Friday, February 15, 2008


Today was a short day because yet again, I got to leave at 1:45. I actually had to stay until 2:00 today because I hda to write my journal before I went home. I did my Etymology test today and I got 94% on it. I am now at PACE 1100 in Etymology so I don't have a big amount of PACES left to do until I am done my Etymology course. I got a book from the library for my bookreport called "Heaven's Wager".

English pages 20-38 skipping pages 27-28 because they are a checkup, Study Biology, Go over Math, Study New Testament Survey, Read some on my book for my bookreport.

1 comment:

Michael Paul said...

I hope you are making good use of your early dismissal. Good job on the Word Building.