Friday, September 12, 2008


kjlkjlkjlkjjlkjToday was a short-ish day. I didn't get to leave early because I take music, because we don't do that anymore, we have to do music appreciation and theory. We went outside a lot as usual. WE had history on our own today instead of with dimdim. It was cloudy for most of the day but ater it started raining. We made up a new basketball game, we'll some of us
We got our merit sheetts a while ago, I haven't filed anything out yet, but aparently we're getting paid next week. We had devotions online as usual. I did my spark assignment today. My first comment wasn't good enough, but I made another and that one was good.


Michael Paul said...

I have not checked your goal card yet but other than that it appears that it was a very good week for you Stephen. Well done.

Sinead Roy said...

Seems like a good start to the year. I will send you a form to complete by the 1st and 2oth of each month so you can claim your allowance