Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Things that take work

Relationships like many other things take constant work and maintenance. Forming a relationship with someone is never supposed to be an easy task that only takes weeks. It can take years to properly form a relationships, fake ones can be made in short time but they do not last. Anything that has worth in life takes a lot of hard work to attain, including relationships.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Since none of us are ever perfect, forgiveness is a must otherwise how would we function properly? Unforgiveness is what starts wars, causes hurt, and spreads lies. The more time someone spends holding onto something a person has done to them, the more it begins to taint their hearts. If we spend too much time thinking on how others have hurt us or how we will get revenge, we'll become cynical and how can anyone enjoy life in that state. Learn to forgive and you'll have much more harmony in your life.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Forgiveness is a necessary part of everyone's life. Without forgiveness we would never give others the opportunity to learn, and benefit from learning. It's much more difficult to advance when those we hurt have not forgiven us, especially when they have a desire for revenge. Every person you know in this life will most likely at least let you down once, and if we never forgave we would live short and fragile relationships without meaning.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Being a leader is often the most difficult position in a group. They have the responsibility for the entire group, if anything happens in the group it affects the leader. Although nearly impossible to help ever single person under their leadership, they must continue to try. It's a difficult position and most people don't have what it takes to fulfill the role properly. It takes a certain character and determination which most people lack.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


If we ignore sin and treat it as only a minor issue, it gradually begins to grow into our hearts and as time goes on it begins to become normal. When it grows natural to our minds is when we really have to start worrying, how is somebody supposed to know they are about to be hit by a train when they cannot see or hear it coming? In today's society is much easier to treat sin as normal, because to the world it is normal. To the world trying to deal with sin is a waste of time because in their eyes it is the business of no one else as long as they respect the laws of society.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Our Lines of Sight

It's difficult for us because of our human nature to always properly see God's plans for our lives. We often find ourselves confused on what to do in troublesome situations because we simply refuse to listen to the voice we place at the back of our minds. However if we ask God what he wants us to do in order to fulfill his plans we need not worry why he asks us or what the effect will be. Things can be so much simpler than we are making them.