Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Today seemed shorter than usual. I got to school on time. I did my NTS test today. PP said I got an 80% but there was a mistake, and I actually got an 84%. I also did my Etymology SElf-TEst today. I did not get 100% on the spelling words. Since I didn't get 100% I have to redo it. Before redoing the self-test I hae to write out the 3 words I got wrong 10 times each. I asked if I could write it on Word, but PP said I had to do it on paper because he said it would be too easy to just cut and paste.


Sinead Roy said...

Too bad it's a short week - unless you ask if you can both ST and Test tomorrow

Michael Paul said...

You are doing well with the facts. Now, it would be good if you ventured forth with some opinions on thos facts.