Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Today was a short day. I was at school on time even though there was problems on the bus. There was supposed to be 19 PACES handed in today but they didn't all get handed in. It's not the end of the day yet because we still have overtime though so we'll see what happens. I was supposed to do volunteering today but since I have 3 PACES to hand in I'm not going to do volunteering this time. It was also casual day today, and it's pizza day tomorrow.

Monday, March 17, 2008


Today was a pretty long day. I got to schoo on-time so I wasn't late. We didn't have assembly this morning because PP wasn't here. I didn't do devotions either because it never got published. We had a socialstudies class through dimdim, which was pretty confusing. I didn't hand in anything today but I'm planning to hand in my English and my New Testament Survey tomorrow.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Today was an ok day. I was pretty tired but I don't know why because I slept pretty well last night...The weather seems to be getting a bitt better but not much of a big difference. I did my ETymology 100 Test today and I got 100%. I cannot get my new Etymology PACE until I finish my overdue PACES. There was no overtime today since it was packup.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Today was a pretty long day. There was supposed to be volunteering, but it was posponed until next Wednesday. I was also supposed to hand in my Etymology today but the Etymology cd isn't at school so I have to do it first thing tomorrow morning. I had overtime again today so I only go to go home at 4:00 instead of 3:00.

Friday, March 7, 2008


Today was a half day. I did my lines last night so I didn't have to do them this morning. I did my french today. There was only 3 periods so I did not get much work done. I got driven to school. So yeah, there wasn't anything special about today.

Thursday, March 6, 2008


Today was a kind of short day. I had to finish my lines during school time, so I wasn't allowed in the learning center until I was done, that took about 2 hours. It was kind of hard to get the devotions and prepare for social studies class, because there my school wiki's were blocked on my computer for some reason. I was supposed to do french today but I didn't get a chance since I was doing my lines. I also had a lot of scoring to do in my PACES.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Today was just another day. I did my Math test. I found out that I passed my Math test with a 84%, not the best mark but at least I passed. I worked a lot on my Biology Wiki today because I had to work on it during overtime because it is overdue. We had gym at 3 until 4 today. I also forgot my English and Etymology at my house accidently, that's another reason I worked on my Biology Wiki so much.

Monday, March 3, 2008