Monday, April 28, 2008


Today seemed like a pretty short day. I was on school at time. The weather was pretty good this morning, but it started to rain at lunch. It's supposed to a while until it stops raining, aren't we all looking forward to that. I sent the invitations for my Biology Wiki today, there was a problem with my Wiki but I fixed it. There was no overtime today because PP had to go somewhere and Mrs. VB wasn't here.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Today was an ok day. I got to school on time, actually I was a bit early. I was having problems with my outlook this morning but Mrs. VB explained things. There was only one break today, and at 1-3 there was overtime, which is a pretty long overtime. Today was also a casual day, I think the students are voting that we should have casual day every week instead of every 2 weeks.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Today was another average day. I worked on my Biology Wiki and I'm nearly done, I'll be finishing it up tonight. We had gym and had to walk there. I have to finish my essay and my lines tonight or they will be doubled tomorrow. It was pretty warm outside today which was good, but I had overtime during lunch so I wasn't able to spend lunch outside.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Today was a pretty long day, I got to school on time as usual. We had another history class today, and we have another assignment to do. We spent lunch outside because it was 18 degrees out. It's getting a lot warmer out so we'll probably be spending a lot more lunches outside. We also got our field trip consent and release forms today for our parents to sign.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Today was an average day. I got to school on time, and when I got there people were going inside from waiting in line. I worked on my Biology Wiki again today, and I handed in my History Assignment. Since I handed in my History Assignment I was able to leave at 12:30. It's really getting warm outside too, I was sw.eating when I got to school. I also finally got my fourth quarter goal card and calendar.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Today was a really short day because I was only here for one period. My little brother was sick this morning so I had to watch him until around 12. Then I got to school at around 1:00 and had to install skype on my computer again because another account on the computer was made. We had gym in the afternoon and we're walking. Like I said, today was a really short day.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Today was a pretty long day. I got to school on time and we had assembly. There was a play at 12, and it went pretty well. I worked a lot on my Biology today. I had overtime again today because I have overdue PACES. It was an average day.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Today was a pretty long day. I was on time for school, read the devotions on blogger. It was also pizza day today, and there was like cheese in the crust or something like that. I did my New Testament Survey Test and I got an 88%. I had overtime today, and I plan to hand in my Etymology during overtime. I also found my mp3 which went missing on Tuesday.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Today was a short day. We finished at 12:30 today because there was no research class in the afternoon. I handed in my New Testament Survey, so I'm gonna do my test tomorrow. It was pretty warm outside. Before school we waited outside instead of inside because of all the snow being gone and it being warm out.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Today seemed kind of long, I'm still not completely feeling better, but I'm feeling better than yesterday. We had gym again today, most of us actually wanted to walk to gym today. We didn't have to bring extra shoes because there is no more snow outside.

Friday, April 4, 2008


Today also went by pretty fast. I went home at 1:45 as usual, because I take music. I did my Math test today, I don't know what the results are yet, but I think I did good. It started snowing again today, right after it was finally gone. I found it was kind of cold outside too. There was merit store today but I didn't get anything. I got my computer back today and it's working better than before, so that's good.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Today went by pretty fast. It was the first day back at school, there was alot of scoring and corrections done today. School finished at 12:30 today because there was no research period in the afternoon.I was on time for school today, but it was hard because it's the first day back in 2 weeks.