Friday, February 18, 2011


I don't agree that we shouldn't prepare for the future. I feel like that kind of thinking is a little bit paranoid. I don't see the purpose in not planning for tomorrow, even if there is a chance it won't be there. Planning and not being able to fulfill those plans have no consequence, but not planning and then tomorrow comes and you find out you aren't as prepared as you should be does have consequences. In my opinion it just doesn't make sense to me.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


I always think that things will go better in your life if you take situations and cause positive outcomes, rather than sit in your own sorrow; drowning in the world. I don't think negative reactions to any situation is helpful, I think it's an impulse we have a hard time ignoring as human beings. However, I'm positive that we can control ourselves if we are determined enough, there's no reason for us to be pessimist's, there are plenty of things to be happy about. Even in death we can still make good decisions for what we leave behind.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Free Will

IF we did not have free will's, then it would be pointless for God to have created us. We would have simply been slaves to one fate, and that's not anything someone would want to accomplish. When you give a person the ability to make their own choices, then you are allowing them to reveal their true nature. Otherwise the decisions people make are of others, rather than doing what they believe to be right.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Judas in Us

If we do not have a cornerstone of reference, our lives are easily changed by events and circumstances that bring forth that change. Without a model in which to shape ourselves, we change according to external factors that cause us to compromise who we are. When you have something to look back at when lost, it gives you a clear vision of what you should be, then even if you feel as if you are changing, you can always look back at and see the truth. Once we have a model for our lives, it's important not to let it slip away or we might lose who we want to be.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Being prepared

If we don't prepare for tasks before they happen, we will find ourselves struggling with consequences. Preparing does not take a large amount of time or energy, just the discipline to think about the situation, and predict possible problems that may arise. As a people it's our responsibility to prepare for future events, if we wish for the best. That's why the most successful people in there are generally where they are because of successful planning in their careers.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Be Prepared

I think being prepared is one of the most important things we should be doing in an advanced society. Particularly when thinking in terms of competition. Whichever person prepares more for a battle will have a much better chance in winning. It's the same situation for any aspect of our lives, the more we prepare for a certain occasion the more the results will go according to our wishes. Being prepared requires a sort of "foresight", so that you can predict problems that might arise at a later time.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Surving the End Times

When thinking about the end times it helps to remember that anything that happens on the earth is only temporary and is nothing when compared to eternal life. Just like a dramatic experience we might go through as teenagers, then when we grow up and look back on that experience, and just laugh. Things always seem worse in the present, but when we reflect upon it in the future, we realize the truth of the situation. This is how we should think when nearing the end times.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Our Selfishness

Our selfishness is often a difficult obstacle to overcome in our lives. We might not have the intention of being selfish, but we do things in which we try to implement our own modifications into the plans of others. It's our nature to trust ourselves more than other people, because we can be 100% certain of our own intentions, but our trust in others is often unstable. It can be an annoyance in different aspects of our lives, even though it is just a defense mechanism, we have to learn to put our trust in others.