Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Blackmail-David Letterman

Blackmail-is it really an effective way to get what you want? Is it worth the price of the pain in can cause to others, and the trouble you can get yourself into? People use other peoples fear to their advantage. Some people are so afraid of other people knowing there "darkest" secrets that they're willing to do anything to keep those secrets from being shared.

There are different views of blackmailing, what’s going on inside the mind of the person black mailing, and what's going on inside the mind of the person being blackmailed. Most of us have been blackmailed at least once in our life, and most of us have at least thought about blackmailing someone, maybe you were in a place of anger and were just acting impulsively. When we see a case of blackmail, we always try to see what has the blackmailer done wrong so that he can be punished, and how greatly is the blackmail victim being affected?

Normally if you've ever thought of blackmailing someone, you were probably being impulsive and were maybe scared, nervous, maybe you were in a deep place of need and couldn't think of any other way to get what you need. You know yourself that you have dark secrets which you don't want anyone else to know, and you use this to point it in the direction of other people's dark secrets, because you know how much it can scare them. Whether you think you're doing something wrong or not, you know it's not natural to manipulate someone in that way, in order to get something from them.

Being the victim of blackmail can be frightening. You have two choices during these situations, you can either meet the blackmailers demands which usually cost you something you don't want to give away, or you can deny their demands and "face the music" when they decide to tell everyone what they threatened you with. Of course there are the cases when the court gets involved and the blackmail victim is saved and there's nothing to worry about. Those situations we rarely experience in real life however, most of the time we're blackmailed with small things that are too small to make a court case about it thus leaving it between the two people to work out.

In the end it comes up to how much you value the secrecy of those "dark things" you don't want anyone to know, are you willing to let people find out in order to stand your ground? Will you be pushed around because of the fear of being found out for what you really are? We all make different decisions, but it' normal to feel afraid about it no matter what decision you choose.


Sinead Roy said...

This is well thought out, but as we have spoken, you need to review before you publish. there are several places where you use a comma (,) in the place of a semi-colon (;) whihc tends to add some confusion to the writing. This one thing can bring your marks down a full grade. Talk to me and i will show you where.

Michael Paul said...

I find your writing very loose, as if you are going in too many directions. You need to make your paragraphs tighter by focusing on your topic sentence. Ask yourself, what do I want to say here?

There are several grammar mistakes. Please read through a few time before hitting "publish".