Tuesday, October 7, 2008

When things go wrong

Many different things can go wrong in different ways. You can either try to do one thing, and it might end up being something completely different, or you might just be minding your own business, and something suddenly happens. You can try to prevent things from going wrong, but you can never fully prevent them, it’s jsut a fact of life, things happen. If bad things wouldn’t happen good things wouldn’t be significant, this applies for more than jts one situation. Good things cannot exist without bad things, the both of them are the element of their existance, they only exist to be opposites of eachother, if one of them did not exist, such as if they were never any bad people, they’re wouldn’t be any good people either, they would just be..people. Most things in life are like this in my percpective, I also find most things you don’t understand, because if we knew everything about life,then it would be pretty pointless, because you cannot know everything, you might think you know everything, but that’s just you caught in your little word, because everything is different for everybody.I enjoy “thinking outside the box” like this. This is my journal for today.


Sinead Roy said...

An interesting perspective

Michael Paul said...

It sounds like you have been influenced by some questionable sources. We actually do not believe in the ying yang philosophy.

You are close to being a good communicator. Keep up the good work.