Friday, September 19, 2008


Today was a short day. I got to school on time, I commented this morning on the devotions. I commented about how God used a flood to wipe out the earth when he could of ended it just like "that". Mabye he wanted to see if Noah was gonna be faithful to him. I then did my spark assigment then commented on that. There is a website that lets you see how any site was up to 17-18 years ago?
I did my Etymology Self-test. In the afternoon I did my test, I got a 96%. This year the tests are easier because you only have to do the words. It's the same for the SElf-tests too. My computer wasn't connecting to the internet, so I had to bring it to mr. desjardins, he fixed it but the wireless still doesn't work.


Sinead Roy said...

I think we may have to reformat your computer - we can save the stuff that is important and start it all over again. It's a bit of a nuisance, but better to do it now rather tan half way through the year. The guarantee is up and we still have to pay for it for another year so we need to keep it in top condition for as long as we can

Michael Paul said...

You appear to be staying on top of things this year Stephen. Keep it up and you will have your best year.