Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Importance of Voting

It is important to vote, because when you vote you are choosing what kidn of place you want to live in. If you don’t vote, then you may end up not liking the laws around where you live. Some people do not mind having a few laws that they do not like, but some people are irritated by one bad law, and they move to another place. People who don’t care what happens to the area they and others live in, are just considered lazy, which they are. Places were you can vote are usually nearby, walking distance, so there’s no reason you shouldn’t go.
People have many different perspectives in voting, some vote because they like the person who is running for president, or whatever position. Some people vote for conservative, and some people vote for liberal, but each person has the right to vote for both. A lot of people vote for the one big change in each side, like for example, against abortion for conservatives. Teen’s are not able to vote yet, but I heard they should be able to vote by next year. They are also coming up with online voting now, which seems kind of lazy, but maybe some people just don’t have the time to physically go somewhere to vote.

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