Friday, November 28, 2008

Did the performance change your opinion. Why or Why not?

Today's blog topic is about the Romeo and Juliet performance we saw today, and if it changed our opinion. Well the performance might have changed my opinion a little bit. One thing I found that was awkward was supposedly that had just met not long before they ended up killing themselves because they couldn't be with the other. I also found it was weird they were getting married at 14 was it? That's probably just the age people in that position got married back then. I thought that romeo and Juliet were older than that though, but then again I have never actually read the book or watched a play about it before or anything. Some times I could not understand what they were saying because they were speaking kind of fast with an older English, but I understood it for the most part. It was a pretty good play, but I prefer the last play I went to with the school, I found it more enjoyable.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Romeo and Juliet

1. Who wrote it? William Shakespeare wrote the play "Romeo and Juliet"
2. When was it first performed and where? It was first performed in between 1594 and 1595, and the first performance of the play was at the playhouse called the Theatre where Shakespeare and his company the Lord Chamberlain's Men were based until 1597.
3. How many plays were written by the author? They're were 37 plays written by William Shakespeare in total, which are the following:
* King Henry IV Part 1 - play by William Shakespeare
* King Henry IV Part 2 - a Shakespearean play
* King Henry V - play by William Shakespeare
* King Henry VI Part 1 - play by William Shakespeare
* King Henry VI Part 2 - a Shakespearean play
* King Henry VI Part 3 - a Shakespearean play
* King Henry VIII - play by William Shakespeare
* King John - play by William Shakespeare
* Richard II - play by William Shakespeare
* Richard III - play by William Shakespeare
* Antony and Cleopatra - play by William Shakespeare
* Coriolanus - a Shakespearean play
* Hamlet - play by William Shakespeare
* Julius Caesar - play by William Shakespeare
* King Lear - play by William Shakespeare
* Macbeth - play by William Shakespeare
* Othello - play by William Shakespeare
* Romeo and Juliet - play by William Shakespeare
* Timon of Athens - a Shakespearean play
* Titus Andronicus - a Shakespearean play
* Alls Well That Ends Well - play by William Shakespeare
* As You Like It - play by William Shakespeare
* Comedy of Errors - play by William Shakespeare
* Cymbeline - a Shakespearean play
* Love's Labour's Lost - a Shakespearean play
* Measure for Measure - play by William Shakespeare
* Merchant of Venice - play by William Shakespeare
* Merry Wives of Windsor - play by William Shakespeare
* Midsummer Nights Dream - play by William Shakespeare
* Much Ado About Nothing - play by William Shakespeare
* Pericles, Prince of Tyre - a Shakespearean play
* Taming of the Shrew - play by William Shakespeare
* The Tempest - play by William Shakespeare
* Troilus and Cressida - a Shakespearean play
* Twelfth Night - play by William Shakespeare
* Two Gentlemen of Verona - a Shakespearean play
* Winter's Tale - a Shakespearean play

Now for my normal journal, Todays topic is about my opinion on classic theatre compared to today's modern theatre. I don't really pay a lot of attention to theatre as much as I should. The only difference I see is that classical theatre uses an old english, kind of like the King James version of the bible, and today people use more modern english, because it wouldn't get across to the people in todays world if they talk like that people wouldn't be able to relate it to themselves. This works for more than just english, such as today's problems, there were different problems back then, and there's different problems and issues today.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What I think about blogging so far this year

The blog today is about what I personally think about blogging so far this year. I think the blogging has gotten a bit harder than last year, at first it almost seemed impossible to write a 200 words journal every single day of the week, but after a while it got easy, and now it only takes me about five to ten minutes, it depends on the topic of the journal. Blogging has also got into a lot more detail this year also, there’s topics where it’s almost impossible to think of 200 words for it, then there’s the topics that are very easy, and you could easily go over 200, there’s also the topics that some people find uncomfortable, making it harder to write about it. There Is the blog topics which no one knows about, such as “what it would be like to be Pastor Paul for a day.” So we just use our imagination and make up our own perception of being Pastor Paul for a day. I think writing our blogs helps us to write opinions better, and to write out our thoughts more easily, which is very useful in today’s world I find. I know a lot of people that would have a hard time writing 200 words about a blog topic in other schools, but since we’ve been doing this for a while, it’s not a big deal for us.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Two Teen Frustrations

Today's blog is about two teen frustrations. I find, for me, one of the most frustrating things is not knowing what you want to do as your older, and everyone is telling you this is the time that you have to act to be whatever later on. Starting to work on what you want to be now is hard when your not sure what you want to be yet. It's also try to understand that as much as it may annoy you, you do not know all that much as a teenager, and even understanding that is pretty hard to admit. It's hard to understand how you do not understand, when it is like you're practically walking in fog. As you get older you gain knowledge and things becoming more and more clearer, but I don't think you can ever know EVERYTHING about life. Only God can know all of lifes secrets, some people may discover things no one else knew about, but they'll never know anything, life is not long enough to learn everything.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What I would do with a million dollars.

Today’s journal is about what I would do with a million dollars. I would do many things with a million dollars, who can spend a million dollars all on one thing? I would want to go scuba diving, sky diving, bungee jumping, mountain climbing, pushing the body as far as it can go kind of things. I would want to visit every continent if I could, I find different cultures and how people do things interesting. Since I am already in North America, I would want to visit the United States, and stay there for a while. I would want to get an esp. guitar, which is in my opinion the best kind you can get. As girlie as this sounds I would also get a lot of clothes; yeah, that sounded pretty girlish. I would also get the best computer there was available today, because I spend a lot of my time during the week on my computer. With a million dollars I would also invest some of it to help people who are in need, if I had it around this time, maybe donate some of it for Christmas gifts for kids who can’t normally get any. I wouldn’t spend all my money though, I would try to use that money, invest it in a way, to make more money.

Monday, November 17, 2008

My favorite lunch is...

The blog topic for today is about what my favorite lunch is. MY favorite food would have to be tacos, or burritos, pretty much any Mexican food. Mexican food has always been my favorite, especially spicy Mexican foods. I also like eating fast foods, like hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza, French fries, but who doesn’t. I like to drink some form of soda with my meal also, or water, I like both of them. Fresh pieces of fruit with whip cream and chocolate dip sounds good right about now. I like eating lunches that make you completely full, so you can do a lot of things the rest of the day, it gives you energy you would not have without the food you eat. I try not to make my meals completely junk food, I normally try to balance out the healthy and the unhealthy.
I seem to notice that a lot of people just don’t bother with lunch sometimes, which includes me. If I don’t eat my lunch, it is normally because I feel like if I eat that certain food I’m going to get sick, other times I’m simply juts not hungry. I think a variety of food each day is important, to prevent getting sick of the food your eating, and deciding to just not eat it.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Two of my weaknesses

We all have different weaknesses, with which we suffer with. My worst two weaknesses is probably my in-decisiveness, and having a "split-personality" I think one thing, then later it's completely different. Some of these problems people never get rid of, because they simply cannot, it is part of who they are. My problem with being two people at once, stops me from doing my work, and even getting along with certain people. There is a good side to it though, I see the side of something from many different views, I do not simply just think "this" is "that", I think that everything is different for every person, so the only person you can really understand is yourself. Even my thoughts on all this, is just simply what I think, and may not be true in reality at all. Working on your weaknesses can be hard, because it’s part of who you are. You grew into that weakness, so it’s hard to grow out. People can be whatever they wanted to be, for example if a girl was raised with only guys, and raised as a guy, they would think, act, and react like guys. I don’t think people just have their thoughts, and feelings naturally.

Monday, November 3, 2008

What a new quarter means to me.

A new quarter to me means, probably the same thing as a lot of other people. Like PP said, a clean slate. I do find it to be a clean slate in a way, but if you did fall behind a lot, then it’s a time to break your bad habits, and do what you are supposed to do, but a little more so you can catch up. I think that new quarters come pretty quickly, when the quarter starts you think that it’s going to last a long time, but before you know it the quarter is finished and it’s time for the next one.
Doing the first quarter activities was fun. The bit strips was one of the funniest because we got the make comics that we designed our self, and were able to show others, probably our funniest assignments. I am not sure what we are replacing bit strips with for this quarter yet, but hopefully it is more fun assignments like that. We’re moving onto a new subject in history also, the emergence of a society in New France, instead of the First peoples studies. We’re also using the student assignment page this quarter, so we can find all our assignments there.