Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Let's Start Doing Things Right"

I think that when God said that people as servants to him on the earth, it would not be difficult but would give us strength to overcome all, it relates to Pastor Paul's example if being in a position of authority but being able to rely on God's decisions in order to make sure things go as planned. Barely anything of value ever comes easy, but even though it can be difficult it is never God's plan to make us go through it by ourselves.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Too many "If"s

I think people shouldn't have to use the word "if" when they are referring to something they believe in. If is a word is uncertainty, and using it signifies that you are completely sure about whatever the topic is. If you are going to trust someone, then trust them, it shouldn't be a half trust because they just don't work out. You either fully trust God, or you don't trust him, there is no gray area in between.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"Extraordinary Living"

It does not take a world change event in order to have an extraordinary life. People seem to think that they have to create such huge impacts on the world in order to live as someone who was valued in history. Doing the simplest tasks like helping your neighbor cut their lawn, can change their day completely and they might end up making better decisions. Some would call it the butterfly effect, how one simple thing you do, can end up drastically changing everything as we know it. I think all that should matter to us is that we helped someone in their day, and got positive results, because that is something rare to come across these days.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"Are You Wrapping the New Gift in Old Wrapping Paper?"

I think bringing in new things to our lives is important to do regularly. We have adapt in the right way though. If we try to bring in something new and expecting things to be done in the same way as the old, we'll be unprepared and it will be more difficult to change. In the same way we put new wine into new wineskin, we have to expect things to be done differently when we bring in the new.

Friday, September 10, 2010

"I've got the power"

Most of us usually do have the strength within us to do great things but we don't normally realize it. The way we look at situations is we see ourselves to be a lot smaller than we really are. I think it might be because most of us just think that if we try it won't work, so no one ever ends up doing anything. Even if you try and fail, you can learn from the experience and see where your mistake was, but not trying never works.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

"Let's Do It"

Knowledge on how to do something is useless unless we apply it in our lives. For example, I hear about a lot of people studying many subjects on college but never end up going into that subject. I suppose they could have taken the course simply because they enjoy learning about the subject, but I don't see why you would just leave it at what you learned without further exploring it. Most of the time I think it's our laziness that is the problem, we just aren't willing to put the work into using the knowledge we've gained. However, we have to learn to force ourselves to apply that knowledge in our lives if we want to live how we are supposed to.

Friday, September 3, 2010

"Misjudging our Father"

People often make stupid decisions when they are offered satisfaction right away but pay the price later. I think that's why often people go to their friends or family when they need help because they think they will get the help they want right away instead of having to wait for a prayer to be answered. In the end though you might get the sympathy that you wanted but rarely do you get any actual help that benefits your life. Taking the short and easy road is rarely ever rewarding. In the end you're back where you started; facing the decision of which road to take.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

"Love God and Love People"

Being a friend to a sinner while avoiding entering sin with them can be a challenging thing at times, but most things that aren't easy are not worth it to begin with. Just like youth you can't blame people for not knowing right from wrong, just like it wouldn't be right to punish your pet without it knowing what it did wrong. Something as simple as being a friend to someone without leaving can affect their lives enough for them to listen to what you have to say, you trust someone you have known for a long time more than you trust a stranger.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


If we have an opportunity to help people out when they cannot help themselves then it would be selfish not to. People who have the ability to help others shouldn't avoid their calling and hide away just because they don't feel like it. We're all in this together and if we want to live the way we should then we all have to play our part in life. It takes action for change to occur.