Friday, October 24, 2008

What it would be liek to be Pastor Paul for a day.

I don’t really know what it would be like to be Pastor Paul, because I don’t know that much about him. It would be a lot of working since he’s a principal, and has many kids, and is also a pastor of a church. I guess I would have to manage time a lot too, when to leave to get to school on time, when breaks are, when to change periods. Thinking of blogs to write everyday is probably hard. Another hard thing to do is manage the drama for the students. After school when nobody knows, he’s actually James Bond, he works for the government. When he’s bored he goes skydiving, because he like the way the winds feels on his face...He tells everyone he’s from Nova Scotia, but he is actually from Australia, he WAS the stingray that killed Steve Erwin, he didn’t like when he used the word “Crikey!”, and the fact that he was all like yelling at the tv “CMONN!!! Let’s go on an advenchaa!” because he always took him seriously, he was like throwing his pants on “ HOLD ONNN!!! Where are my keys??? I gotta pick this guy up!....WHICH LAGOON ARE YOU IN???” A very interesting life.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

What I would do if I could do anything

There are a lot of things I would do if I could do anything. Who doesn’t have a huge list of things they would do? I would get an Alexi signature ESP guitar, which is around 1200 now, so that would be nice. I would go bungee jumping, scuba diving, go on a tour around the world, try every countries different cuisine. Go to the United States, or at least Japan. I would try every sport there was, because I enjoy doing things that are risky. I would find a way to get all the education you get in high school, college, and university etc...In just 5 minutes. I also would want a way to listen to music, and talk on the phone, without having to use a phone or mp3 player, maybe signals would be sent into the air, and only you could hear them, which I don’t think exists today.
Most of these things are possible, as long as you have patience and determination. It’s a good thing people need to work for the things they want; otherwise the planet would be full with even lazier people. Some people just do not have to money to do these things, which is sometimes not their fault, and at other times it is. People always chase what they want; it’s what makes them human.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What I Think About Rain

Rainy days are good for some people, and bad for others, that’s how everything is in life. Rainy days are good for people such as farmers, and some people just like the rain. Some people prefer a sunny day, they like to go out, and do outside activities. Then there is the people that like sunny days and rainy days, they can normally find something to do on both. People who kind find things to do during rainy days, are normally creative people. Rainy days are good for a lot of plants, and without rain the ocean would get smaller and smaller.
People who don’t appreciate even the rainy days, are not considerate, and they do not think of what could happen without rain. The earth would dehydrate, the ocean would eventually empty, and plants would die, leaving us without any oxygen. Rain is as just as important as sun shine, plants cannot grow without sunshine either. Some people walk in the rain, some people try to run out of the rain as quickly as they can because they don’t want to get their clothes wet, don’t want to ruin their hair, or do not want their makeup to get messed up.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Keeping your body healthy.

We all do many things to keep our bodies healthy, if we kept our bodies un-healthy for long enough, we could get sick, or worse. I normally try to eat fruit and other healthy things a few times a day, I also get excise by playing sports and other activities. You can do many more things to keep your body healthy, you can eat healthy food, you can get exercise, fresh air is always a good idea for good health, if you stay inside too much, the air gets stuffy and it gets hard to breath, not to mention it’s unhealthy for you. Doing drugs, smoking, and other things such as that, is obviously unhealthy for you, so not participating in them will keep you healthy. Fruits and natural foods are some of the most healthiest things for you, when people change those foods, or add ingredients, that is when it begins to become unhealthy, I do not think God created food to be unhealthy for mankind, if he meant for you to eat it, then it would be healthy. Things that are changed can also be healthy though, such as vitamins, and another surprising one for most people, is chocolate.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Importance of Voting

It is important to vote, because when you vote you are choosing what kidn of place you want to live in. If you don’t vote, then you may end up not liking the laws around where you live. Some people do not mind having a few laws that they do not like, but some people are irritated by one bad law, and they move to another place. People who don’t care what happens to the area they and others live in, are just considered lazy, which they are. Places were you can vote are usually nearby, walking distance, so there’s no reason you shouldn’t go.
People have many different perspectives in voting, some vote because they like the person who is running for president, or whatever position. Some people vote for conservative, and some people vote for liberal, but each person has the right to vote for both. A lot of people vote for the one big change in each side, like for example, against abortion for conservatives. Teen’s are not able to vote yet, but I heard they should be able to vote by next year. They are also coming up with online voting now, which seems kind of lazy, but maybe some people just don’t have the time to physically go somewhere to vote.

The importance of trust

Trust is important to a lot of things, some more than others. There are more than one form of trust, there is trust as in, ”I trust that he will not skip school.” Then there is trust as in believing that someone will keep they’re word. Both are important for anything to work properly. Without trust a country would not function, or any kind of community. The more trust there is in a community, the better. People are sometimes hard to trust, sometimes they are easy to trust in some areas, but not in others.
Establishing trust can be achieved in many ways. You can gain trust from experiencing something with someone, or you can gain someone’s trust, by simply doing what you say, for a long period of time. The best way to do this is to try to always keep your promises. Trust can also be lost a lot faster than it is gained, you must do a lot of things to gain trust, but it only takes one or two to lose it. Trust is something you need in a relationship especially, without trust the relationship would not last, but this applies for everything in life. bye

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ways to avoid sleeping in

There are many reasons why you sleep in, to find out ways to fix the problem, we must find out what the problem is first. Getting to sleep late is obviously one of them. Activities you did during that day also affect your sleep schedule. I am pretty sure that your diet also affects your sleep, if you eat a lot of sugary products, energy drinks, etc...Your body needs more time to sleep, since you have already used a lot of your energy. Not setting an alarm clock is also a reason you would sleep in, since most bodies do not wake up that early on their own.
Once you have the problems for sleeping in, then you can find ways to help it from happening. Getting you’re 8 hours of sleep will help you a lot. Setting an alarm clock, you must also change your alarm clock sound every now and then, or your mind will get used to the sound and not wake up, well at least that’s how it is for me. Eating right, in my perspective, will help you wake up easier without having to force yourself out of bed. So it’s not hard to prevent sleeping in, this to help it are very basic, most people should know how naturally.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Value of a long weekend

Long weekends can be helpful in many ways. It’s easier to catch up in your behind schoolwork when you are doing it during a long weekend. Long weekends give you opportunities to do things you can’t normally do, like go camping, normally 1 or 2 days isn’t enough time. You can also spend a lot of extra time with your friends. Long weekends also are relaxing if you have been doing a lot of work lately, just a time to sleep in, catch up on your other social activities. Long weekends normally vary from 3 to 5 days. In my school, long weekends are either 3 or 4 days. People usually look forward to long weekends during the school year, because it’s pretty rare, normally weekends are just 2 days. Some people are normally busy during the weekends as it is, so having an extra long weekend, can give them time to actually spend some time doing what they want. Some people think long weekends are boring, because they have nothing to do, and going to school normally is fun to them because they get to spend time with friends, but mainly just at lunch and during breaks and recess.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Value of Grandparents

The value of grandparents is pretty significant. Without grandparents you obviously would not be alive. Grandparents can help you with many things. If you need answers, you can always ask them, since they know a lot with they’re age and experience. It’s also interesting to know about your roots. If they come from different countries it’s interesting to find out about where you are from. Grandparents can also teach you things you didn’t know, and you might want to know about how things used to be, instead of how they are today. The past can be pretty interesting at times. They also seem to have a lot of interest in your life, and it’s easy to communicate with them.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

When things go wrong

Many different things can go wrong in different ways. You can either try to do one thing, and it might end up being something completely different, or you might just be minding your own business, and something suddenly happens. You can try to prevent things from going wrong, but you can never fully prevent them, it’s jsut a fact of life, things happen. If bad things wouldn’t happen good things wouldn’t be significant, this applies for more than jts one situation. Good things cannot exist without bad things, the both of them are the element of their existance, they only exist to be opposites of eachother, if one of them did not exist, such as if they were never any bad people, they’re wouldn’t be any good people either, they would just be..people. Most things in life are like this in my percpective, I also find most things you don’t understand, because if we knew everything about life,then it would be pretty pointless, because you cannot know everything, you might think you know everything, but that’s just you caught in your little word, because everything is different for everybody.I enjoy “thinking outside the box” like this. This is my journal for today.

Friday, October 3, 2008


Music is a pretty interesting subject. Music is a big part of my life and ambye eventually my career. The lesson's are pretty hard actually. The lessons at first are easy, but it eventually gets harder. The lessons get harder but when you know what your doing it's also alot more fun.
I have been taking lessons for over 2 years now, so I'm pretty used to going every week. We also have music PACES in school now. The music PACES teach me a lot about how instruments used to be, and different variates of style. We have assignments each week too, but they're not too hard. There is only three music students in the school right now, me, Brandon, and Noah.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


I think pizza day is a pretty good idea. I think it needs to be a little more cooked though. It makes money for the school, and most students buy the pizza. The pieces are also pretty big, so that's a good deal. I think pizza day is a good idea overall for the school and the students.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I did not do much today considering I stayed home. I woke up pretty late, ate breakfast. I worked on my math, english, science, and NTS today. I did all of my NTS PACE exept for the checkups. What else, my friend called me at lunch, if that's someone I can put in my journal. I ate chicken...for was...good. I practiced a lot of guitar today also, I have things I have to learn by next saturday, which is my guitar lessons. I was babysitting my brother most of the day too.