Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My favorite pet would be...

Today’s blog topic is about what my favorite pet would be. Well I would have to choose between several different animals. I like snakes because the fact that they’re reptiles, and I like the fact of them wrapping around your arm, I also like them because most people seem to be afraid of them. Some people like having dangerous animals as pets, like tigers, poisonous spiders, and snakes. I also would like to have a pet bird, maybe something like a parakeet, because they ride around on your shoulder and they can fly around, and will come back to you when you call them. I also think having a pet monkey would be awesome lol. A small monkey, because their like mini humans, I mean who would not like having a pet monkey, besides the fact that they’re lots of work and normally make a lot of mess wherever they go. I like other animals but I doubt it would work as pets, I like wolves because the fact that they’ve earned a symbol of the moon, and also snow areas. I like that they only kill to eat if they have to, they won’t attack you if not necessary.

1 comment:

Michael Paul said...

A most interesting entry.