Thursday, September 18, 2008


Today was another pretty short day. We aren't allowed to use the school outside equipment anymoe because girls where getting hit with the balls. In history class we had a really easy assignment to do. I managed to finish my assignment before class was even over. We just had to get information from one website and answer a few questions. It was to teach people how to use a classification system.
I already knew how to use a classification system though, so it was really easy for me. We had french also this morning, it seemed a bit longer than usual. Like usual, we had to greet each other in french and shake hands. I was supposed to do my Etymology self test today but, the CD was missing. Tomorrow I'm gonna do my self-test in the morning instead, and just do the test after.


Sinead Roy said...

Don't forget to send me the form for your allownace. Oh, and you need to change your time settings - unless you actually did post your blog around lunch time. No wait, that's not possible - we had SS after lunch

Michael Paul said...

It seems you have the ability to see into the near future.