far my life has just been average. I guess I didn't really expect to be into music that much. When I was younger I was actually more into video games and whatever, maybe that's normal who knows. I always wanted to play an instrument though, from piano, to drums, now guitar. I might eventually learn another one, I would like to get a lot better at guitar first though, I'm trying to concentrate on mainly that for now. I guess I didn't expect how I was gonna be. We should have a lot of things we don't expect though, if we saw everything coming in life, and they were no more surprises, that would be pointless, and life would be really boring. SO hopefully my life get's more interesting as I get older.