Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Today was a pretty long day. I started working on my history assignment today, we had to use bullet points in Word. At first I didn't know how to use bullet points, but I eventually found out how. We got forms to fill out today during POP, we had to fill them out instead of write a proposition. I didn't completely finish my form, but I'd say I'm mostly done.
We can't start our research on the job we're looking at until we finish the forms. I had my Etymology Test today. I got 3 out of 50 wrong, so I got a 94%, which is not that bad. We don't have school tomorrow, because it is a ped day. I got my new Etymology PACE today also. I only have 2 Etymology PACES left until I'm am completely done.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Today seemed like a really short day. I did my Etymology Self-test, I pressed enter by accident and the self-test almost closed, so my self-test was scored manually. I got 100% on the self-test, so that means I am able to do the test tomorrow, which I am. We had to send our history assignments in today. SEnding the assignments was a little complicated by eventually got them all sent in.
We also had POP today. We chose our 8 jobs to research. I thought that we were only researching one job, but PP said 8. I chose a little a jobs in the art/entertainment category. We had to put entries in our POP log during class also. I thought we only had to start doing the POP log entries today, but apparently we were supposed to start a while ago.


Both the stories read were on the same page, so here is the link: http://bullyinglte.wordpress.com/
I think that bullying goes along way from what you think, like if you throw a stone in a pond it doesn't look that big but the ripple gets bigger. What if you hit a bird when you threw it and killed it. The pink shirt bullying, think it was a nice idea for everyone to wear pink one day, but we don't really see those kind of things happening in schools today. The other story, "the decision of fear" I think that emotions drive us to do many things we don't want to, mabye even bullying, and you just get used to it and it doesn't seem so wrong. I hope that one day we can talk about things instead of keeping our thoughts inside and letting our emotions take over.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Today was a pretty short day. There was drama today, but there was no music. I got my opus card paper signed today. The first time I did it my mom stamped it im-properly. So PP made us redo it, and then he stmap it properly. I was a little late for school this morning, so I had to wait until after devotions to go in. I got my music assignment completed today. I also got my histoy assignemtn finished. The history history was fairly easy. Today is the packup day because tomorrow is a field trip and we won't be coming to school tomorrow. PP told us the teams for tomorrows fiel trips this afternoons.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Today seemed shorter than usual. I got to school on time. I did my NTS test today. PP said I got an 80% but there was a mistake, and I actually got an 84%. I also did my Etymology SElf-TEst today. I did not get 100% on the spelling words. Since I didn't get 100% I have to redo it. Before redoing the self-test I hae to write out the 3 words I got wrong 10 times each. I asked if I could write it on Word, but PP said I had to do it on paper because he said it would be too easy to just cut and paste.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Today was a good day. I got to school on time today, unlike yesterday where I was late. PastorPaul did a little comic thing before the devotions this morning :P. We had history class today, even though it wasn't that hard, our assignment was probably our hardest one so far this year. I finished my assignment during class though, so did jason, brandon, and kendall. I think kendall was the first person to finish.
We have a field trip this Friday, that should be interesting. French today seemed shorter than usual to me today, I have no idea why. I was having problems with my internet this morning, wireless and the wire were not working. After we checked to see if my wire was actually plugged into the internet, and it wasn't. We plugged it in and it started to work.

Monday, September 22, 2008


Today was a weird monday. I was late for school this morning. My first bus was 5 minutes early and I JUST missed it. The second bus was full so I had to wait for the next one. Believe it or not, but the 3rd bus was also full. When I finally got on a bus, it was a special bus for cavlier students, so I had to walk to the terminus from there. History class today was in our offices doing an assignment, but I thought it was a dimdim class. We did our project during class too. I was having problems saving my work, and ended up having to restart it all. We also got our POP surveys today. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Today was a short day. I got to school on time, I commented this morning on the devotions. I commented about how God used a flood to wipe out the earth when he could of ended it just like "that". Mabye he wanted to see if Noah was gonna be faithful to him. I then did my spark assigment then commented on that. There is a website that lets you see how any site was up to 17-18 years ago?
I did my Etymology Self-test. In the afternoon I did my test, I got a 96%. This year the tests are easier because you only have to do the words. It's the same for the SElf-tests too. My computer wasn't connecting to the internet, so I had to bring it to mr. desjardins, he fixed it but the wireless still doesn't work.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Today was another pretty short day. We aren't allowed to use the school outside equipment anymoe because girls where getting hit with the balls. In history class we had a really easy assignment to do. I managed to finish my assignment before class was even over. We just had to get information from one website and answer a few questions. It was to teach people how to use a classification system.
I already knew how to use a classification system though, so it was really easy for me. We had french also this morning, it seemed a bit longer than usual. Like usual, we had to greet each other in french and shake hands. I was supposed to do my Etymology self test today but, the CD was missing. Tomorrow I'm gonna do my self-test in the morning instead, and just do the test after.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Today seemed like a pretty short day. Pastor Paul did his devotions in the morning, but something was wrong with my sound and I couldn't hear him, I heard what he said for most of it though. We were told how to set our goals, and do our journals today, and other little things. I'm considering setting my goals up until the tests, it seems more convenient. I was surprised that most people were setting only one day at a time.
Pastor Paul also showed us a video that one of the students Jonathan had made. The video was pretty good, I wonder what program he used for special effects. In history class today, our assignment pages were gone over, the students who had finished were able to leave early. I am having trouble with adding pictures to my wiki page though. It was actually really cold out today I find.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Today was an average monday. WE had assembly in the morning. We got job offers sent to us. We also got the slips to sign out so we can get our student id's. We worked our our history today. We also worked on POP.
I finished my history assignment today. I also finished my POP assignment. On Wednesday we have to present our history assignments. I think I did pretty good on my assignment. I'm still sick as well, hopefully I'll be better soon.

Friday, September 12, 2008


kjlkjlkjlkjjlkjToday was a short-ish day. I didn't get to leave early because I take music, because we don't do that anymore, we have to do music appreciation and theory. We went outside a lot as usual. WE had history on our own today instead of with dimdim. It was cloudy for most of the day but ater it started raining. We made up a new basketball game, we'll some of us
We got our merit sheetts a while ago, I haven't filed anything out yet, but aparently we're getting paid next week. We had devotions online as usual. I did my spark assignment today. My first comment wasn't good enough, but I made another and that one was good.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Today was a normal day. I got to school on time like usual, but I took a different bus today. We had french again today. We had history today too, brandon didn't have earphones so I had to share with him. I worked a lot on my math too.
It was sunny out today, that was nice. My ankle was hurting today though, I don't know why. We did our devotions on blogger like most week days, I missed the assembly on Monday because I was sick, so I didn't have assembly this week. I'm still sick, hopefully I'll be better by tomorrow. I was also really hungry today for some reason.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Today was another long-ish day. I was still sick from yesterday, just a cold and a headache. I did my first POP class today. I did my history class online too, this time dim-dim worked on my computer. I chose the colleges Vanier and Lasalle College for my POP assignments.

It was raining pretty much all day. It was really cold in the morning, so almost everyone was wearing sweaters today. It took me a while to choose my first two colleges to study, because out of 4 people we had to choose 2 different ones each. I started working on my New TEstament Survey today also. Hopefully tomorrow it isn't raining.
./ s ss

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Today seemed like a pretty long day. We did our first social studies class today. My computer woudln't let me into the history class though, so I had to share computers with another student. I worked on all my subjects today also. I have a new music PACE, it's pretty interesting.
It was kind of like the first real day of school today. We used are goalcards too, I had around 25 pages to do today. I did most of my goals in school, so I have barely any homework. We went outside a lot today I find, but it was really hot out. It said we had french today on our schedules for secondary 3, but apparently that only starts next week.