Monday, September 29, 2008


Today seemed like a really short day. I did my Etymology Self-test, I pressed enter by accident and the self-test almost closed, so my self-test was scored manually. I got 100% on the self-test, so that means I am able to do the test tomorrow, which I am. We had to send our history assignments in today. SEnding the assignments was a little complicated by eventually got them all sent in.
We also had POP today. We chose our 8 jobs to research. I thought that we were only researching one job, but PP said 8. I chose a little a jobs in the art/entertainment category. We had to put entries in our POP log during class also. I thought we only had to start doing the POP log entries today, but apparently we were supposed to start a while ago.


Sinead Roy said...

Hm - sounds liek there were a few confusing issues today. Maybe an earlier betime would clarify the mind?

Sinead Roy said...

You also need to change your timestamp - unless you spent
the day in BC!

Michael Paul said...

Stephen, you are going to continue to struggle if you do not start remembering what is said in class. I sugges to carry a note pad so you can write the details down. This way you can refer back to it when you get confused. There are no excuses.