Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Today was another long-ish day. I was still sick from yesterday, just a cold and a headache. I did my first POP class today. I did my history class online too, this time dim-dim worked on my computer. I chose the colleges Vanier and Lasalle College for my POP assignments.

It was raining pretty much all day. It was really cold in the morning, so almost everyone was wearing sweaters today. It took me a while to choose my first two colleges to study, because out of 4 people we had to choose 2 different ones each. I started working on my New TEstament Survey today also. Hopefully tomorrow it isn't raining.
./ s ss

1 comment:

Michael Paul said...

Hey Stephen,

Black letters on black back ground make it pretty hard to read. I managed though. Glad you pick your Colleges. I am looking forward to hearing the report.