Thursday, April 30, 2009

Reunion in 10-15 years

Today's blog topic asks what I think it would be like if the school had reunion in 10-15 years. Well I think some people would be completely different, while some people would be the same. Some of the people in the school don't really seem like the kind of people to change much, while others you can tell they will be different in 10-15 years. Reunions are also awkward if their unplanned, even if we arranged to meet up, it would still be pretty awkward with all the time, and differences in personalities. Maybe some people would get along, that did not get along in the past, who knows. We probably will end up meeting at one point, maybe everyone might not see each other, but possibly a few people will meet up. Some people will move on to other places, and will be too far to go to any reunions, some might stay around the Montreal area, who knows.


Today's devotions talks about problems, and how we don't deal with problems that aren't ours. I don't really get the point of the video though, why should I make it my problem? A problem has to belong to someone, unless its a group of people, that's why it's a problem, because it effects someone. I don't really like cleaning up other peoples messes, they have to learn on their own instead of doing whatever they want.People fix their problems for them, they just keep continuing what their doing.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine flu

Well there hasn't been any deaths in the U.S. from the swine flu yet, so I don't think it's that much of a very big deal. It is something to be aware of, but there are a lot of other dangers in society besides the swine flu, so they could possibly be using it to publish media. If you ever notice on the news they only talk about the travesties, when it's a very small percentage of the world. They don't want to talk about the good things that are happening because well, then people would not listen to the news. If you keep people scared, then they'll keep watching the news everyday to be aware. As long as you watch the news knowing this, then it's completely fine to watch the news. You shouldn't let the news get to you too much though, you might end up getting paranoid when there's no need.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Working on a deadline

Today's blog asks my opinion on working on a deadline that is the next day, which forces us to work on it right away. Well it depends how you look at it, I did get my assignment in on time, but I didn't really have time for anything else. I did get my assignment in on time though, so I would say it depends on the assignment, if it's a fairly short assignment, then I guess it could be due the next day. If it's an assignment like this weeks lab report, I think we should be given a little more than just 1 day. This weeks lab was pretty much completely confusing, and seeing how at least 85% of the class was confused about what he was talking about in the first place, I still don't completely understand what he was talking about during the class, I understand a bit of it though, so I'm not completely lost.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Today's blog asks me to comment on a video which shows how people in Christianity think they always have to be in a holy state of some sort, instead of just being themselves. I agree that things would be a lot easier if people had a personal relationship with god, and would feel a lot closer. I think people juts think they have to act holy, because they probably think who they are is not good enough, and need to become a holy-like figure. Maybe people think this because in the bible it's hard to find the personalities of the people, as most of them just seem like holy, serving the lord at all time, figures. Who knows what the people that wrote the bible were like though, they could have been juts like average people today, but you just can't tell through literature, and if you can tell, you would have to really try to find it.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Freedom of speech

Today's blog topic talks about freedom of speech, I'm guessing it's relating to the twitter. Freedom of speech can be good or bad, and it also depends on the concept on what your saying, If it's bad for the individual then no I don't think it is, because you should be able to say what you want, especially when people ask you to. If people are worried about someone saying things that might make the other listeners think, and possibly change something, then yes it could be bad, one person can affect many people easily. Not everyone gets they're mind changed by other peoples opinions though, and I believe this is how it should be, the world is made up of many different individuals with individual opinions. Some peoples thought and ideas might not be for the best of the majority, but that's just how it is. I think freedom of speech is just letting out what you wanna say on the inside, so it's just deciding to let it out instead of keeping it in, doesn't make much of a difference to me.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Red balloon

Today’s blog asks me to comment on a video about people fighting over what color a balloon was. I think that the truth was that it was red yes, no matter what the other people said, if they wished to choose it as something else then that was there choice, but the majority of people would say it’s red, which makes it what it is. I think the video was trying to talk about how people turn Christianity into their own version which works best for them. I think it has a good point, if we want to be a Christian we should stick to the rules of it, or otherwise don’t pretend to be Christian at all because then you’re just lying to yourself. What would have happened though, if one of those other people painted the balloon blue, or green, would it still be red?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Winter arrives
Most birds fly to the south
Others cannot

Broken bird’s wing
Winter comes, birds shall flee
Poor little thing

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Today's blog topic asks about "risk". Risk is something we take everyday in everyday normal situations. Risk involves doing something with a chance of having misfortune, or loosing something. Sometimes when we have no choice, we have to take risks. The best thing you can do is just choose the side with the biggest percentage, going by your gut instinct on decisions could lead to you being right, but you would only be lucky, if you think about it, it's just more obvious to choose the higher percentage of two decisions. There is always a risk no matter how safe you make it though, you can make a situation with a 99.9% chance of success, but there is always that .1% chance of failure, because nothing is perfect, everything has fault. Sometimes risk is easy to take, because your so convinced you won't encounter your own misfortune, that you almost completely forget about the risk at all. Sometimes your worried about the risk so much, that it's all you think about. Whichever of these happens to you, doesn't effect the result. Unless it requires some kind of participation, then having a calmer state of mine would put you in a better situation.


Tired of swimming
The fish longs for more than this
Desires his wings

Mouse craves more than cheese
Snake now caught in the mouse trap
Snake becomes the prey

Sheep in wolves clothing
Will you dare to feel the wool?
Dare to see beneath?

Should we fear beasts?
When man is more corrupt
More than un-pure

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The place of poetry in our lives

Today's journal wants me to write about the place of poetry in our lives. I think most people normally have a small thought of poetry every now and then, it might not get written down on paper, but we normally put some form of poetry into our heads. Lyrics in songs are poetry changed around to fit with the rest of the instruments. Painting is only poetry in the form of visual art, poetry, music, drawing, painting, are all arts. Not all people like to be artistic though, some prefer the logical, step-by-step routine. Some things you need an artistic mind to complete, and others you need a logical mind. I learned that if your more of an artistic imaginative person, you use the right side of your brain, as for logical, step-by-step, is the left side of your brain. So we all have a right side and a left side to our brain right? So we all have our own forms of poetry, even though it's not also expressed.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Haiku Journal

Toda’s blog requires me to make a journal about the haiku that was given. To understand this kind of poetry you would have to be in an artistic state of mind in order to interpret it in your own way. The Haiku was “what scent has the rose, when chains are heavy on your neck, what weight has the thorn” I could probably interpret this in several ways. One could be, the beauty of life, being the scent of the rose, is it corrupted or changed in any way from the weight of problems, or stress? About the what weight is the thorn, I see that as there are two parts to a rose, the good part which would be the petals, and the bad parts would be the thorns, and how much do the thorns effect your perspective of the rose in its whole. These types of haiku could be interpreted in many ways, it’s up to the reader to do it for themselves, it’s the kind of poem to really make you think, it’s the complication of it that makes you concentrate on it and how it could relate to you.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Journal Game

Today's blog wants me to talk about a game they put on the groove. The game is a bunch of blanl squares in a grid, and when you click one of the squares it lights up and makes a sound, and also sounds out a vibration in the form of a white solar wave. The more squares you light up the more to a song it adds. I wasn't sure what it was at first because I wasn't using the sound of the computer, but I used it after. I have no idea how it relates to trigonometry though.


Today’s blog topic asks if I think responsibility is a choice or not. I think responsibility is always a choice, one cannot just be automatically responsible, you would have to make the choice to put aside what you want, and make what’s best for everyone as your main priority. I think it would be pretty stupid if someone was just automatically responsible, everyone has moments where they do what they want to, and it’s those moments that make you realise what’s responsible and what isn’t responsible. Responsibility sometimes come through hard change, or maybe you’re grown into it from childhood. Even if you were trained all your life to be responsible though, you’ll always have a desire to be irresponsible inside, this isn’t anything very complicated, just the desire to have what we don’t already have. So my basic answer is yes, responsibility is always a choice.

missed thursday's blog

Today’s blog topic asks what the relationship is between the five little piggy’s from the children’s story. I don’t really think this children’s story tale should be taken very seriously to start with..But it could mean the opposites of people. The little piggy that went to the market, could be the hard working one, who was willing to do the work, and the little piggy that stayed home could represent the more lazy one that couldn’t do much but sit around. The little piggy that had roast beef could represent greed, seeing as he had the roast beef and the other little piggy had none. It could also show that the little piggy got roast beef, because that was the piggy that went to the store, and the little piggy that got none, was the one that was too lazy to do the work and just stayed home. As for the last piggy...well piggy’s make “wee wee wee wee” noises I suppose.

missed friday's journal

Today’s blog topic asks for us to comment on the video that was sent to us during school. In the video the girl decides to let jesus make the decisions for her in her life, but find’s out that giving up her life is a lot harder than just saying it. A lot of the time we make decisions to do things, and then immediately after we forget about it, and continue doing whatever we were doing. This is because we have to be fully motivated in our mind before we make a permanent decision, we cannot choose to do something without fully wanting to do it in our minds, or else what we really want will take over.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

If languages got confused today

Today's blog topic asks what I think would happen if God confused people's languages today, as he did long ago. I think the world would probably not expect it and be confused. The world would probably be in chaos for a while, but just as we did back then, people would be able to create new languages, and learn each other’s languages through practice. English is a good example as this, seeing as it is a combination of several different languages.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The frog and the prince

Today’s blog topic talks about what I think about the real difference between the prince and the frog is a matter of the heart. I think it can be expressed in a couple ways. The first could be, a person may be a “prince” or a “frog” all depending on the individuals point of view, you can be a prince to yourself while a frog to others, or you could be known as a prince to others and a frog to yourself, also the same could be said for you and other people having a same opinion on whether you could be recognized as a frog or a prince. Frog’s are often looked at as princes in some people’s eyes, and the same for the opposite. It’s funny how even children’s stories look at the world’s stereotyping, frog’s and princes, the goats and the sheep, liberal or conservative, or many others. I think that even though the “prince” is often looked at as the hero in these stories, the prince would not be who he is, without having the frog to look down on, to show what the prince is not, which ultimately defines what he is, by what he is not.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Should money make the world go round?

Today's blog topic asks me to think about the phrase"Money makes the world go round" Well I think today, because of cars, and people buying food grown and made by other people, and basically any services that don't require you any work, but the work of others, for money, that we do need money to make the world go round, or at least today's world. People today wouldn't know how to survive on their own without the help of others, most people cannot hunt for food, or be bothered to walk instead of drive. It wouldn't have to be money, but something to trade for other people's work. Since money is one of the most valued things in the world today, maybe the most valued. Currency has been around for a very long time, so the longer we were able to buy other peoples work instead of doing it for ourselves, the further away we got from being independent without currency.