Thursday, November 27, 2008

Romeo and Juliet

1. Who wrote it? William Shakespeare wrote the play "Romeo and Juliet"
2. When was it first performed and where? It was first performed in between 1594 and 1595, and the first performance of the play was at the playhouse called the Theatre where Shakespeare and his company the Lord Chamberlain's Men were based until 1597.
3. How many plays were written by the author? They're were 37 plays written by William Shakespeare in total, which are the following:
* King Henry IV Part 1 - play by William Shakespeare
* King Henry IV Part 2 - a Shakespearean play
* King Henry V - play by William Shakespeare
* King Henry VI Part 1 - play by William Shakespeare
* King Henry VI Part 2 - a Shakespearean play
* King Henry VI Part 3 - a Shakespearean play
* King Henry VIII - play by William Shakespeare
* King John - play by William Shakespeare
* Richard II - play by William Shakespeare
* Richard III - play by William Shakespeare
* Antony and Cleopatra - play by William Shakespeare
* Coriolanus - a Shakespearean play
* Hamlet - play by William Shakespeare
* Julius Caesar - play by William Shakespeare
* King Lear - play by William Shakespeare
* Macbeth - play by William Shakespeare
* Othello - play by William Shakespeare
* Romeo and Juliet - play by William Shakespeare
* Timon of Athens - a Shakespearean play
* Titus Andronicus - a Shakespearean play
* Alls Well That Ends Well - play by William Shakespeare
* As You Like It - play by William Shakespeare
* Comedy of Errors - play by William Shakespeare
* Cymbeline - a Shakespearean play
* Love's Labour's Lost - a Shakespearean play
* Measure for Measure - play by William Shakespeare
* Merchant of Venice - play by William Shakespeare
* Merry Wives of Windsor - play by William Shakespeare
* Midsummer Nights Dream - play by William Shakespeare
* Much Ado About Nothing - play by William Shakespeare
* Pericles, Prince of Tyre - a Shakespearean play
* Taming of the Shrew - play by William Shakespeare
* The Tempest - play by William Shakespeare
* Troilus and Cressida - a Shakespearean play
* Twelfth Night - play by William Shakespeare
* Two Gentlemen of Verona - a Shakespearean play
* Winter's Tale - a Shakespearean play

Now for my normal journal, Todays topic is about my opinion on classic theatre compared to today's modern theatre. I don't really pay a lot of attention to theatre as much as I should. The only difference I see is that classical theatre uses an old english, kind of like the King James version of the bible, and today people use more modern english, because it wouldn't get across to the people in todays world if they talk like that people wouldn't be able to relate it to themselves. This works for more than just english, such as today's problems, there were different problems back then, and there's different problems and issues today.

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