Thursday, October 28, 2010

The outside reflects the inside

At times we say things we don't truely mean, most of the time we just get emotionally unstable for a small period of time and say things we later on regret. Although this is not always the case. How we are internally is often reflected externally on the actions we take and the words we say. It's difficult to completely hide who you are on the inside without expressing it on the outside. Most of the time we express it subconciously and sometimes never notice it at all. If we want to deal with what's happening on the outside we have to look at the inside.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's our responsibility

As humans of a common race, we have to endure whatever problems we might face as a group and not individuals. We cannot simply blame how we are on somebody else's actions, we have to work together as a community to avoid these types of situations, isn't that what society is supposed to be? If we always went around blaming others for everything, no one would ever get credited for anything good they do, and all people would see is fear and hate. So it's time for us to stop complaining and do something about it.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Source

It's not only important to look at the source for external problems in order to deal with them. It's also important to look at the source of our own actions in order to avoid pushing away problems we might be hiding from ourselves. How we appear on the outside is not always how we are internally, without dealing with the root of the problem, it can grow and grow, eventually consuming us. So before you move on with your life think to yourself, is there a reason I'm doing this, am I hiding something from myself?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


It is never God's plan for us to have unnecessary burdens on our hearts. He stresses the concept of forgiving and forgetting so much, how can we linger on things that are of the past. God is not interested in what was already been forgiven, all he wants us to concentrate on is the here and now. We might wake up one day and everything might be totally different. Do we really want to spend the last of our days sulking instead of doing God's work?

Friday, October 15, 2010

Who is Affecting Who

There are several reasons why we are not fully completing God's mission a we are supposed to. First of all being the minority in the world, it is often difficult not to be affected by the world's trends seeing as they are all around our surroundings. Second we do a lot of talking about spreading His love and showing people the truth, but how often does it actually happen, not enough in my opinion. Thirdly a lot of Christians have a desire to spread the Word, but do not thoroughly study it. Most of us think we know how God works because of what we learn in Sunday school, but really we have to read the Word for ourselves and study it.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What's Your Excuse

It's widely known that anything worth having comes from hard work. It works the same way with God, he would not make our jobs easy only to sit back and relax while we're here on earth, then relax even more in heaven. He wants us to do the mission he gave to us here for now, it's mentioned many times that the road would not be easy, but that we shall be rewarded in the end for what we have done. If God wanted to make it easy for us, he would have shown himself to the world in order to make them believe he existed, instead of requiring faith.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Our Importance

If we are to stay aware of our importance to God's plan then we must continually remind ourselves. It is easy to get distracted from our goals and end up forgetting who we are and what we are capable of. There are those that will try to harm your plan's and you must ignore these people because what they say or do will not change anything in God's eyes. There isn't a single person who God does not have a plan for, each of us are uniquely designed for our individual purposes, and that will never change regardless of what anyone else might say.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

On and Off Switch

Every person in a place of responsibility is accountable to every single decision they make. Unlike the common person, those in a place of maturity and leadership, such as Christians being servants of Christ, are constantly being observed by the community in order to see what kind of decisions they make, and how they make them. We cannot be a people of teaching if we refuse to follow the rules that we have said to be true. You can't be a servant sometimes but not others, it's either all the time or none of the time.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Christians are often seen as odd or different, but if they were seen as normal then what difference would they make in the world. In order for change to happen, something new has to come in, if we try to clean something with dirty water it will never be cleansed. In the same way Christians will not be able to do God's work and spread his purity throughout the world if they are part of the world. Being different isn't always the bad side of the situation.